Nigel Gleghorn

I like Gleghorn and BBC Radio Manchester's City coverage generally.

Gleghorn and Eyre are sometimes dour, but that's because they are being realistic about City on a City biased local programme listened to by City fans who want the truth, not propaganda.

They don't need to be blandly neutral like pundits on a national radio station, and as their audience is composed almost entirely of City fans they cannot be accused of running down the club to football fans generally.
urmston said:
I like Gleghorn and BBC Radio Manchester's City coverage generally.

Gleghorn and Eyre are sometimes dour, but that's because they are being realistic about City on a City biased local programme listened to by City fans who want the truth, not propaganda.

They don't need to be blandly neutral like pundits on a national radio station, and as their audience is composed almost entirely of City fans they cannot be accused of running down the club to football fans generally.

Didnt know you lived in Urmston Nigel
Like him usually but negative today for some reason strange had to switch him off!
"Destroyed Adam Johnson as a player" my arse. He bought him and he left the club a better player, with League Winners and FA Cup medals and I'll bet a lot richer to boot.

So what if Mancini doesn't tell the players how great they are 24/7- that's exactly what I want, keep them grounded and don;t let them believe their own hype

It was embarrasing that he was even talking Johnson that when we'd just enjoyed a great victory - there were plenty of other talking points
urmston said:
I like Gleghorn and BBC Radio Manchester's City coverage generally.

Gleghorn and Eyre are sometimes dour, but that's because they are being realistic about City on a City biased local programme listened to by City fans who want the truth, not propaganda.

They don't need to be blandly neutral like pundits on a national radio station, and as their audience is composed almost entirely of City fans they cannot be accused of running down the club to football fans generally.
don't talk sense around here mate.

Let them string him up alongside Ian cheeseman and all the other anti-city fuckpigs.
Hung said:
...and there was me thinking it was just me who thought Gleghorn was a useless shithouse. Week in, week out on the way back from the game I have to switch stations because of this prick. I have no idea what is qualifications are for the job. He was a shit player in a shit team (whether it be us or Stoke), he hasn’t as far as I’m aware ever managed any team, he’s not a qualified coach, he has no medals to show for his mediocre career and he is not particularly eloquent, yet he is constantly spouting off as if he’s some sort expert and criticising the tactics of those infinitely better qualified than him.

His basic problem is that he’s thick and this comes across week after week with the inane and irrelevant shite that he comes out with.

I’ve decided to give up with the post match on GMR and go for the more generic Radio 5. Unfortunately, Alan Fucking Green is on there and he’s about as anti City as they come, but at least he’s not supposed to be ‘One of us’.

He is a very qualified coach he has a UEFA A licence.
urmston said:
I like Gleghorn and BBC Radio Manchester's City coverage generally.

Gleghorn and Eyre are sometimes dour, but that's because they are being realistic about City on a City biased local programme listened to by City fans who want the truth, not propaganda.

They don't need to be blandly neutral like pundits on a national radio station, and as their audience is composed almost entirely of City fans they cannot be accused of running down the club to football fans generally.

For me it's not about whether they are positive negative or have a dour way of speaking; it's about how insightful, interesting they are in their analysis of the team. Both the above come across as dour but the difference is that Eyre has some intelligence, football-wise, and his analysis of the game in the past has been spot on for me, sometimes bringing out points that others had not. Gleghorn seems to have none of this & is cliched - and doesn't express himself that well on air. There's a big difference in the number of games the two of them have had to analyse and respond to 'in game' as managers for example.
If Eyre isn't available there must be someone else who's an improvement on NG, surely??!
Didsbury Dave said:
urmston said:
I like Gleghorn and BBC Radio Manchester's City coverage generally.

Gleghorn and Eyre are sometimes dour, but that's because they are being realistic about City on a City biased local programme listened to by City fans who want the truth, not propaganda.

They don't need to be blandly neutral like pundits on a national radio station, and as their audience is composed almost entirely of City fans they cannot be accused of running down the club to football fans generally.
don't talk sense around here mate.

Let them string him up alongside Ian cheeseman and all the other anti-city fuckpigs.


(like it; cheese, strings- good one)
Cheeseman's a top blue.

Some of us aren't criticising him for being anti-city, it's for being not very good as a co-commentator /expert/summariser/pundit whatever his title is.

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