'No History...'


Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
Anybody else hate this 'term' being thrown around recently from rival fans when talking about us?

If you define history by simply 'success' well yeah, there's not a whole lot that stands up to a club like Real, but if you define history as a 'story' then there's not many clubs who have the amount of ups and downs, complete with crazy twists that City do. I mean, even now with everything going so well for the club, there's a little voice at the back of my mind telling me that another crazy twist will happen in the not so distant future.

I've always never been a fan of the 'no history' thing anyway, when I've seen the comment thrown around at other clubs. Are we saying only the top clubs have 'history' and that teams that the majority of teams which have existed since the 1800's have been living a useless existence. It sticks of snobbery as far as I'm concerned, and for those that do define 'history' as past success, then it's easy to point out that history is always being written and isn't something which is frozen to suit certain agendas, and in 100 years people will be looking at the history of the next 20 years, just as people look back at Real's 'history' now and see that there are other teams which have had similar success.
good post, have thought along similar lines myself, and, if history is always written by the victors, then it's only a matter of time until we are the ones writing it. I for one hope that we don't fall into the same smug, arrogant trap.
The idiots quoting 'no history' are the ones who think football began with the advent of the Premier League and Sky TV. Their history has been written for them by Murdoch's lackies.
I remember German football fans were outraged last season that 1899 Hoffenheim were now playing in the Bundesliga and slagged them off for having no history.

Look at their name, there's 110 years of history. Having no history applied to clubs such as FC United or AFC Liverpool, clubs who have only been around for a few years.

The funny thing is, we have won league titles, won the fa cup, won the league cup and have a european trophy as well if i am not wrong still have the highest club attendance in England? add to that we were formed not last century but the century before and you have to be a clueless twat to spout we have no history.
I suppose we will have to get used it. Liddle City, the spotty awkward younger brother is growing up.

Our elder brothers are fed up and are having a moan, but hey, who cares what they think, we knew we'd get there in the end.

No history? Well, they can think what they like, but we certainly have a future, and you can't change history, can you?

The future is where you want to be, not the past, and we are heading into the future with our eyes wide open and we will be making history.
To be honest i don't care what they say......We're history in the making......there nothing but the past.
Billy Meredith the first " superstar " of the Game.

Bert Trautman and the Cup Final.

Bell, Lee and Summerbee.

The innovation of the Revie plan.

The first club to win a domestic trophy and a European trophy in the same season.

Just a few examples of why we are a special club.
our history is our loyal fans who have been and will continue to support citeh after 30 odd years whether it be in the EPL or D3 and beyond. THAT is a bigger vouch for history.
Best just to sit back and watch them all squirm,Benitez,Fergie and Wenger have all three the toys out the pram with Citys new found wealth,it was obvious the fans would follow suit.How dare anyone threatnen to break into the exclusive top four club!

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