No City sub heard Tevez refuse to play....

This reminds me of the plot to the film "Scent of a Woman", the gist of which is that there is no honour in ratting out your colleagues. I would not ask, let alone expect a player to hang a fellow player out to dry no matter what they've done. Tevez alone is reposnsible for this and the club shouldn't put otehr players into an invidious position. Enough staff were present along with the pictures we all saw which should be sufficient to deal with the matter.
saw it with my own eyes.

i had my camera zoom in on the bench from the moment tevez stopped stretching. I had a clear view.

Tevez sat back down when he saw the first substitute go on. then i can recall tevez shrugging his shoulders. and maybe it was brian kidd or one of the coaches who went immediately to tevez to calm him down. there was hand waving from mancini......

so if tevez or other plays say he didnt refuse. then its total bullshit....

i regret not recording this ordeal on my camera.
I never want to see Tevez play nor train for the club again, based on what our leader said and on what I believe happened in Munich.

But I can't help thinking; what if what I believe is not the actual truth?

A few what if's

I'm not saying I believe the points written below to be the case, but I feel like in any legal case it has to examined and pondered, preferably before we raise the axe:

To begin with, all people involved are not exactly fluent in the English language.

1) What if Tevez actually didn't understand what the already pissed-off manager said when he sat there on the bench? In all honesty he looks more like someone who just didn't get what was said, than someone who just decided to go on a strike. And before he understood what was going on Mancini had opted for another sub?

2) What if he did say "I refuse to play". - Wouldn't you all have expected a different reaction from the other players on the bench and managers as well as now in the wake of it all?
And if he did say that, why on earth would he stay there on the bench and not simply walk out down the tunnel? Why did Mancini let him sit there? I would have kicked his arse right out of the stadium if I were in Mancini's place.

3) What if the scene where the assistant coach (Carminiati?) keeps rubbing Tevez's arm and talking to him was just an effort to explain to Carlos what went wrong in the substitution mix-up. Maybe Carlos was upset about not getting the chance to play for his team and Ivan tried to comfort him, trying to explain that there had been a misunderstanding.

4) What if the monologue directed to Zabaleta was about something completely different than what we all assume? What if he was talking about the way Zaba was treated, or how well Bayern played, what he would do to change the match or about his favourite lasagne recipe? Zabaleta's reaction tells us nothing more than that he was focused more on the game than on what Tevez was talking about.

5) What if Tevez post-match comments about not feeling 100% okay was referring to his general shape, and him trying to explain he is not back to his best yet and thus didn't make the starting XI. It's possible.

Not at all playing defence attorney to Tevez here, but I feel this stance need to be put into consideration. I mean, what if...we are wrong? Can you imagine how Tevez would feel right now?

Having said all that: Tevez OUT!!! :)
He made no attempt to get up off the bench,and from what i saw,his facial expressions,and mannerisms, suggested someone who was more or less saying,fuck you I'm going nowhere.The other City players should keep out of it,and let their manager and the club sort it out.
It wouldn't surprise me if the club have told the players to give 'no comment' as it is usually in their contracts

Furthermore I wouldn't be surprised if the club, to protect the players from further employment issues, don't call them as witnesses as they have the coaches to rely on and tevez's comments after the game where he admitted not 'be ready' to come on
if you look at the footage of the bench you can lipread tevez saying "por que?" ("why?") not once but twice. he had clearly been given an instruction which came from mancini, questioned it & refused to comply.

my guess (& it is only a guess) is that he was told to warm up & he refused, possibly on the grounds that he had already done so, but even if that was the case surely he would have got off his arse & got himself ready to go on the pitch.

being a **** is one thing. being a lying **** is another.
Player conflict doesn't only go on at Man City, but if conflict does arise it should not be unmanaged until it gets to the Allianz Stadium.
To me I have seen Tevez neglected at recent EPL games, ON PURPOSE.

Mancini fiddles while City burns. He cannot MAN MANAGE. This should have been sorted out, Why was Tevez being left on the bench except for too short 8 minutes against Fulham?
I'll tell you why, Mancini was trying to show who's boss to the detriment of Man City. Tevez should not get preferential treatment, but he should be treated equally. This is not happening with Mancini.

Many are jumping all over Tevez because he had the temerity to request a transfer for personal reasons, but mainly because City's everlasting friends at The Mirror gives their 'spin' on events.

Logic should at least tell you that when Dzeko came off, Tevez or Balotelli should have gone on, that's not rocket science, even if Mancini thinks it is.
If Tevez goes on, there is no drama about dual warm up or refusal to play.

Do a bit of thinking for your self, it may just do you a bit of good.
This is a great story! No real evidence at all.
Just imagine if some of the players said they had heard him refuse to come on, just to back Mancini up and get Tevez out.
Kia and co would have a field day and it would undermine any employees of the club who claim that they did hear the player say he wouldn't come on.
CITY STARS LIE TO FORCE TEVEZ OUT!!! would be the headline in the future and the story would have a more damaging effect than the present one.
At last we have the truth:

Carlos Tevez has attempted to salvage his reputation at Manchester City by denying he refused to play against Bayern Munich.

The City striker left manager Roberto Mancini raging when he appeared to snub the chance to come on as a second-half substitute but later claimed that everything had been an unfortunate mix up over a ‘teach yourself English’ CD borrowed from Sergio Aguero.

Tevez issued a statement yesterday claiming he had been given the wrong CD by his Argentinean team mate and instead of learning English he had in fact become fluent in French.

The statement read: ‘Unfortunately Sergio is also terrible with his language skills and got mixed up in the shop, it was a case of the blind leading the blind so for the last 6 weeks I’ve been listening to the wrong language.’

‘When Roberto instructed me to warm up, all I heard was ‘your mother is a whore’ and when I tried to use my new found skills even Pablo Zabaleta seemed to ignore me, so I’m sure the fans will understand my reluctance to play.’

‘I felt hurt and confused as to why my own manager would say such a thing and remember wondering why he kept asking me the way to the train station, but I now accept that this was a mix up.’

‘This is not the right time to get into specific details but I am prepared to put everything behind us and move on.’

‘Going forward I am ready to play as soon as I receive a personal apology from the Manager, I am a reasonable man and hope Chairman Khaldoon will either support me on this issue or grant me a move to Paris to be closer to my spiritual home.’

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