Nigel Gleghorn

Gleghorn said yesterday that mancini’s body language has destroyed some players. If that’s the case then they aren’t good enough players to begin with. I have no particular axe to grind with him but it is getting very tiresome getting in the car after every match and listen to him moan and about mancini and balotelli.

But what really pisses me off is when someone calls in who not only hasnt been to the game but hasn’t even bothered to watch it on television. So they’re basing their opinions on the opinions of the person they are speaking to. What is the point in that?
goat boy said:
Anyone else have terrible trouble receiving gmr through south Manchester? Pretty sure its not my radio...!
I may be wrong about this but i am sure there are two frequencies 95.1 and I say could be wrong probably dreamt it
I remember the good old days, leathered at home again, back to car, radio on and being told by whoever was on in those days that there were some positives to come out the game. Fast forward to an unbelievable home record, radio on, negatives so radio off otherwise by the time i get back to the pub i will be convinced we lost. I am not saying that they should just praise us for praise sake but ffs it's OUR local station, someone sort it out, it's depressing
The callers are some of the thickest, no nowts, you could imagine, the majority don't go to games, the one I heard when I got in the car was slagging Ballotelli off and he hadn't even played or been on the bench, said it showed Balo on the TV laughing and joking when Spurs were 1-0 up then he had his head in his hands when we equalised, the thick fucking bell end believed it, he couldn't understand that sky will have edited the footage to look this way......thick twat
I think Gleghorns opinions on Mancini and Johnson are purely down to the fact that he was himself not only a winger but also a Wearsider. As a former winger he thinks every team is better playing with at least one in every game regardless of the opposition and he had high hopes for Johnson when we signed him. But there is no right or wrong about football, only what works and what doesn't, the way Mancini has shaped the team clearly works, whether he plays a winger or not. No team can be successful in spite of the manager.
Time to go Nigel. Remember him slagging Mancini almost as soon as he had been given the job.
Most definitely an agenda with him. Bring in Ian Bishop please
Colins Bellend said:
Foghorn Gleghorn is to punditry what he was to football

If you dont agree with his opinions, Fair enough. But I dont know why you are comparing his punditry and his playing career. for the little money he cost he did well for us and always put a shift in and was value for money.

ex players like Jo and samaras and others who cost the club millions and were lazy bastards, Now they were SHITE.
I actually like Nigel Gleghorn on the radio, but he doesn't pretend for one minute to be a City fan. It is just a job to him.

On Saturday I was listening on the drive home and he actually called us "Man City" on two occasions - a bit of a giveaway that he is a long way from thinking of City as "us".
Also, he has said more than once on GMR in the past that he is a Sunderland fan.

But I like him because he does say some interesting things sometimes, and is fairly outspoken ... but at the same time, it is a shame / odd that GMR can't find someone who actually supports or feels close to City to do the job.

And yes, he does have a bee in his bonnet about Mancini - not sure why.

And I'm afraid I'm not in the Fred Eyre fanclub ... he really is negative, and always sounds like being at a City game is the last thing he'd want to do. He has this perverse need every game to pick a player on the opposition team and spend 10 minutes of the game telling us all how good he is and how he'd like to see him at City. Whereas with our own players, he is largely sarcastic and uses words like "typical" a lot.
His downbeat, sarcastic, fed-up tone seemed fitting when we were watching Alan Ball or Stuart Pearce's teams ... but it just isn't right for a team with Sergio, Silva, Yaya, etc.
It really isn't !

Surely someone younger and more enthusiastic / energetic is what we need these days ?

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