Nick Griffin on Question Time..

rickmcfc said:
Manci7y you are odd, maybe if i break it down it will help you

1) Are you sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen in your own country?
Damn right i am, im sick of the fact that if i hang an england flag out of MY OWN WINDOW i will be asked to take it down as i may offend some one from another counrty, Tough shit, this counrty that we are in is England and if i wish to fly the national flag, tough shit if i offend someone who isnt English

2) Are you angered by rising crime, corruption, immigration and media lies? Dont even know where to begin with this one. Crime is rising year on year, forget what the "latest police figues" actually say. These figures dont include lots of things and also many people dont even report crime anymore. Immigration, we are bloody full, if i need to go to a dentist i have to wait for weeks as there are no appointments, this is a service im paying for, yet when i walk in it is full of people who arent from this counrty and on benefits, hence paying no tax or national insurance to pay for the priviledge that i pay for.

3) Have you had enough of being called a ‘racist’ because you are proud to be British?
Like i said in point 1, fly the english or british flag, your classed as "racist" because other nationalities within this once great country dont like the fact that we are patriotic and wish to fly the flag. We cant have "christmas plays" within schools because it may offend children that are not british and dont worship christianity. the religion of britain in CHRISTIANITY so if you dont like the fact that within schools there will be christmas plays for the children, TOUGH, LEAVE!

4)Have you had enough of watching foreigners come here and take our jobs and housing?
Peolpe who have paid into the system for years and then lose there job and need housing from the government cant get one as they are full of IMIGRANTS who have just stepped out of the back of a lorry at Dover. What is that all about?

5)Are you disgusted that the super-rich banks have been bailed out but unemployed people and pensioners get hardly anything?
There are pensioners within this country that cant afford to have the heating on in winter as the fuel prices are to high.Some of these people fought in the world wars so we can have freedom today and this government cant even keep them warm in winter, yet they will bail out bankers and politiocians for 2nd homes and lavish lifestyles

You really are thick!
dannybcity said:
Nreddishblue said:
Take a look at Sky News or BBC News 24. Bunch of anti-British leftists. Rent a mob Red wannabes. For some reason the Police have been very light handed with them. As they are for Anjem Choudrays organisation <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I asked him.

I asked him if we will win the league this year.Hope he gets back to me !!
without a dream said:
rickmcfc said:
Manci7y you are odd, maybe if i break it down it will help you

1) Are you sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen in your own country?
Damn right i am, im sick of the fact that if i hang an england flag out of MY OWN WINDOW i will be asked to take it down as i may offend some one from another counrty, Tough shit, this counrty that we are in is England and if i wish to fly the national flag, tough shit if i offend someone who isnt English

2) Are you angered by rising crime, corruption, immigration and media lies? Dont even know where to begin with this one. Crime is rising year on year, forget what the "latest police figues" actually say. These figures dont include lots of things and also many people dont even report crime anymore. Immigration, we are bloody full, if i need to go to a dentist i have to wait for weeks as there are no appointments, this is a service im paying for, yet when i walk in it is full of people who arent from this counrty and on benefits, hence paying no tax or national insurance to pay for the priviledge that i pay for.

3) Have you had enough of being called a ‘racist’ because you are proud to be British?
Like i said in point 1, fly the english or british flag, your classed as "racist" because other nationalities within this once great country dont like the fact that we are patriotic and wish to fly the flag. We cant have "christmas plays" within schools because it may offend children that are not british and dont worship christianity. the religion of britain in CHRISTIANITY so if you dont like the fact that within schools there will be christmas plays for the children, TOUGH, LEAVE!

4)Have you had enough of watching foreigners come here and take our jobs and housing?
Peolpe who have paid into the system for years and then lose there job and need housing from the government cant get one as they are full of IMIGRANTS who have just stepped out of the back of a lorry at Dover. What is that all about?

5)Are you disgusted that the super-rich banks have been bailed out but unemployed people and pensioners get hardly anything?
There are pensioners within this country that cant afford to have the heating on in winter as the fuel prices are to high.Some of these people fought in the world wars so we can have freedom today and this government cant even keep them warm in winter, yet they will bail out bankers and politiocians for 2nd homes and lavish lifestyles

Cool, so what are the BNP going to do about it?
i cant answer that, we will have to wait and see, but out of all the parties, there outline seems the bestt for me
rickmcfc said:
Manci7y you are odd, maybe if i break it down it will help you

1) Are you sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen in your own country?
Damn right i am, im sick of the fact that if i hang an england flag out of MY OWN WINDOW i will be asked to take it down as i may offend some one from another counrty, Tough shit, this counrty that we are in is England and if i wish to fly the national flag, tough shit if i offend someone who isnt English

That's simply not true and you know it. I've done it plenty of times when I was a kid and nobody has ever had a problem with it.

rickmcfc said:
2) Are you angered by rising crime, corruption, immigration and media lies? Dont even know where to begin with this one. Crime is rising year on year, forget what the "latest police figues" actually say. These figures dont include lots of things and also many people dont even report crime anymore. Immigration, we are bloody full, if i need to go to a dentist i have to wait for weeks as there are no appointments, this is a service im paying for, yet when i walk in it is full of people who arent from this counrty and on benefits, hence paying no tax or national insurance to pay for the priviledge that i pay for.

I suggest you change you dentist because it's sounds like you go to one in France. My dentist on the other hand is in Old Trafford and although I don't spend all my time in there I don't think I've seen an ethnic minority (except of the course the actual NHS dentist himself).

rickmcfc said:
3) Have you had enough of being called a ‘racist’ because you are proud to be British?
Like i said in point 1, fly the english or british flag, your classed as "racist" because other nationalities within this once great country dont like the fact that we are patriotic and wish to fly the flag. We cant have "christmas plays" within schools because it may offend children that are not british and dont worship christianity. the religion of britain in CHRISTIANITY so if you dont like the fact that within schools there will be christmas plays for the children, TOUGH, LEAVE!

Typical media bollocks, next you'll be talking about Winterval and EU bananas.

rickmcfc said:
4)Have you had enough of watching foreigners come here and take our jobs and housing?
Peolpe who have paid into the system for years and then lose there job and need housing from the government cant get one as they are full of IMIGRANTS who have just stepped out of the back of a lorry at Dover. What is that all about?

If they've just stepped off a lorry then they'll be illegally in the country therefore they'll recieve nothing in the way of benefits, in fact if anything they'll just be t the mercy of the gangs, hence the deaths of the cockle pickers.

rickmcfc said:
5)Are you disgusted that the super-rich banks have been bailed out but unemployed people and pensioners get hardly anything?
There are pensioners within this country that cant afford to have the heating on in winter as the fuel prices are to high.Some of these people fought in the world wars so we can have freedom today and this government cant even keep them warm in winter, yet they will bail out bankers and politiocians for 2nd homes and lavish lifestyles

You check out the facts and figures for the attendance and voting records of BNP councillers and come back and tell me if the BNP politicians would be in anyway different from your usual MP.
rickmcfc said:
without a dream said:
Cool, so what are the BNP going to do about it?
i cant answer that, we will have to wait and see, but out of all the parties, there outline seems the bestt for me
So if the BNP come into power can i ask where will we be buying our oil from,pretty sure most countries will be happy to do business with a fascist regime!
terry-benchod said:
rickmcfc said:
i cant answer that, we will have to wait and see, but out of all the parties, there outline seems the bestt for me
So if the BNP come into power can i ask where will we be buying our oil from,pretty sure most countries will be happy to do business with a fascist regime!

We don't need oil, apparently we're going into isolation with no foreign trading, British oil for British people!
rickmcfc said:
Manci7y you are odd, maybe if i break it down it will help you

1) Are you sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen in your own country?

I dont think I do.

2) Are you angered by rising crime, corruption, immigration and media lies?

Do you really think that rising crime & corruption is soley down to non=white members of the UK

3) Have you had enough of being called a ‘racist’ because you are proud to be British?

I have never been called a racist for being proud to be british. In fact, I know lots of non-whites that are proud to be british.

4)Have you had enough of watching foreigners come here and take our jobs and housing?

Hasnt happened. If it did it would mean that they were more qualified to do the job than me. It would be my fault not theirs!!!!

5)Are you disgusted that the super-rich banks have been bailed out but unemployed people and pensioners get hardly anything?
There are pensioners within this country that cant afford to have the heating on in winter as the fuel prices are to high.Some of these people fought in the world wars so we can have freedom today and this government cant even keep them warm in winter, yet they will bail out bankers and politiocians for 2nd homes and lavish lifestyles

Griffin has stated that those who served during the war LIED about jews being gassed. Shows how much respect he has for them!!!

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