Nigel Gleghorn

One thing I did agree with him on (well it happens now and again, although not often!!) was when someone sent a text in saying that Mario had left the ground early, why wasn't he with his team mates. Gleghorn said there are 45 squad members were they all expected to squash into the dressing room after the match!! (or words to that effect). It's obvious he is not a fan of Mario but at least he defended him then.

But he is really getting on my nerves with his anti-Manicini stance. Mmmmmm aha, maybe he wanted to be our Manager!! *rofl*<br /><br />-- Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:50 pm --<br /><br />
Alex the Blue said:
Why shouldn't Ian Cheeseman ask Mancini about zonal marking, loads of experts on here have been questioning it.

It's obvious Nigel isn't Mancini's biggest fan but he's entitled to give his opinion. Too many on here being negative about Nigel who did say more than once he hopes Mancini goes onto win us lots more silverware.

Seems to me there's not much reason for bluemoaners to slag off many of our own players today so why not turn on a commentator. If we beat Villa next week as I expect us to do I reckon the car park attendants will be in for a right slagging off.

No Alex, it'll be thee and me for holding everyone up when we have a chat at the top of the stairs after the match!! :-)

The week after will be the car park attendants because they got mentioned a few weeks back!!
I am so glad this topic has been raised on Bluemoon, I couldn't believe it when getting in my car and tuning in on the way home what I was hearing. We get enough negative press thrown at us from all four corners without what is considered to be our local station throwing it at us as well. We have just had a great result and all Gleghorn was discussing was Mancini this Mancini that, Mario this, or don’t feel like going on any more it was a total joke.
Blumers Bloomers said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
How many people back in 88/89 would have believed that in 2012 we'd be champions of England AND talking about Nigel Gleghorn?

Ha ha TMQ, very good point.

I'm not sure which would have been less believable.

I've always been a bit of an optimist where City are concerned so I probably felt it more likely we'd be champions than discussing Nigel fucking Gleghorn.
Alex the Blue said:
Why shouldn't Ian Cheeseman ask Mancini about zonal marking, loads of experts on here have been questioning it.

It's obvious Nigel isn't Mancini's biggest fan but he's entitled to give his opinion. Too many on here being negative about Nigel who did say more than once he hopes Mancini goes onto win us lots more silverware.

Seems to me there's not much reason for bluemoaners to slag off many of our own players today so why not turn on a commentator. If we beat Villa next week as I expect us to do I reckon the car park attendants will be in for a right slagging off.

I probabily worded the post wrong..

What i meant was he sounded to me as though he was hinting was zonal marking the right thing to do..
Have met Nigel a couple of times including playing cricket with him last year (he can certainly bat!) and he is a genuinely nice fella - he just happens not to rate Bobby. I chatted / debated this with him at the Legends dinner last year where he told me that we had had our success despite him rather than because of him - a view I absolutely disagree with but he was adamant.

I have to say I am finding his negativity tiresome and tedious, and all starting to sound a bit thin - when on earth will he realise the only person who destroyed AJ was AJ's fondness for a pint and the Manchester Z list celebrity scene and Bobby gave him more game time than Purple nose gave Ashley Young last season in the premier league!

To be fair, if it's Nigel's opinion, he is entitled to it but today wasn't a time to sound petty and picky - Bobby had staked his reputation with the media by going 3 at the back and throwing Maicon on against the one guy in Europe who has ever skinned him when one down and it was nothing short of a tactical masterpiece.

Let's not crucify him for having an opinion - let's just tell him why he is wrong!
Even though none of us will entirely agree on his views about our club he is still fair and balanced when summarising our home games.
dont see the problem with him, quite like his analysis sometimes. what happened to fred ayre by the way? he was top. but still slagged on here..
stimo said:
dont see the problem with him, quite like his analysis sometimes. what happened to fred ayre by the way? he was top. but still slagged on here..

Fred Ayre does the Away games.
He did well for us as a player and was quite popular with city fans at the time. He didnt cost much and always put a shift in and was a regular in the team that won promotion from the old 2nd division in 88/89 season.

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