Norwich VS city post match thread

Not sure what people were expecting to be different. We did the send off with Pellers with the cup and he is effectively gone. They will turn up for the CL but as for the league Pellers and the team are just phoning it in. It's been this way for months and it is hardly likely to get any better.

I mean we sacked the manager in January (which was on the cards anyway) and people are wondering why it's a leaderless mess? Seriously?
Thought we'd won one of the 3 domestic trophies and were still in the CL - unless by 'we' you mean some other club
As you put it like that, it's not so bad then...In fact it's one of the best squads we have ever had and we are so lucky to be in this position. We are in the top 4 of the league and our performances are showing that we will fight til the end.
What was I thinking? Thanks for helping me with getting back my positivity!!!
Lots of over the top reactions here, as usual! There's no doubt that we lack quality in several positions, but that's hardly Pellers' fault. Presumably Navas puts in decent crosses in training, it's incredibly frustrating that he can't do it in actual matches and Bony can't be as bad in training or he wouldn't even be in the squad, let alone starting.

It was a poor performance against a highly motivated team and that's what disappointed me most - the fact that we didn't look that motivated ourselves.

The good thing is, there's never been a better time to be a City fan, so I just try and enjoy the ride, there are more ups than downs!
I feel utterly dejected after that performance. Yes Pellers takes a portion of the blame, but those players need to start giving a flying fuck otherwise we will have a europe free season next year. For too long now we have just blamed Pelligrini, but now the players should take the shit. Sick of them strolling round games like they dont give a fuck. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Worse things happen at sea, but that was as bad as I've seen on land!

We're getting our just deserts really after years of getting away with it. So many poor players, so ponderous, so predictable.

Even a change of manager for the final run in will achieve nothing as why would they suddenly up their game for a temporary manager.

The only positive is back to back clean sheets, but against the bottom 2 teams I could be guilty of clutching straws.
Pellegrini has given up. He's known he's leaving since around October and there's a direct correlation between that fact and our terrible, inconsistent performances. He doesn't care anymore, is stubborn and couldn't motivate a fish to swim. There's really nothing more to say at this point. We need to hope that we can hold onto a top 4 spot until Pep gets here.
Kelchi rips Norwich a collective new Arse hole in January so what does Pellers do today?
He plays Pony...
All in all absolute garbage that. Passing for passing's sake with very few chances of note.
If we'd started with the team we finished with we'd probably have won that.
Tile gone unless we win every remaining game or Leicester slip up to Newcastle. I expect them to win though and that will be 12 points ahead (9 IF we win the game in-hand).

Yes yes yes. Pellegrini continues to put out bad lineups. The team that finished on the field would have gotten one. Nacho looks to be a class above EVERYONE on the field, including most of our players the way he handles the ball, can pass and move smartly into space.... And yet he continues to lose minutes to BONY!?!? Wtf. He has 0 impact the far majority of the time hes out there.
Never liked Pellegrini, now I'm starting to despise the clueless, dull, uninspiring twat

Bony put in possibly the worst performance I've ever seen at this level last week, so what does brain dead do... Go on have another go.. And what do you know, he's just as bad

This clown has held us back for 3 years and we've won trophies despite him not because of him

I cannot wait for this dullard to go and I won't be hanging around to applaud him after the last match, apart from anything else his speech will put a glass eye to sleep

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