Nick Griffin Voting for UKIP, Tells Followers to do Same

I think people are missing stony's point - while I totally disagree with the idea of Next advertising positions in Poland two weeks in advance of advertising the same positions over here, when it comes to his other point I'm guessing that he's referring solely to the absolute wasters that are worse than useless at their jobs rather than tarring a whole workforce with the "shit work ethic" brush.

A classic case in point is the labourer's job on the shop floor of the place I work at - granted, it requires a fair bit of elbow grease but I've lost count of the amount of local agency workers we've had down the years that have barely lasted a single morning, let alone a full day before chucking the towel in and complaining that the job is too hard. This despite the fact that they're signed up with an agency that specialises in manual labour so I don't know what the hell they were expecting. Anyway, several years ago we took on a Polish bloke to do the job through the same agency and some 7 years later he's still with us having long since been given a permanent job with us. Another Polish guy was given a similar job through the same agency a short while after the first bloke and again he is now permanently employed by us, having progressed from the original unskilled manual job to a skilled position.
Chancy Termites said:
An opportune time to point out that members or former members of the BNP are banned from joining UKIP.

Perhaps a Labour Party supporter could confirm how many of their local councillors are former BNP members now? Before the last local elections it was 9.

He is not trying to join, just giong to vote UKIP. Most x BNP voters are already voting for them.
Sick of people thinking eastern europeans have a better work ethic. I do night shifts with them. Great lads no different from us except they allow themselves to be exploited and it fucking destroys any chance of a union or improving facilities as they will work regardless.

Difference between me and them is that i stick up for myself. Maybe it's an English thing who knows.
fed up of hearing that the british people dont work hard or dont have work ethic. I like many others work myself into the ground just to make a bit of money. I know people who would take any job as long as it gets them some cash to live on. If working ridiculous hours, with little to no pay measn your a hard worker then thats bullshit.

On the Next thing there are loads of british people who want jobs, working in next isn't exactly highly skilled, what pisses me off about it is they didn't even ask locals first who I'm sure there are loads who would love to work in next. Lets face it the only reason they employ eastern europeans is because they can exploit them and pay them peanuts.
Chancy Termites said:
An opportune time to point out that members or former members of the BNP are banned from joining UKIP.

Perhaps a Labour Party supporter could confirm how many of their local councillors are former BNP members now? Before the last local elections it was 9.
In spite of this mass infiltration of the Labour Party by swathes of right wing racist types, the delightful Mr griffin and his charming supporters and party members seem to feel more at home spiritually and philosophically with Ukip.
There must be some very good reason for this state of affairs!
Damocles said:

Well I for one am completely shocked that the former BNP leader and well known racist feels a certain affinity to UKIP.

It certainly is, and Godfrey Bloom is outspoken and misunderstood and Mike Read's UKIP Calypso is really funny
Chancy Termites said:
An opportune time to point out that members or former members of the BNP are banned from joining UKIP.

Perhaps a Labour Party supporter could confirm how many of their local councillors are former BNP members now? Before the last local elections it was 9.

Why would UKIP want cuts its nose off to spite its face in terms of banning BNP voters membership? They have the same set off principles but with Nigel they can attract more tories than Nick ever could dream of.
totallywired said:
Chancy Termites said:
An opportune time to point out that members or former members of the BNP are banned from joining UKIP.

Perhaps a Labour Party supporter could confirm how many of their local councillors are former BNP members now? Before the last local elections it was 9.
Names please.

Let's start with Trevor Maxfield in Darwen. Former National Front and Combat 18 activist, joined the BNP in 2002. Left in about 2006 and then, after a stint as a councillor with the For Darwen Party, was then elected as a Labour councillor in 2010. He's done very well with Labour, quickly being promoted to Executive Member for Leisure and Culture and was recently made Mayor of Darwen.
Chancy Termites said:
totallywired said:
Chancy Termites said:
An opportune time to point out that members or former members of the BNP are banned from joining UKIP.

Perhaps a Labour Party supporter could confirm how many of their local councillors are former BNP members now? Before the last local elections it was 9.
Names please.

Let's start with Trevor Maxfield in Darwen. Former National Front and Combat 18 activist, joined the BNP in 2002. Left in about 2006 and then, after a stint as a councillor with the For Darwen Party, was then elected as a Labour councillor in 2010. He's done very well with Labour, quickly being promoted to Executive Member for Leisure and Culture and was recently made Mayor of Darwen.
I'm just wondering what your implication is with this line of thought.
Are you trying to tell us that the presence of as many as nine councillors ( amongst thousands representing the same party) is subverting the Labour Party and turning it into some sort of hot bed of extreme right wing racist nationalism?
If so , then Mr griffin should be informed , because as I said previously , he seems to believe that Ukip is in fact , a more suitable recipient for the votes of his followers and fellow thinkers.
Just perhaps , these defectors realised how misguided and mistaken their views were and actually have had a Damascene conversion in their political philosophy.
Remember - there is more joy in heaven over the sinner who repents!

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