Norwich Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Didsbury Dave said:
OB1 said:
Navas put in 17 crosses and 11 corners but not one resulted in a goal attempt. He should have managed even more crosses but did not take on his full back often enough.

An incredible number of Poor quality balls into the box, particularly from navas and zabaleta.

Jesus can't do that much football, and be blamed.
Funny as fuck...if this was last season then it was all manager's fault but now its all Navas fault ....
BobKowalski said:
aidyblu76 said:
'in the absence of the pelegrini thread'
I Was one of those in support of mancini and disagreed with him being replaced, but a couple of weeks ago there were loads of posts on the pelegrini thread demanding apologies from mancini supporters and gloating about how pelegrini is the bees knees. I, among others, agreed that I might have been wrong and that the new manager was taking us to the next level. Now earlier on in this thread there are people slagging him off and claiming he's not good enough. I don't know if they are wumming or just thick, but really?

If we score 4 in each of our next 2 games I'll expect to see those same people back on praising the manager and team and saying how we will win the league and champions league again

This gets on my tits as well. We are either slobbering over Pellers like he invented fucking football or screaming hysterically that we should burn him as a witch whereas the truth lies somewhere in the middle; albeit trampled underfoot as we charge from one extreme to the other.

The other pisser is the constant "Oh no we are missing (insert name of player) and without him we are hopeless" whine fucking whine. Well newsflash. Every season we lose key players either to injury or ACON or whatever as do (wait for it) every other team we play against. Chelsea have a strike force that consists of a man with no knees, a £50m striker who barely ever strikes and is fucking injured anyway and a guy in his mid thirties who spent the last two years stuck in a hut in Yakutsk and is sodding off to the MLS next year. We have four fucking top notch strikers and we're squealing like stuck pigs. Even Pellers has started whining about it (in fairness most managers do. Mancini was world champ at moaning about something or other).

Now OK I still think we will win the PL this year solely on the grounds that our firepower should ensure we drop less points than Chelsea. I am not as confident as I was 7 days ago but the fact still remains Chelsea will score less than us and will drop more points than us. I still have the same reservations about Pellers that I had before the season started and when we were beating teams 6-0 and now when its gone a bit wobbly. The issues remain the same and don't flip flop every 20 minutes of every football match. If ever Pellers gets round to addressing my reservations I will let you know.

Finally Demichelis. As a back up I have no issue with the guy. As first choice anything I do. This unseemly love affair between Pellers and MD has to stop. Last year Nasty did very well considering his age and that it was his first season. Kindly start with some quality defensive coaching and restore some confidence in what was an excellent young prospect. Same with Rodwell (if he is ever fit). Oh and Jovetic looked good today. That is all.

That's how it is BK most managers have their favourites for all sorts of reasons as do we , I wanted Lescott to start although it wouldn't have altered the result because we couldn't score but a manager in the end rides or falls on the decisions he makes and the results of the team.

Chelsea can do without their strikers because of the midfield and defense they have , largely settled most of the year with one to three changes per game.

We average at least five I would suggest and sometimes as many as 8 some enforced some not.

Its fallacy when you are bedding in a " system ' a style etc to have that many week in week out and expect things to tick over like clockwork.

Despite saying and some believing we have the best squad it means diddly squat if the side can't raise their game week in week out often enough to justify the tag.

Once Fernandhino found his feet and did what those who went after him thought he could do it was fairly obvious our game revolved around him and naturally thats ok when he is fit but a dangerous ploy to embark on.

He allows YAYA to be at his most effective and that brings our strikepower into the game more quickly more often.

5 points in the 5 games he has missed and while one never knows whether it would have been more if played all five its possible we wouldn't have this thread so large in size if he had of played yesterday.

As many have said there will always be games in the season where you have to grind out a win and we are not good at it.

Probably stating the obvious but we are just as likely to win the title as finishing fourth this season.

Most probably don't agree with MP when he says 6 sides are battling for four positions but who knows it may end up like that.

Those writing off Arsenal because they got thumped a second time may have to think again after Wednesday its that type of season.

Chelsea are in the box seat but as ridiculous as it sounds I wouldn't write the winner of tonights Spurs v Everton game off altogether.

Lets hope we get our home form right back on track on Wednesday with a real polished performance although personally I think we will have to grind out a win ala Palace.
M24 Citizen said:
Hamman is a great pundit.

I wish people would stop having a go at people when they say it how it is. I'd rather they talk football sense than want them to kiss our arse all the time.
if their going to say how it is then it should be for every club. The mans a t--t for even fetching it into the eyes of the press and fa, where was the stamp at stoke last week, or the elbow In yayas face before the tap, if the Norwich player thinks he was doing his side a favour I suggest he looks at our next two league games and their positions in the table?
MOTD here...

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Bugger - I got up at 3:45AM to watch that game and we almost blew it in the last minute - that would really have pissed me off.

I have a feeling that we will see the same tactics from Sunderland next game. We need Navas to go back to putting in his telling crosses and if necessary conceding his corner kicks were crap and give someone else the responsibility. As much as I rate Clichy's abilities I think Alexs is a much better attacking option.

At least the next game is just after breakfast time for me - so hopefully I will not choke on my toast any time during the game.
What we needed to do was get Milner on the ball as much as possible and leave Toure deep next to the centre halves.... Genius. ...sorry, I know I shouldn't criticise because we've played the best football in the league all season.
Hang on a minute didn't Chelsea manage a 0-0 at home recently. I was disappointed with the result and got a bit negative like most of us.Plenty of time to turn a 2 point shortfall around. Game on.
tiggsywiggsywoo said:
Hang on a minute didn't Chelsea manage a 0-0 at home recently. I was disappointed with the result and got a bit negative like most of us.Plenty of time to turn a 2 point shortfall around. Game on.

That's right they couldn't find a way through Fat Sams West Ham. Liverpool drew 2-2 with Villa a couple of weeks ago at home. This is football.

Was there a media meltdown after either game? Were people accusing Mourinho and Rodgers of failing in their missions? Of course they weren't because it was only one game.

Rumours of our demise are greatly exaggerated. This City team has hit a speed hump, but let's make it clear to every other team, if we have Sergio, Samir and Fernandinho available when we go to Anfield etc, then they will be fearing us, and they will be games that we will be perfectly capable of winning.

This season is far from being over. Champions find a way of fighting back.

We are a champion team, and those that are preparing the funeral notices had better think again. This City team is going to fight back much harder than any of our future opponents will ever expect.
We had an off day yesterday. ...
We had an off day against chelsea....
We might have an off day against sunderland next week....
It is allowed,it's a blip, every team will have one, we could be having ours now, we'll get through it and we'll be up there come the end of the season....
Keep the faith...

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