NHS Crisis

Not really sure why the Government accepts the NHS in its current form. It could be quite simple; everyone pays for medical insurance which is delivered by the NHS. Medical insurance is either paid for by individuals or the government dependant on circumstance. Everyone pays a set fee to see a doctor or recieve a prescription. Severely ill or disabled people are helped out by the government. Nobody who is not covered get free treatment or prescriptions - simples. This is what they have been doing in France and Germany for years and their healthcare system seems to work very well.

I'm confused what we are actually trying to achieve? Do we want a functional health system or not, because it is unworkable in its current form and destined for failure.
I'm confused what we are actually trying to achieve? Do we want a functional health system or not, because it is unworkable in its current form and destined for failure.
The govt wants to break up the NHS and make it more like America.

Already the most profitable (and easiest to run) parts are in the hands of private companies creaming off the profits.
This cherry picking of the profitable easy parts out of public NHS hands makes it impossible for a Trust to cover the costs of all the other hard to do, non profitable areas - hence (along with PFI) the funding crisis.

The issue of queues of ambulances, stretchers on corridors and 7+ hr waits to get seen at A&E are nothing to do with People abusing the system (it's an issue but one that always been there). Ie can't get GP appt, goto A&E you'll be seen by minors dept and exit hospital. The Health sec Jeremy chunt did this himself...
The issue is to do with lack of available beds ongoing into the hospital, which have been cutback, and even that wouldn't be an issue if the Social care for after hospital stays was working. E.g. A recent hospital had 1/5 of all beds occupied by patients ready for discharge but no social care plan - so couldn't leave hospital.

Once the funnel of people going through the system gets jammed on backs up, and its backing up from the end point. A&E get the blame, despite working wonders, and now the govt has attacked GP's as the cause - complete bollox - it's the decimation of central and local govt social care.
The govt wants to break up the NHS and make it more like America.

Already the most profitable (and easiest to run) parts are in the hands of private companies creaming off the profits.
This cherry picking of the profitable easy parts out of public NHS hands makes it impossible for a Trust to cover the costs of all the other hard to do, non profitable areas - hence (along with PFI) the funding crisis.

The issue of queues of ambulances, stretchers on corridors and 7+ hr waits to get seen at A&E are nothing to do with People abusing the system (it's an issue but one that always been there). Ie can't get GP appt, goto A&E you'll be seen by minors dept and exit hospital. The Health sec Jeremy chunt did this himself...
The issue is to do with lack of available beds ongoing into the hospital, which have been cutback, and even that wouldn't be an issue if the Social care for after hospital stays was working. E.g. A recent hospital had 1/5 of all beds occupied by patients ready for discharge but no social care plan - so couldn't leave hospital.

Once the funnel of people going through the system gets jammed on backs up, and its backing up from the end point. A&E get the blame, despite working wonders, and now the govt has attacked GP's as the cause - complete bollox - it's the decimation of central and local govt social care.

Spot on.

We are on a planned journey to private medical care with huge insurance premiums and in the mean time, the government will use the tried and tested tactic of blame to hide their real intentions.
Spot on.

We are on a planned journey to private medical care with huge insurance premiums and in the mean time, the government will use the tried and tested tactic of blame to hide their real intentions.

Absolute rubbish.

The reason the government doesn't spend EVEN more on the NHS (emphasis on EVEN, since they are constantly given it MORE money) is very, very simple: Conservatives do not want to raise taxes and also they don't want to borrow more money when the level of public debt is already so high and increasing.

Given those two facts, there is no more money around. Get it? No more money. It's all accounted for already. Any extra money for the NHS would have to come from schools, the police, public sector workers, the armed forces, etc. Which of these do you think has too much money? Serious question.
Absolute rubbish.

The reason the government doesn't spend EVEN more on the NHS (emphasis on EVEN, since they are constantly given it MORE money) is very, very simple: Conservatives do not want to raise taxes and also they don't want to borrow more money when the level of public debt is already so high and increasing.

Given those two facts, there is no more money around. Get it? No more money. It's all accounted for already. Any extra money for the NHS would have to come from schools, the police, public sector workers, the armed forces, etc. Which of these do you think has too much money? Serious question.

How about they enforce their own taxation rules and plough the tens of £Billions avoided every year by those more than able to actually afford to pay and use that?

Hunt is currently running around, pointing the finger at a different group on an almost daily basis as he desperately tries to lay the blame at anyone other than his own door and its laughable.

Far too much money is wasted on bureaucracy, level after level of needless management, much of it incompetent and over paid and finally, in privatising the NHS by the back door.
Absolute rubbish.

The reason the government doesn't spend EVEN more on the NHS (emphasis on EVEN, since they are constantly given it MORE money) is very, very simple: Conservatives do not want to raise taxes and also they don't want to borrow more money when the level of public debt is already so high and increasing.

Given those two facts, there is no more money around. Get it? No more money. It's all accounted for already. Any extra money for the NHS would have to come from schools, the police, public sector workers, the armed forces, etc. Which of these do you think has too much money? Serious question.

We have the money, that is badly invested by a shower of shite government, we could fix and fund the NHS if there was political will, and there isn't
There absolutely is a problem with GPs. The amount of people turning up at A&E because they can't get a GP appointment is shocking. However, GP surgeries are full as well. Maybe we've got a generation of people who just can't help themselves? A&E isn't full of the elderly, so it's not just that we're all living longer. A&E should employ a doctor to triage at the door and start turning non deserving cases away, oh, and something needs doing about the fuckers turning up in ambulances who then just get sent to the waiting game room - or even sent home.
It's how they get privatisation through, underfund the NHS resulting in the system failing. This results in public outrage and the privatisation argument becomes relevant.

There are big savings to be made regarding management and waste, we need to enforce taxation with the big corporations and get a fucking grip on the country.

What really baffles me is why some people seem to think the politicians actually give a fuck, the vast majority are out for them selves and their paymasters. I have no doubt there are some honest ones with good intentions but they are very few and far between.

Just compare the attendance figures in Parliment when they are debating MP wage rises compared to social issues.

Honestly, if our priority was healthcare and education then it could be resolved by fucking off Trident and dealing with tax avoidance.

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