Nigel Farage

The foghorn of ignorance. Has he stopped shouting at the sea now?

He made a tidy profit from the customers of his limited company masquerading as a political party. He was taking hundreds from individual followers that wanted to be considered as potential MP's long after his candidates had been chosen.

He didn't do much to protect our fishing communities either when he was our representative for that sector as an MEP. He took the money, but never went to a meeting.

Yep, an honest, decent guy with everyones best interests at heart.
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That's a scary read. I've always believed that when a slicker, brighter Trump comes along the world is in big trouble. This "Kari Lake" who I'd never heard of before could be that.
Think as people start to struggle more and more mate this country will turn hard right. The Tories will cover their failures by stoking racial divisions and eventually a more faragist ultra right wing party may emerge

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