North Stand Development: Have your say

I never said I wanted "cheap tickets" I merely pointed out that I considered £60 too high for a single league game. Go on the seat counter thread before many home games and see how many comment on the ticket prices.
And yes, I am an FOC and get a 50% reduction on my ST and a much smaller reduction for cup games. However I suspect the new fans the club are trying to attract are a lot younger than I am.
As for your bollocks about how I went on when we were crap; I just went to almost every game, home and away, and put up with it. In those days ticket prices were significantly cheaper.
£60 to watch City is cheap, look at the price of concert tickets now...I'm not saying its right but thats how it's gone.
£60 to watch City is cheap, look at the price of concert tickets now...I'm not saying its right but thats how it's gone.
Cheap?, it's absolute piss take, how can anyone on or just above the minimum wage afford to go on a regular game to game basis?, concert tickets are obscene as well but at least with organisations such as ticketmaster who aren't the most reputable you can pay in 3 instalments which Joe Bloggs can't do for City games.
£60 to watch City is cheap, look at the price of concert tickets now...I'm not saying its right but thats how it's gone.


It isn’t cheap, especially for a family.

A concert (performer/band) is also something which comes around every few years. They don’t play 1-2 times a week over 9 month like period like a football club does.

Football is about going supporting your club, your home town, and being there during the good times and the bad. A club needs regular fans to be going week in, week out, otherwise it has no true support.

The more expensive tickets get, the harder it is to keep that support over the course of a season, especially if times aren’t as good as they could be.
I’d also argue that’s there’s no way of knowing what the majority of fans want.

Of course there is.... just ask them?!

It wouldn’t surprise me if the majority didn’t give a flying fuck about the atmosphere. And even less likely if it impacted on them trying to improve it.

So far in our survey 83% of fans said the atmosphere IS important to them (more highly ranked than 'view of the game' and 'sitting with friends and family').

93% believe it's important to focus on improving the atmosphere when considering the North Stand development.
I would argue the fans don't know what the club want.

Sure, they want to increase revenue.

They are also on record saying they want an atmospheric home end.

And a stadium capable of hosting the CL final.

Most City fans will just know about the expansion of the ground/North stand and the increased capacity. Unlike use North stand construction nerds those other City fans won’t be bothered about the finer details of the North stand expansion like we are. Saying that, this thread, the numerous Youtube drone videos, and the fan questionnaires have enabled a lot of City fans to find out more about the North stand expansion plans.
Most City fans will just know about the expansion of the ground and the increased capacity. Unlike use North stand construction nerds those other City won’t be bothered about the finer details of the North stand expansion like we are. Saying that, this thread, the numerous Youtube drone videos, and the fan questionnaires have enabled a lot of City fans to find out more about the North stand expansion plans.

That's true, but there is also simply what the club have publicly said on numerous occasions. Re atmosphere, the type of stand and the ambition for the stadium.
That's true, but there is also simply what the club have publicly said on numerous occasions. Re atmosphere, the type of stand and the ambition for the stadium.

The sooner the club releases more detailed information about the North stand to the fans, the better. I appreciate there are a multitude of things to go over with such a big project affecting 1000’s/10,000’s of fans, but there comes a point when final decisions have to be made, signed off, and presented to the fans.

Of course there is.... just ask them?!

So far in our survey 83% of fans said the atmosphere IS important to them (more highly ranked than 'view of the game' and 'sitting with friends and family').

93% believe it's important to focus on improving the atmosphere when considering the North Stand development.

I’m not having a pop at your group or your efforts.

I was replying to the guy who said… We know what the fans want.

Just saying ‘the fans’ and the people who engage with your group are two completely different things.

Nobody knows what ‘the fans’ want.
Cheap?, it's absolute piss take, how can anyone on or just above the minimum wage afford to go on a regular game to game basis?, concert tickets are obscene as well but at least with organisations such as ticketmaster who aren't the most reputable you can pay in 3 instalments which Joe Bloggs can't do for City games.
Piss take ? £60 to see arguably the best team in the world ??

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