Nicolas Otamendi - 2017/18 performances

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He'll always make a mistake every now and again, but now he's go to the point that all his play between those mistakes is so good that it more than makes up for it. Starting to look like the dominant player he was at Valencia, bossing games from CB
One word, BEAST!!!! Forget about the goals, I'm just proud of how he battled against Lukaku and Zlatan, going up and winning headers! I'm really proud of him this year!!!
I think you pulled that from my mind. Was going to type the same thing.
Been UFB during our “defensive crisis,” as we amass the best defensive record in the League to go with the best offensive record we already had! The goals, the bringing the ball deep into the opposition half, and his general distribution have on,y added the his brilliant defensive efforts.

Reborn this season!
Unsung hero of the season. Barely a foot wrong defensively and has popped up with some huge goals. He (along with Walker) have held the backline together through all of the injuries.
3rd in my POTS list after KDB and Sterling.

Otamendi, though, is my favourite City player at the moment.
I've been critical of him and he still makes the odd brain fart but on the whole he's been brilliant so far this season.
I liked him anyway, as soon as Pep was confirmed it was clear to me he would be a big piece of Peps plans. The guy is very good with the ball and tackler even if he does go to ground a bit easy thus giving everyone a heart attack in case he gets a red.
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