Nick Griffin on Question Time..

quote="nijinsky's fetlocks"]

There are not streets and streets just for ethnic minorities as you put it.The reason there are areas of our northen towns that are purely Asian or Black is down to something called "white flight" thats down to racist,ignorant white people doing a runner rather then live next to someone who has different colour skin!![/quote]

Sorry I didnt mean to offend. Please dont get me wrong. It's just that I have never heard of this. In Scotland you live beside your neighbour regardless or race colour or creed.
Are you saying this "white Fight" is mainly English? & Supporting my previous ENP comment?

I actually dont get the problem, why dont people just carry on & Ignore what the BNP say there voice obviously wont get any louder now with voters. Anyway, ultimatley, Labour are in charge!!

Also If Nick is ever in need of blood or a life saving operation. Just make sure it is an Asian doctor, that shoudlnt be a problem!
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Loved the way he OWNED Jack Straw and embarrassed him by saying his father fought the Nazis in the RAF whilst Jack Straws father was in prison for avoiding signing up.

really? i thought he came across as a silly little schoolboy in a "my dad's better than your dad way."
pinkwheeltrim said:
RPDB said:
I dont wish to appear Ignorant but IMO & my experience it is mainly an English thing.

Scotland hasnt got area's like Brixton for example which is prodominantly Black. In Manchester where there are streets & streets just for ethnic minorities. There is nothing like that in Scotland. We are less muliti cultural up here. Not racist either though. But being proud of where we come from is the only thing I realate to here.

Bingo do you get what I'm saying?

There are not streets and streets just for ethnic minorities as you put it.The reason there are areas of our northen towns that are purely Asian or Black is down to something called "white flight" thats down to racist,ignorant white people doing a runner rather then live next to someone who has different colour skin!!

I once read a theory which, while I'm no sociological expert, seemed to make sense. Immigrants arrive and move into the cheapest areas en masse. They stay there for a generation or two then when they achieve social mobility work their way up to moving out to other more 'mixed' and affluent areas. So there were areas where mainly caribean immigants lived, they settled down, made some money then spread out into the rest of society. These cheap houses then went to Asian - for want of a better term - immgrants who made some money and then spread out and continue to do so. The cheap houses vacated by the social mobile Asians then get occupied by the next wave of immigrants - eastern europeans, somalians etc. and the process continues. The reason why you don't get these poorer areas dominated by particularly ethnicities in Scotland may be because like you say Scotland has less immigrants in the first place.

Btw, anyone who thinks having areas dominated by any one ethnicity is wrong - not you mr scottish man, you seem thoroughly decent - should go over to the algarve and see the middle class areas populated exclusively by White English ex-pats who make no effort to integrate into spanish society. As jack straw said last night, there's more people leaving Britain than coming in so all this 'our tiny island is full' bollocks is nonsense peddled through irrational fear.
badge said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Loved the way he OWNED Jack Straw and embarrassed him by saying his father fought the Nazis in the RAF whilst Jack Straws father was in prison for avoiding signing up.

really? i thought he came across as a silly little schoolboy in a "my dad's better than your dad way."

totally agree. looks like griffin did his research but on Jack Straw's history only! but pointing out the bit about straw's father just didnt validate any of his argumemts. it was trying to demean and destroy the reputation of Jack Straw (not that he had one prior).

I am a british, and then a muslim from an asian background. My opinion on the whole immigration policy... well to say the least is that I am also disgusted at the amount of immigrants that have flocked into this country over the past 10 years or so. There are so many loopholes in the visa application process. I have known people who have easily made their tourist visa a permanent one by cheating the system. I have reported these cases as a british citizen. Has anything done about it? No! Labour goverment has failed miserably!

But that doesnt mean u vote for a racist party such as BNP.

We need to educate ourselves more!

We need solutions to this problem and neither BNP nor Labour have the answer to this problem!

ps - does anyone know which party legalizes marijuanna? vote for them! hehe
fallowfieldflyer said:
just a thought ? anybody have any views on Anjem Choudary ? same as Nick Griffin ?.

he's a lovely boy, well educated and presents himself in a respectable manner. plus he's very religious so he wouldn't harm a fly. all he wants is great britain to be a muslim orientated state, so what? my grandad liked fighting in the war to protect our country from being taken over by a terrorist regime called the nazis. he'd love the fact anjem and his boys are on the streets of the uk calling all us british 'infidels'.

anyone else disagrees with me and your racist.
crizack said:
MaineDAWG2008 said:
But that doesnt mean u vote for a racist party such as BNP.

We need to educate ourselves more!

do i detect a slight smell of fascism there?

lol i just thought i'd throw in a clever sentence with my response. :)

anyhows lets bury the conflicts and learn to love each other. we all bleed red and are creatures of god seperated by colour, culture and religion.

well i bleed blue anyhows!

bluemoon forever!

crizack said:
fallowfieldflyer said:
just a thought ? anybody have any views on Anjem Choudary ? same as Nick Griffin ?.

he's a lovely boy, well educated and presents himself in a respectable manner. plus he's very religious so he wouldn't harm a fly. all he wants is great britain to be a muslim orientated state, so what? my grandad liked fighting in the war to protect our country from being taken over by a terrorist regime called the nazis. he'd love the fact anjem and his boys are on the streets of the uk calling all us british 'infidels'.

anyone else disagrees with me and your racist.

Grow up FFS, no ones saying that they want Britain to become a Muslim state even 99.9% of British Muslims. I've never heard of this Anjem Choudary bloke, nor I suspect have most people in Britain so to just pull an extremist out of your arse and to hold him up to in an attempt to someway justify the BNP's racist views is pathetic.
MaineDAWG2008 said:
badge said:
really? i thought he came across as a silly little schoolboy in a "my dad's better than your dad way."

totally agree. looks like griffin did his research but on Jack Straw's history only! but pointing out the bit about straw's father just didnt validate any of his argumemts. it was trying to demean and destroy the reputation of Jack Straw (not that he had one prior).

I am a british, and then a muslim from an asian background. My opinion on the whole immigration policy... well to say the least is that I am also disgusted at the amount of immigrants that have flocked into this country over the past 10 years or so. There are so many loopholes in the visa application process. I have known people who have easily made their tourist visa a permanent one by cheating the system. I have reported these cases as a british citizen. Has anything done about it? No! Labour goverment has failed miserably!

But that doesnt mean u vote for a racist party such as BNP.

We need to educate ourselves more!

We need solutions to this problem and neither BNP nor Labour have the answer to this problem!

ps - does anyone know which party legalizes marijuanna? vote for them! hehe

Tell me how you can 'cheat' to get your 'tourist visa' made permanent. I've never heard of that and I have a lifetime [nearly 44 years] of living in South Manchester immigrant communities. As a professional family, we are occasionally asked to sign, say, documents stating that we've known someone for five years when we haven't. We always refuse as we are a respectable family [save for me, obviously] of lawyers, medics, police officers, teachers and so on. Then again, you could be just a silly fascist WUM, couldn't you? Legalise weed? Will that ease your disgust?

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