Niall Quinn - Goal and Penalty Save 1991

Ray Kennedy, not Fairclough scored at Maine Road
As always!..Dalglish also scored tons against us.. we were soo soft v them at home.. 1:3 / 1:4 was common place.. my dad loved watching them v us as he always picked out aspects of their play to help me and my brothers learn a bit more. Despite the batterings..happy days. Always went Main Stand v them so we could / he could analyse better.
I might be in a minority here, but I don't get the antipathy towards Quinn.

The snide punditry thing never really sat with me. I think what might be more true is that he didn't gush about us like some thought he might/should.

Great servant for us, seems like a really good person and great commentary on the Aguero goal (he is genuinely so excited and happy he can barely speak - listen again, his heart rate must be over 180 bpm like the rest of us that day).

No Niall Quinn comes across as one of the really good guys in football. Was brilliant for us for 5 years, from his first game to his last. As a teenager, around that time, it was pretty exciting to watch World Cups and watch one of your heroes from your club playing.

I have to say those from spending quite a few days watching City train on the old Platt Lane, I never found Quincy particularly friendly in comparison to say Andy Dibble who always seemed to have time for the fans who went watching training.

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