No Heart Left Now In Citys Squad!!

samy said:
colinbellsboots said:
the above poster, dosnt need to spell,correctly, you understould his post,so ffs please stop being hypercrytical, about spelling, some of us have bigger problems than learning to spell correctly, get a life ffs....and to call him an idiot? IGNORANCE is more apt for you, with the manners of a monkey.

Cheers mate :)
absolutly no probs.<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:19 pm --<br /><br />
daveduke67 said:
I remember the kippax said:
Yes it is - absolutely bang on - but I at least spelt it correctly - and who rattled the bloke's cage above???????? lol some people - good grief

CBB regularly defends bad spelling/grammar. He has Aspergers Syndrome which throws up a few problems with things the rest of us take for granted. When you consider that CBB just says f... off Aspergers I'm going to get on with my l life as best as I can, you've got to admire the man.
Sometime it is poor education that's to blame, sometimes it can't be helped.
And when you pick up on someone like CBB it makes you feel a bit of a t**t when you find out why his spelling is as it is. I know ;-)

As for the others - thay cud of learnt beter at skool

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