Nolito - 2016/17 performances

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Love the guy but does anyone else think he runs/walks a bit like Norman Wisdom?
Hese been brilliant so far, it feels like hese been with us a few seasons because of how quickly he has settled in and how he has adapted to the league, looking forward to seeing him play more
Has anyone worked out how he manages to both stay wide and keep width in our play whilst also getting close to the box to support the striker?

It's like he's in 2 places at once, always knows exactly when in an attack to come inside. I think Sterling will learn a lot from him there - Raheem's been great out wide this season, and when he does arrive in the box he's good, but sometimes he's just a little behind on making the switch.
Had that video been posted of him being the first to celebrate with our goalscorers on nearly every occasion this season? I like the guy, seems a decent buy.
Hese been brilliant so far, it feels like hese been with us a few seasons because of how quickly he has settled in and how he has adapted to the league, looking forward to seeing him play more

Easier to adapt to Pep's play considering he's played for Pep & Barcelona before
Has anyone worked out how he manages to both stay wide and keep width in our play whilst also getting close to the box to support the striker?

It's like he's in 2 places at once, always knows exactly when in an attack to come inside. I think Sterling will learn a lot from him there - Raheem's been great out wide this season, and when he does arrive in the box he's good, but sometimes he's just a little behind on making the switch.
He has a real knack of always being in the 6 yard box looking to score,never seen a so called wide player looking to score so often,which probably explains why he is first to congratulate the goalscorer each time.a very good buy.
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