Norwich VS city post match thread

I'm afraid we're just going through the motions now which simply shouldn't be the case. It's one thing the team not believing we can challenge for the title, it's another thing when it looks pretty clear to me that very few of them look like they care.

I'm far from a pellegrini fan, I never thought he was the right fit for the club but supported him until fairly early this season. He has taken us backwards on the whole and whilst he's picked up some trophies, I think I would have too with the squad he's had to work with. His tactics and team selection baffle me at times and infuriate me at others. However, what we're seeing at the minute isn't just down to him. The players need to take a long fucking look in the mirror. If I was privileged to have been good enough to play football for a living id make damn sure I put some bastard effort in. Lazy twats.

Navas is not a starter. If ever there was an impact sub it's him. A winger that won't go past a full back and can't cross unless it's against tired legs.

Bony is never a City player, ever. He's the current scapegoat and people are on his back quickly but he simply isn't good enough. If I were him I'd realise, as he probably does, that he's a level or two below most of the squad and id run about like fuck to counter balance that. But, He does fuck all, Shouldn't be in the squad yet gets picked over kelechi because he came with a big price tag.

Silva is in woeful form/condition. He just doesn't look fit. He'd be no where near my squad either until he was right. Too slow and can't see that pass at the moment.

Clichy and sagna do ok but it's completely pointless overlapping on the wings as instead of crossing they ALWAYS cut the ball back to navas or Silva. We then fuck about with it around the box until every opposition player is back behind the ball and then we lose it.

Otto scares me. Goes to ground too easily and I hope Guardiola will coach that out of him.

Back to the manager. Ultimately, the buck stops with him. If the payers aren't performing he HAS to change it. Drop them. We may as well lose/draw with fringe players or kids that will have a go instead of watching one of, if not the most pampered, well treated squad in English football constantly turn out lack lustre 50/60% effort performances.

He needs to relieved, fast. I'd even have preferred giving Benitez a go until the end of the season, at least he'd have tried. Unless something changes soon, I really can't see where our next points are coming from. I've seen us shit, really shit. This isn't shit, this is fucking abysmal. I don't like losing but I fucking hate losing because we've not put enough effort in.

Sorry to waffle on but blimey, I am not happy.
Waffling on as you put it your post is spot on just add pellers must go or I fear we will miss out on top four some players know they are on the way out and don't give a shit
It's been a long season and a very long day. Lots of emotion on the thread and frustration. Today was a repeat of lots of performances this season. I think the biggest issue is the predictability of our play and the inability to come up with a plan B when teams defend. In the early phases of the game we looked dangerous. It was one of them games that if we had scored we would probably be on here hailing the performance having won by 3 or 4. Possession based football is boring unless it has an end result. Sometimes when we are closing in on goal we go backwards to retain the ball rather than run at teams and take a chance. That extra touch or move back 20-30m just to keep the ball seems pointless to me. I agree with previous posts that some players just don't seem to want it enough. This is probably the hardest thing to take. Thanks to Joe and the rest of the players that came to say thanks to the fans who travelled today. When we were shit I never bothered how much it cost or how much time I wasted getting to and from the game. Ironically - we are now a great team that wins things and I get this emotion on a very regular basis. On a positive note, let's not forget we won the Cup a couple of weeks ago. I think our expectation is now very high due to the money they have spent. The thing I want to see more than anything else is team spirit and the fight till the end passion. Both of which are not as evident in our team compared to others.

Totally agree. We have certainly lost a lot of spark recently (this season mainly). Hopefully it is being saved for the Champions League.
Although i'm not holding my breath.
Fucking hell. Hate to have seen you lot in the trenches. Talk about turn on your own..

Talking about trenches.... a surprisingly high number of officer fatalities in the war were discovered to have received bullet wounds that had originated from behind them. It may well have been some grassy-knoll types at work, but the more popular theory was that the soldiers took them out as they made their charge out of the trenches as felt that they had a better chance of surviving without their officers and their fucked-up so called military leadership.
Talking about trenches.... a surprisingly high number of officer fatalities in the war were discovered to have received bullet wounds that had originated from behind them. It may well have been some grassy-knoll types at work, but the more popular theory was that the soldiers took them out as they made their charge out of the trenches as felt that they had a better chance of surviving without their officers and their fucked-up so called military leadership.

Like i say. There a few fuckers on here, i wouldn't trust ;-) Only joking guys an gals.
Fucking hell. Hate to have seen you lot in the trenches. Talk about turn on your own.
I know we weren't that great today and i'm as disappointed as anyone, But the vitriol and name calling
about staff and players is disgusting. It's the same after every game we don't win. Think there's quite a lot
on here want to look up the word support in the dictionary.

After the 9 hour round trip to Norwich I think it's a disgrace that the players can't begin to match the commitment of the 2000 or so supporters who shelled out over £50 to watch them half heartedly wander around the pitch for 90 mins. Piss poor yet again today,they play like they don't give a fuck
Great pleasure to meet M18CTID and Dave today. Thoroughly enjoyed your company.

Great effort trying to get the Blues singing in the second half. There must have been at least doc of us giving it the City back catalogue lol! Look forward to seeing you at future games!
We missed Yaya, he is our match winner in games like this.
Henry nailed it we just didn't get enough blue shirts in the box.
One thing you can rely on is for Navas to win corners as he can't cross.
Throw ins have been bad all season but they stood out today, absolutely no movement at all, they stand there looking. What do they do in training??

At what age do you choose to ignore what you under 10 s coach told you to do at throw ins.
Great pleasure to meet M18CTID and Dave today. Thoroughly enjoyed your company.

Great effort trying to get the Blues singing in the second half. There must have been at least doc of us giving it the City back catalogue lol! Look forward to seeing you at future games!

Were you at the back singing your rendition of the boys in blue?
Spot on. Silva is wasted out on the right and every sane blue knows it. Bony is being made a scapegoat but he just doesn't fit our style. Glad someone has o much on Aguero's goals. We seem to lack hunger, killer instinct and tactical nous. I'm more pi###ed off with us now than when we were crap. Major surgery is needed. Was looking forward to a full day of sport typically spoilt by City. I cant recall a derby when both sets of fans are so pessimistic.. What worries me is there is no sign of hope apart from looking more solid at the back but our form shows no sign of improvement. Give me 4th now and ill be content.

Correct. At what point has Silva EVER been influential with those defense splitting passes from the right? Ill enlighten you - pretty much never - he drifts inside to produce those beautiful pieces of utter sexual brilliance. So lets play him on the right right? you dozy old fart. I dont agree with bony being a scapegoat. A scapegoat would entail said goat actually trying to enhance the team and working to en end goal. No running, no pressure, no urgency, no winning the ball in those areas where he should be expected to hold it up for support, absolutely no finishing ability. I was a supporter of bony until he began not supporting himself. At what point do we begin to accept a striker who finishes like the Goat but doesnt actually score like the Goat????? (pretty sure most stone cold blues get what I mean!!!) Nacho should be far and above him on the starting block now. The worst part was the complete and utter lethargic and non commital of the whole team. At no part did I thnk - here we go lads great bit of pressure lets kick on apart from the first 20 minutes where we should have been out of sight! Frustration past boiling point and that all boils down to the manager and his complete and utter ignorance and/or stupidity to think he can walk past every team. Before the game I thought we had a chance at the title. Call it deluded blue optomism that we;d do it the hard way. If the players wanted to do it for the manager as a sendoff and a hurrah they would be running their fucking bollocks into the ground every game no matter what. The fact they are barely managing to dangle their bollocks over a willing and wet mouth for the league title speaks absolute volumes about A) the training they recieve, B) the tactics for each and every game, and most importantly C) the regard they hold the current incumbent manager who in their own words they hold in the highest regard. If that was me in my workplace (the military) and I held pellegrini in the regard they do then I would run through fucking concrete walls and more. I apologise to the mods about my langauge in parts but I feel its justified.

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