Nigel Gleghorn

tidyman said:
I'd bring Swales back.

Or go to the odd game rather than listen to some shit radio commentator.
Brilliant that mate.

Except the post match phone in. That phone in post match. Well it is after the game when people are in the car driving home.
Why shouldn't Ian Cheeseman ask Mancini about zonal marking, loads of experts on here have been questioning it.

It's obvious Nigel isn't Mancini's biggest fan but he's entitled to give his opinion. Too many on here being negative about Nigel who did say more than once he hopes Mancini goes onto win us lots more silverware.

Seems to me there's not much reason for bluemoaners to slag off many of our own players today so why not turn on a commentator. If we beat Villa next week as I expect us to do I reckon the car park attendants will be in for a right slagging off.
Didsbury Dave said:
urmston said:
I like Gleghorn and BBC Radio Manchester's City coverage generally.

Gleghorn and Eyre are sometimes dour, but that's because they are being realistic about City on a City biased local programme listened to by City fans who want the truth, not propaganda.

They don't need to be blandly neutral like pundits on a national radio station, and as their audience is composed almost entirely of City fans they cannot be accused of running down the club to football fans generally.
don't talk sense around here mate.

Let them string him up alongside Ian cheeseman and all the other anti-city fuckpigs.

Ib believe your strings in the post Dave ;)
I like what he as to say but he was out of order saying Mancini destroyed Adam Johnson at Manchester City .Adam Johnson is not that good as you can see at Sunderland and when he plays for England
stockportblue said:
Hung said:
...and there was me thinking it was just me who thought Gleghorn was a useless shithouse. Week in, week out on the way back from the game I have to switch stations because of this prick. I have no idea what is qualifications are for the job. He was a shit player in a shit team (whether it be us or Stoke), he hasn’t as far as I’m aware ever managed any team, he’s not a qualified coach, he has no medals to show for his mediocre career and he is not particularly eloquent, yet he is constantly spouting off as if he’s some sort expert and criticising the tactics of those infinitely better qualified than him.

His basic problem is that he’s thick and this comes across week after week with the inane and irrelevant shite that he comes out with.

I’ve decided to give up with the post match on GMR and go for the more generic Radio 5. Unfortunately, Alan Fucking Green is on there and he’s about as anti City as they come, but at least he’s not supposed to be ‘One of us’.

He is a very qualified coach he has a UEFA A licence.

Stand corrected on the coaching point (I assume he’s good with the under 8’s). However, he was still a truly shit player, thick as pig shit and a really, really shit ‘pundit’.
Got to say that I thought the stuff he said about Bobby was ridiculous.
1. Moaned about the Monaco answer. Said he should not be talking to other clubs. But
(a) Ian Cheeseman said Bobby was being dry and tongue in cheek

(b) Gleghorn said he should be comitted to the club - he has signed a 5 year contract and said in the subsequent press conference that he was and wanted to be part of the City project.

(c) Gleghorn said his job was not under threat because he had won the Charity Shield (when was that (August) and when were the discussions with Monaco (before the end of last season). We had slipped to 8 points behind and some did say it was Bobby's fault for selecting his protege, Mario.

Wonder how Gleghorn moved from club to club as a player and a coach. Was he under contract at any time prior to these moves ?

People talk to other businesses. Successful people get approached. It is hardly surprising that Bobby was approached. It would not have been unreasonable for him to see what the market would offer if there were contract discussions ahead.

2. Destroying players ? Named just one - Adam Johnson. My take, AJ had game time and did not show the improvement or work ethic to win a regular first team place. Could not really answer the caller who listed the players that Bobby had rightly let go.

Yes, Gleghorn is generally a reasonable observer of the game. But I felt the remarks on Bobby were incorrect. Gleghorn is entitled to his opinion but should express it with care as he has the power of radio behind him.
SalfordCityBlue said:
Endured this shit for the first time in years today as Five Live and Talksport had other things on and I wanted to hear about City.

It's not changed a bit.

'Mancini destroyed Adam Johnson with his body language' was a hilariously bad quote though, give Gleghorn his due, it takes a special level of idiocy to come out with crap like that lol.

Almost Partidge-esque in its cringeworthiness.

Him and Eyre ensure that my radio remains tuned elsewhere.

Agree with this, absolute nonsense, Johnson was shit for us, bar a couple of showings (Sunderland away '11 and Newcastle at home when de Jong broke that lads leg).
kramer said:
Been told to say "us" and not Man City was on Radio Stoke after the away game a few seasons ago and he was slagging us off I cant stand him he so negative and talks mainly shite imho and dont normally listen to Radio Manchester when he is on, turned it on today and after feeling good post match some muppet was on slagging Mario off, switch off the radio as soon as the Stoke legend spoke

I heard this on way home today, fucking agreeing with a caller about Mario smile when we
Were 1-0 down , but looking pissed off when we scored.
Just the way pundits like gleghorn enjoy.
Some one might of told Mario a joke whilst we were losing!!

Dumb twats

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