No superstars next season

interesting, i've just been on a chelsea forum and they are saying exactly the same things... mild dismay that they aren't getting the big names despite all their cash, and a feeling that they should be looking for more up-and-comers.
will everyone stop givin hughesy shit he's had one season which wasn't tht good ino but this transfer window he will no wat players to sign at end off day we may have the money but we aint got the europian footy to offer we can get good names like barry and maybe tevez which is better thn most clubs in prem league thts a start we get these good players and maybe one suprise superstar thts good enuf for me cos we can start gettin silverware and maybe top 4 with them......few seasons back we wouldn't off even been able to pick sum1 like barry up half the players tht are comin to us would off just laffd if we tried signin them we got one off the best team we ever had be great full.....stop panickin and wen transfer window actually opens it'll get more interestin...n u cant say sack hughesy because we had the second best home record in the league which is quiet good to say we up agenst teams like liverpool n chelsea n arsenal...just stop moanin n just alll be ready for a good transfer window

sorry if i bored you all nothin else to do wen u get made redundant u see :D
Im not sure if anyone has mentioned him...and i dont remember anyone ever linking us with him......but what about fabiano??????
Isnt he brazils first choice striker at present?

The Fixer said:
JUSTBLUE08 said:
I sat back after the last window and wondered if we would really sign a world super star .The picture is starting to take shape ..Kaka was close and has now gone forever .Messi was a never as is Torres and Stevie G. Villa just likes playing near his family ties. Now Tranny has gone to REAL ..TEVEZ WILL
STAY as he will be in the team. Eto,o has so many top clubs after him was a dream we love to dream .We could go on but its looking like RSC ..and what ever else MH can sign.

(The only great thing is the RAGS will not finish as last season ..having to9 replace Ronaldo .Giggs /Scholes old age ..Anderson and Nani a waste of money..Vander Sar to old ..they have not got the £150 million to start all over again ).

Where do we turn to now and has MH got a list we dont know about .??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

barry signed
Tevez (noone knows where he is playing yet)

Any of these players could still come to us, including eto'o and imo all would take us to the next level in our development.

Bags of time to get players in for us.Now the press are obsessed with Tranny,we may be able to nip in and do some undercover business...

I just love the fact that any player the rags go in for now,the conversation will be something like...

"Hi..Alex Ferguson here.I'd like to buy Frank Ribery please."

"Sure Mr.Ferguson.That will be £80million pounds,please.
Have a nice day."
I'm more than happy with the way we're going about our business. Hughes is going about it in the right way imo. I think good solid signings will improve us far quicker than the odd superstar, and our problem last season wasn't scoring goals.....we were up there with the best of them. If we can sort out the defence, and generally improve their willingness to "put a shift in" we'll make top six I'm sure of it. Not bad in two seasons surely?
Why is everyone panicking over players there are 81 days to go before transfer window closes, since Reals injection of debt we will have to wait until they stop feasting before we even get a chance of getting players, we are not at the top table and will have to wait our turn.
As I see it, MH has introduced a culture revolution to our Club and when that happens you sometimes have to take a step back before progress becomes obvious. I see last season as that step and trust Hughes to choose more quality players to take us on. Superstars are nice to have, but they have to FIT IN and improve the balance of the team. Their heads must be as good as their feet to help us succeed.

Left to his own devices, I do not doubt that we will see even more valuable, suitable players brought in by our manager - then WATCH US GO!!!!
I don't think it would be a bad thing if we didn't have too many superstars in our team. I remember Borussia Dortmund putting together a formidable side in the 90's that was made up of the best German players and a few stars like Paulo Sousa. If Hughes does buy the best of British (like Johnson) and adds the odd superstar (Tevez) I still think we can challenge for the league in the coming seasons.

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