No criteria for citycard

hgblue said:
SWP's back said:
Which is the point. The club rewards those that pay them the most money. It is a business as has been explained.

If you are a SC holder with 1000 points and I'm a CC holder with 5000 points, then I'd argue that I've paid the club more money and over a longer period. Or am I missing something?

I repeat:

By that rationale, if I went on holiday with Thomas Cook every year for ten years and paid £500 each time. If I just want to pay £40 next year, I should get priority over the **** paying for his first ever holiday with them. After all - I paid more over the long term.

Sorry bud, life doesn't work like that.
glen quagmire said:
hgblue said:
If you are a SC holder with 1000 points and I'm a CC holder with 5000 points, then I'd argue that I've paid the club more money and over a longer period. Or am I missing something?

Yes mate, you're missing a ST.

PMSL. Nice one :-).
At every club throughout the land, for decades and decades, season ticket holders have always got first dibs on tickets. It's one of the reasons people like me, who miss a percentage due to commitments, buy one. I'm afraid that's how it is and probably always will be.

Do you expect city to become the first club ever( to my knowledge) to buck this trend?
Corky said:
This has always been the case, too late to complain now.

I'm not particularly complaining tbh. I'll watch it on the beamback or in the local with the lads. I'm just arguing that the system isn't the fairest way of distributing tickets.
Didsbury Dave said:
At every club throughout the land, for decades and decades, season ticket holders have always got first dibs on tickets. It's one of the reasons people like me, who miss a percentage due to commitments, buy one. I'm afraid that's how it is and probably always will be.

Do you expect city to become the first club ever( to my knowledge) to buck this trend?
when it suits - yes I think they would

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