North Stand Development: Have your say


It isn’t cheap, especially for a family.

A concert (performer/band) is also something which comes around every few years. They don’t play 1-2 times a week over 9 month like period like a football club does.

Football is about going supporting your club, your home town, and being there during the good times and the bad. A club needs regular fans to be going week in, week out, otherwise it has no true support.

The more expensive tickets get, the harder it is to keep that support over the course of a season, especially if times aren’t as good as they could be.
Football has always been a choice wether you can afford to go or not, it's the same now, if you haven't got a season ticket it's expensive, so you just do a few games a season.
Football has always been a choice wether you can afford to go or not, it's the same now, if you haven't got a season ticket it's expensive, so you just do a few games a season.

To a degree but tickets are miles beyond what they were even 20 years ago and the rise in cost isn’t even close to inflation levels.

Don’t be a boot licker. It’s people like you which means prices go up because you champion these billion pound corporations to charge us all more.

Thank god instead for campaigns like ‘twenties plenty’ which meant away tickets were capped. That’s the kind of humanity I’m looking for (as someone who can afford tickets).
To a degree but tickets are miles beyond what they were even 20 years ago and the rise in cost isn’t even close to inflation levels.

Don’t be a boot licker. It’s people like you which means prices go up because you champion these billion pound corporations to charge us all more.

Thank god instead for campaigns like ‘twenties plenty’ which meant away tickets were capped. That’s the kind of humanity I’m looking for (as someone who can afford tickets).
Boot licker...fuck off, I'm stating facts not living in a dream world
1894 have only ever done this once. I think we moved about 70 fans to the back of SSL3.

We found that it didn't work as well because the rows in front of us were all infrequent fans who probably didn't know many words to songs for example. One big thing we will push for with any singing section in the North Stand is that it should be mainly seasoncard holders so there aren't random touristy types diluting the atmosphere in there.
You are spot on with your views @Manchester33
City has invited representatives from 1894, CityMatters and The Official Supporters Club to another meeting about the new North Stand next month.

It's imperative that we convey the views of our members and the wider fan base.

Please spare 10 minutes to complete this survey. This is your opportunity to be heard by the people working on the North Stand Development.

None of the answers you provide are binding, they are purely for the benefit of our meeting next month. The answers you provide will help 1894, CityMatters and The OSC to truly understand what the fanbase wants. We will do our best to push for that majority view.

Please click this link and fill in your responses.

It would be great if you can post on this thread when you're done so that the thread is bumped and more blues get the chance to offer their opinions.

Now that the window is closing care to share some poll results? Or do you want to share the answers with the club first
I’m not having a pop at your group or your efforts.

I was replying to the guy who said… We know what the fans want.

Just saying ‘the fans’ and the people who engage with your group are two completely different things.

Nobody knows what ‘the fans’ want.

Do City fans want another quiet and soulless tier full of expensive seats, no they don’t. There’s enough of those tiers at the Etihad currently. I’m guessing if you offered the fans a choice they would go for a proper home end with affordable seats or affordable safe standing seats, full of singers, creating an atmosphere, etc. It’s not hard to sell that vision to the vast majority of City fans who go to watch City on a match day.
£60 to watch City is cheap, look at the price of concert tickets now...I'm not saying its right but thats how it's gone.

Cheap?, it's absolute piss take, how can anyone on or just above the minimum wage afford to go on a regular game to game basis?, concert tickets are obscene as well but at least with organisations such as ticketmaster who aren't the most reputable you can pay in 3 instalments which Joe Bloggs can't do for City games.

I always feel that this is a pretty curious debate, honestly. Nobody “supports” a rock or pop band the way you support your club (well, maybe @Mad Eyed Screamer). There just isn't anything like the degree of emotional investment, not infrequently passed on from grandfather to father to son, or grandmother to mother to daughter. And as I've said in a previous post, connected with the territorial pride of growing up in a very specific neighbourhood. It's just not the same ball game. Literally or figuratively.
Boot licker...fuck off, I'm stating facts not living in a dream world
Totally agree, that was way below the belt, oh and if anyone wants my opinion, I can't be doing with this 'generated atmosphere' shite, it's embarrassing and before you slate me I stood on the Kippax during the 70's and 80's and that's where the difference lies, you could stand anywhere you wanted and you didn't need some flag waving, drum bashing **** with a loud speaker and his back to the game telling fans how to support there team.

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