Norwich VS city post match thread

Fucking hell. Hate to have seen you lot in the trenches. Talk about turn on your own.
I know we weren't that great today and i'm as disappointed as anyone, But the vitriol and name calling
about staff and players is disgusting. It's the same after every game we don't win. Think there's quite a lot
on here want to look up the word support in the dictionary.
Fucking hell. Hate to have seen you lot in the trenches. Talk about turn on your own.
I know we weren't that great today and i'm as disappointed as anyone, But the vitriol and name calling
about staff and players is disgusting. It's the same after every game we don't win. Think there's quite a lot
on here want to look up the word support in the dictionary.

I agree about the name calling,no need for it. But the players and management should look up the words passion,desire and commitment as it looks like those words are totally alien to most of them.
No shot on goal in the 2nd half against a team with one of the worst defensive records.
It's been a long season and a very long day. Lots of emotion on the thread and frustration. Today was a repeat of lots of performances this season. I think the biggest issue is the predictability of our play and the inability to come up with a plan B when teams defend. In the early phases of the game we looked dangerous. It was one of them games that if we had scored we would probably be on here hailing the performance having won by 3 or 4. Possession based football is boring unless it has an end result. Sometimes when we are closing in on goal we go backwards to retain the ball rather than run at teams and take a chance. That extra touch or move back 20-30m just to keep the ball seems pointless to me. I agree with previous posts that some players just don't seem to want it enough. This is probably the hardest thing to take. Thanks to Joe and the rest of the players that came to say thanks to the fans who travelled today. When we were shit I never bothered how much it cost or how much time I wasted getting to and from the game. Ironically - we are now a great team that wins things and I get this emotion on a very regular basis. On a positive note, let's not forget we won the Cup a couple of weeks ago. I think our expectation is now very high due to the money they have spent. The thing I want to see more than anything else is team spirit and the fight till the end passion. Both of which are not as evident in our team compared to others.
It is so discouraging watching players get paid 200k a week for this kind of effort. People would kill to make 1/10 of that for just playing a game. More discouraging is watching players for other teams like Atletico get paid much less and yet they manage to fight like their lives depended on it.

We spent a fortune on freeloaders. This team and this manager have tarnished themselves. We have more talent by far than any team in the league and West Ham is about to take 4th from us. Fuck.
Fucking hell. Hate to have seen you lot in the trenches. Talk about turn on your own.
I know we weren't that great today and i'm as disappointed as anyone, But the vitriol and name calling
about staff and players is disgusting. It's the same after every game we don't win. Think there's quite a lot
on here want to look up the word support in the dictionary.

Fanboy night tonight,bit like Redmoon.
Fucking hell. Hate to have seen you lot in the trenches. Talk about turn on your own.
I know we weren't that great today and i'm as disappointed as anyone, But the vitriol and name calling
about staff and players is disgusting. It's the same after every game we don't win. Think there's quite a lot
on here want to look up the word support in the dictionary.

Great insight Colonel.
I think some of personal insults on here directed at Pellers and the players crosses the line a little but that for me today was the end of my sitting on the fence with Pellers just not good enough. I mean no disrespect to Norwich but to barely threaten them is unforgivable and as for the back to back wins stat fecking disgrace, collectively from the players to the manager they need to get a grip unacceptable as of right now.

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