
Losblue said:
There's probably more fat cunts replying to this thread than I could shake a stick at.What's the word I'm looking for,oh yeah ,hypocritical fuckers

I'd rather be fat than drink Skol fucking Super! ;)
Losblue said:
There's probably more fat cunts replying to this thread than I could shake a stick at.What's the word I'm looking for,oh yeah ,hypocritical fuckers

13% body fat here. I'm totally addicted to the gym in the worst way and work out every day to some degree.

I find this annoying not because it effects me but because I find it somewhat distasteful and people who actually care about their weight aren't motivated by people telling them how disgusting every fat person is.

I love how people think that you can't object to an issue without being affected by it yourself, because empathy s a foreign concept that cannot exist.
It's not offence, it's the idea that you can only be not disgusting and happy if you're a certain body fat level. It's not offensive, it's just daft and a bit dehumanising. You should reconsider your attitudes.
Blue Smarties said:
Sorry for any offence caused, we'll just put it down to Nina bulking.

To be honest, I don't know why she bothered the effects are horrific.

Damocles said:
I don't know, I'm just a bit sick of a strange type of bullying on this forum dressed up as banter and it occurs too often for my sensibilities.

When it comes down to it, this is a thread with fundamentally mean intentions and replies. I was trying to bring a bit of humanity to it. Nobody here is trying to any sort of point or express their opinion in any form, they are just saying "haha look at this disgusting person" like a Victorian "freak show" which I find a little beneath us.

As long as it is the thread that is beneath us, and not us beneath the behemoth we should all come out of this quite safely.
Let's not over think this. Corky gets shit about his shit purple pants every day. It's not vicious, it's honest. People laugh at others foibles and defects it happens, and in this case, it's not even personal, it's an internet meme. Relax.
Also, If I had a mate, and I was getting fat, like beyond chubby, into sea life fat, I would like them to just have a word and say, "listen mate, chill out on the burgers because your head is melting into your neck". It would make me think twice about putting my health at even more risk.
Women can't bulk in that manner because they lack the necessary testosterone. Fitness hobbyist women look like athletes rather than bodybuilders.

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