Norwich VS city post match thread

Probably the most worrying thing about today was that Norwich weren't that good. Sure, they were organised and got back into their formation quickly but was there really any kind of body on the line last ditch defending? Were their players literally on the floor at full time breathless after wave after wave of potent attack? The answer is not in the fucking slightest.

Our players wouldn't have beat a conference team today they were that lacking in ideas. There was not enough movement generally and not enough players wanting to be in the box as Henry has just summed up on sky! The focus clearly just isn't there because I can't imagine top level professionals wouldn't have the thought process to get in the box when you're trying to win the league.

I'm actually going past a stage of feeling annoyed now. I'm going into a mode of embarrassment. I'm embarrassed that this team have mustered the most pathetic title change you could ever imagine. I don't expect then to win it every year, we aren't the rags where it seems a god given right for them to win it but I expect a bloody good go of it every year. We have the resources now to be able to do that but we're now firmly in a top 4 battle.
Norwich have picked up 2 points from the last 30. What does that say about Manchester City – title contenders – absolute garbage. Nacho should have been on at half time.
The best chance was Ferny1 bursting into the area – should have put his laces through it – passed to Aguero who had 6 players in front of him.. Why do we not have a blast – say from 20/25 yards – might get a deflection.
Can you really say we will beat the Rags next week ? – be another 0-0. 3 shots on target -against Norwich – crap.
Norwich did smother us. Sterling and previously Navas could not beat the first defender.
When was KDB's injury?? We haven't had back to back wins since October....

The problem sits solely with style... Manuel is a stubborn mule who would rather lose playing his attacking philosophy than win playing ugly..
That was attacking? Fuck me. If hate to see all our attempts if we parked the bus.
This clown had a week to prepare for this game and he decided to play the same slow team that was shite for the first half against Villa (minus our best midfielder today) playing that lazy bastard who doesn't move instead of a player that scored against this lot already. Dropping sterling for no reason whatsoever and then playing Silva left wing so he can't get involved.

Once again he waits too long to make his subs.

The owners have to be blamed for this situation also for allowing this to happen for two years just so they can get their man.

He should of been sacked last season and now we're looking over our shoulder for fourth place and playing them lot across the road who will most likely beat us since theyve got a manager who can at least set his team up im the big games.
Didn't realise Bony ever owned a pair of legs.

It's easy for us to attack the players, bony just doesn't fit the style manuel wants us to play, however, the oaf keeps playing him... There's a core of that team, and that includes silva, who not only appear worried but also are playing like they know something we don't!!!
So frustrated after that!
We have become the new Arsenal!! Someone FUCKING SHOOT!!!!
ive got so many negative things to say but not sure I can say them constructively!
we don't deserve champions league qualification let alone the title, let West Ham have it, a team of players who are giving and trying everything for the cause!!!

Rip it up Pep and start again!
Totally p off over here in Oz, listening to that dross, not done my heart any good, the end of the season cant come fast enough for me, and maybe we might be in 3rd or 2nd spot [ yeah I know ]........
Having armchair fans is acceptable. Having armchair players and a been bag of a manager isn't.
Would like to see the statistics from that game and see a breakdown of the number of passes from Silva and Aguero to Bony. I'm no fan of his, but there were times when he was showing for the ball, in clear space, and both players decided to take it back into traffic.
I know. It's amazing that, even during a bad game, Aguero and Silva show themselves to be top players.
Fatigue must have a lot to do with it. The number of times I watch us and it looks like a different team that starts and finishes. Don't know what our training regime is but they've had long enough to recover from the last game and look fit for fuck all at the end.

Finishing 4th adds an early start to next season, so Pep's got a fun time ahead if this lot get fatigued as easy as this.

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