North Stand Expansion

Planning – Application Summary
Installation of three LED Advertisement screens to the north façade of the proposed commercial building and north and east façades of the proposed hotel (as proposed under planning application 136763/FO/2023)

No decision yet, still in 'Recommendation and/or Committee' phase. I think they're being asked to make them smaller, perhaps just the one on the end of the hotel given it's orientation and proximity to residential housing(?)


Planning – Application Summary
Alterations to the Etihad Stadium North Stand...

Says decision reached but further down says awaiting decision so perhaps just waiting to be updated online.

Yeah, the second one you list (the main one), is really just a matter of paperwork being finished and added. Maybe with a potential 'or'.

The councillors unanimously voted to approve it, and that is in line with the planning board recommendation, so for all intents and purposes it is approved.

The 3 other related applications that have also been approved do have the decision notices uploaded to the portal, so it will happen with this one at some point. It will be a much longer document with over 50 conditions, and everyone that matters knows about it, so can't see the club or the planners being in a rush to need the portal updated.

I know you know all this btw, just saying it anyway for the benefit of others.

OR.. the reason the decicion notice isn't up yet, is because a couple of the conditions relate to the screens, and they could be waiting for the outcome of that to conclude, before finalising them.

The screens are a separate application, and from the first time I saw it, that was the bit I thought had the potential to be a touch contraversial. More to do with size than anything else.

My guess is the first, btw.
Planning – Application Summary
Installation of three LED Advertisement screens to the north façade of the proposed commercial building and north and east façades of the proposed hotel (as proposed under planning application 136763/FO/2023)

No decision yet, still in 'Recommendation and/or Committee' phase. I think they're being asked to make them smaller, perhaps just the one on the end of the hotel given it's orientation and proximity to residential housing(?)


Planning – Application Summary
Alterations to the Etihad Stadium North Stand...

Says decision reached but further down says awaiting decision so perhaps just waiting to be updated online.

Probably attach conditions re hours of operation to protect residents.

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