Nick Griffin Voting for UKIP, Tells Followers to do Same

hgblue said:
A racist is voting for UKIP, therefore UKIP must be racist.

Thousands are, have a read on there forums it's pathetic. Full of tossers that don't give a concern about the pro's and cons of Immigration and being in the EU. they just want 'people to go back to there own country' and that's pretty much the nicest things a lot of there supporters have to say
Nick Griffin is a complete pleb. But when you have people from established party's tweeting pics of white van men and their flags, is no wonder. The rise of Farage. He'll be useless, but I like him.
Bodicoteblue said:
Chancy Termites said:
totallywired said:
Names please.

Let's start with Trevor Maxfield in Darwen. Former National Front and Combat 18 activist, joined the BNP in 2002. Left in about 2006 and then, after a stint as a councillor with the For Darwen Party, was then elected as a Labour councillor in 2010. He's done very well with Labour, quickly being promoted to Executive Member for Leisure and Culture and was recently made Mayor of Darwen.
I'm just wondering what your implication is with this line of thought.
Are you trying to tell us that the presence of as many as nine councillors ( amongst thousands representing the same party) is subverting the Labour Party and turning it into some sort of hot bed of extreme right wing racist nationalism?
If so , then Mr griffin should be informed , because as I said previously , he seems to believe that Ukip is in fact , a more suitable recipient for the votes of his followers and fellow thinkers.
Just perhaps , these defectors realised how misguided and mistaken their views were and actually have had a Damascene conversion in their political philosophy.
Remember - there is more joy in heaven over the sinner who repents!

hgblue's excellently worded post just below yours summarises the point perfectly. It's exactly the sort of thinking that the far-from-Independent wants to promote and I strongly disagree with it. UKIP are no more or less racist than the LibLabCon in my view, although it's perfectly possible to argue they're less when, unlike the LibLabCon they don't allow former BNP members to join.

2 - Maureen Stowe.
Damocles said:
It's ridiculous how far opinions on workers right have dropped.

Not to single out FPM at all but just look at those comments that we generally just accept:

I have seen it with my own eyes. While the foreign scrounging gits have been ready and waiting to be taken to work at 3 am. the local lads and lasses are frequently still in bed, especially on saturday and Sunday mornings.

It is deriding people for not wanting to work at 3am or wanting weekends off.

We have this perversion about the idea that a "good work ethic" is basically getting treated like shit and having to totally dedicate your entire life to your job and the whims of your employer. This is NOT an admirable trait or a good thing nor should we allow the excuse of letting people be hired under these conditions when we have a perfectly functional benefit system that will stop people from starving to death.

I don't particularly have a problem with things like child labour in the Far East because its either work and bring in a wage to feed the family or starve to death, because they don't have a social support net. I'd always advocate not dying over dying.

We shouldn't be trying to model our society on places like that. The work/life balance has been all the rage for the past 10-15 years because there was a wide ranging study in Europe that shown that it was the number one forcing for a healthy psychological state. In the UK as of right now, we work more and have less leisure time than what we would consider cavemen.

When you live in a technological wonderland with employees rights, a functional societal safety net, a potentially global customer base for all businesses and are getting beaten in leisure time per day by a person who had to hunt with spears to feed their family, pointing to people who are willing to work ungodly hours as an example to the rest of us is backwards logic.

We don't have that "work ethic" because we have progressed as a society past it and have more respect for people than driving them into a never ending treadmill of exploitation. We fought really hard as a country for workers rights and I'm amazed at how quickly a bunch of you lot are perfectly fine with throwing them down the toilet now that you don't need them as much.

Great post.
Chancy Termites said:
Bodicoteblue said:
Chancy Termites said:
Let's start with Trevor Maxfield in Darwen. Former National Front and Combat 18 activist, joined the BNP in 2002. Left in about 2006 and then, after a stint as a councillor with the For Darwen Party, was then elected as a Labour councillor in 2010. He's done very well with Labour, quickly being promoted to Executive Member for Leisure and Culture and was recently made Mayor of Darwen.
I'm just wondering what your implication is with this line of thought.
Are you trying to tell us that the presence of as many as nine councillors ( amongst thousands representing the same party) is subverting the Labour Party and turning it into some sort of hot bed of extreme right wing racist nationalism?
If so , then Mr griffin should be informed , because as I said previously , he seems to believe that Ukip is in fact , a more suitable recipient for the votes of his followers and fellow thinkers.
Just perhaps , these defectors realised how misguided and mistaken their views were and actually have had a Damascene conversion in their political philosophy.
Remember - there is more joy in heaven over the sinner who repents!

hgblue's excellently worded post just below yours summarises the point perfectly. It's exactly the sort of thinking that the far-from-Independent wants to promote and I strongly disagree with it. UKIP are no more or less racist than the LibLabCon in my view, although it's perfectly possible to argue they're less when, unlike the LibLabCon they don't allow former BNP members to join.

2 - Maureen Stowe.
So the implication is still there , that it could be argued that labour is more likely to be racist ( I use labour since they are the case in point here , but as you point out, the principle would apply to other mainstream parties) because they have former BNP members in their ranks, and that such a tiny number of local councillors, whose views are now different from those previously held, can have a major influence on the political philosophy of the entire party.
I think if you took a straw poll on which party is perceived by most voters to be racist ,between labour and ukip, I would give very short odds on Ukip being the runaway winners.After all , Mr griffin , as the leader of the most racist party in Britain thinks that Ukip's policies , of all the alternatives, are most likely to appeal to his own political supporters,then it can leave little doubt as to what the racists believe about the party, and the conclusions to which this leads the voting public
If a reknowned racist party leader recommends to his members that they vote for another party , that behaviour will be weighed in the court of public opinion and conclusions will be reached.
He doesn't have to be a member of a party to fully publicly endorse its views.
Banning people from anything on the grounds of their political beliefs is the thin end of the wedge.
Bodicoteblue said:
Chancy Termites said:
Bodicoteblue said:
I'm just wondering what your implication is with this line of thought.
Are you trying to tell us that the presence of as many as nine councillors ( amongst thousands representing the same party) is subverting the Labour Party and turning it into some sort of hot bed of extreme right wing racist nationalism?
If so , then Mr griffin should be informed , because as I said previously , he seems to believe that Ukip is in fact , a more suitable recipient for the votes of his followers and fellow thinkers.
Just perhaps , these defectors realised how misguided and mistaken their views were and actually have had a Damascene conversion in their political philosophy.
Remember - there is more joy in heaven over the sinner who repents!

hgblue's excellently worded post just below yours summarises the point perfectly. It's exactly the sort of thinking that the far-from-Independent wants to promote and I strongly disagree with it. UKIP are no more or less racist than the LibLabCon in my view, although it's perfectly possible to argue they're less when, unlike the LibLabCon they don't allow former BNP members to join.

2 - Maureen Stowe.
So the implication is still there , that it could be argued that labour is more likely to be racist ( I use labour since they are the case in point here , but as you point out, the principle would apply to other mainstream parties) because they have former BNP members in their ranks, and that such a tiny number of local councillors, whose views are now different from those previously held, can have a major influence on the political philosophy of the entire party.
I think if you took a straw poll on which party is perceived by most voters to be racist ,between labour and ukip, I would give very short odds on Ukip being the runaway winners.After all , Mr griffin , as the leader of the most racist party in Britain thinks that Ukip's policies , of all the alternatives, are most likely to appeal to his own political supporters,then it can leave little doubt as to what the racists believe about the party, and the conclusions to which this leads the voting public
If a reknowned racist party leader recommends to his members that they vote for another party , that behaviour will be weighed in the court of public opinion and conclusions will be reached.
He doesn't have to be a member of a party to fully publicly endorse its views.
Banning people from anything on the grounds of their political beliefs is the thin end of the wedge.

Indeed and I'm not suggesting that any component part of LibLabCon is necessarily racist in spite of their allowing ex BNP members to join them. However, for the same reason I do feel that it rather undermines the suggestion that UKIP is the party to single out for racism though. You're almost certainly correct when you say that UKIP are the most 'perceived' racist party. However, that is very different to saying that they are the most actually racist party.

By the way, to suggest that Griffin "fully publicly endorsed" UKIP's views is well wide of the mark anyway. As he had a big bitchy falling out with the BNP he's merely trying to cause as much damage to them as he can and, following your point about the perception, he's calculated that this is the right thing to say to try to move voters away from the BNP. He's almost certainly wrong on that though - if you look at who the BNP have won seats from and who they've lost seats to, you'd have to say that overwhelming majority of their voters must come from, and go back to, Labour.
Damocles said:
It's ridiculous how far opinions on workers right have dropped.

Not to single out FPM at all but just look at those comments that we generally just accept:

I have seen it with my own eyes. While the foreign scrounging gits have been ready and waiting to be taken to work at 3 am. the local lads and lasses are frequently still in bed, especially on saturday and Sunday mornings.

It is deriding people for not wanting to work at 3am or wanting weekends off.

We have this perversion about the idea that a "good work ethic" is basically getting treated like shit and having to totally dedicate your entire life to your job and the whims of your employer. This is NOT an admirable trait or a good thing nor should we allow the excuse of letting people be hired under these conditions when we have a perfectly functional benefit system that will stop people from starving to death.

I don't particularly have a problem with things like child labour in the Far East because its either work and bring in a wage to feed the family or starve to death, because they don't have a social support net. I'd always advocate not dying over dying.

We shouldn't be trying to model our society on places like that. The work/life balance has been all the rage for the past 10-15 years because there was a wide ranging study in Europe that shown that it was the number one forcing for a healthy psychological state. In the UK as of right now, we work more and have less leisure time than what we would consider cavemen.

When you live in a technological wonderland with employees rights, a functional societal safety net, a potentially global customer base for all businesses and are getting beaten in leisure time per day by a person who had to hunt with spears to feed their family, pointing to people who are willing to work ungodly hours as an example to the rest of us is backwards logic.

We don't have that "work ethic" because we have progressed as a society past it and have more respect for people than driving them into a never ending treadmill of exploitation. We fought really hard as a country for workers rights and I'm amazed at how quickly a bunch of you lot are perfectly fine with throwing them down the toilet now that you don't need them as much.

Best post on the thread.

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