North Stand (update pg 12) keep the faith

Re: stop the forced eviction from the north stand. (good read)

S.E.H said:
Get on with it, you dont contribute to the atmosphere anyway. Blues are blues and I respect any blue, but tbh you're whinging for whigings sake, just move to the CB or East Stand where its just as boring. This thread reminds me of those who dont want the away fans moving because 'we've got everyone together now', ffs when you're ordering your season tickets just make sure you order them where you wanna go, i.e. With your mates etc. The club are trying to organise the ground where the SS becomes THE Atmosphere stand and the family can be for those who wanna sit there numb as pig shit where the only noise they make is the munching of crisp butties and jaffa cakes, ARRRGGHHH!!!!

Sorry if you think I'm being grim, Rant Over.

Blimey i nearly took the bait then, i guess i shall move to the far end and join the moronic turds who like threatening each other. As i said i nearly took the bait
Re: stop the forced eviction from the north stand. (good read)

It's got to be done boys and girls. The club need to restructure things and thats the way it is. This all came about in the transfer from Maine road and was ill thought out for a modern stadium. If you remember everyone got to sit in a more or less template seat of the old ground. Its got to be done, and if you look at how other supporters of premier clubs have to pay through the nose, we are great value.
I think the least people can do is show some support for whats trying to be achieved here.
Just because some people have to pay more and others have to be moved does'nt mean your being abused or ripped off!
Re: stop the forced eviction from the north stand. (good read)

Uber Blues said:
It's got to be done boys and girls. The club need to restructure things and thats the way it is. This all came about in the transfer from Maine road and was ill thought out for a modern stadium. If you remember everyone got to sit in a more or less template seat of the old ground. Its got to be done, and if you look at how other supporters of premier clubs have to pay through the nose, we are great value.
I think the least people can do is show some support for whats trying to be achieved here.
Just because some people have to pay more and others have to be moved does'nt mean your being abused or ripped off!

No i agree noone is being ripped its just some people in North cant afford any more than the increase, then they have an increase for next season and the season after that at a rate higher than others in the ground, fully understand why they are doing this but some wont be able to go next season as this is short notice
Re: stop the forced eviction from the north stand. (good read)

the mass eviction from the north stand, has been poorly planned and poorly executed. The club boast with rhetoric about looking after fans, giving them the top match day experience. It's a little ironic that he then announce that all northstander must move, will little warning, advice or reassurance.

Reason's why it's poorly done.

There is little incentive for people to move to the northstand. For the same reason people don't want to move from the stand. A lot of fans moved from maine road with people they sat with there and have been able to retain that at coms. sitting with friends and family is apart of the match day experience. So people with young kids, have not been given enough incentive to move to the northstand, paying £50 extra to move from seats they like and away from people they want to sit with. People wit kids are not forced to go to the northstand.

So in turn, with little incentive for people to move, where is the space going to come from for the North stand fans to move too. The only space currently open is top of the third tier, which know one wants, hence why they don't sell.

So fan's are being forced to move from seats they pay for, without the assurance of getting a seat of similar quality, and with very little chance of being seated with those they sit with.

It'a all very well saying 'make sure you move with your mates'
but where do you move, there is very little space for such a migration of fans...
Re: stop the forced eviction from the north stand. (good read)

Didsbury Dave said:
If, like me, you are disgusted at the overreaction of a small number of fans to the news that they will have to move seats next season, please sign the attached petition. If they were being forced to pay more, or move to inferior parts of the ground, then they might have something to whinge about but as it stands, they're just typical English - frightened of change and hiding behind pseudo-moralistic reasons.

where do i sign
Re: stop the forced eviction from the north stand. (good read)

if you feel strongly about it, sign up, if you don't then don't...
Re: stop the forced eviction from the north stand. (good read)

dw7 said:
tommytheblue said:
thanks for your intelligent insight.

no problem my comment is better than listen to yoor constant moaning

clearly, your obviously very bright! I presume the 'yoor' bit is aimed at the north stand fans, rather than my constant moaning....

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