
The Phoenix
UMIST Socials
Original Virgin Records on Lever St.
Louis' Burger Van
Cox's Bar
The Gallery
Free Trade Hall
Real Boddies
Yanks! I'd almost forgotten that one. Used to spend hours in there trawling through the vinyl for rare US imports. If I remember correctly, most of the covers had a piece clipped out to identify them as sourced outside the UK. One for Neil Young fans only I suspect but I picked up a copy of Harvest from there which was mispressed so that the second side was the first side of After the Gold Rush. Well, it got me excited.
Spot the ball. And seeing the result and thinking fuck off it was never there you cheating cunts, only to enter again, and again.
Then buying one of those ink stamps with a hundred tiny x's on it to cheat the system, which never fucking worked.
Doing the coupon, everyone knew the coupon man at work.
Dodgy newsagents that sold single ciggys to blatantly underaged teenagers.
Green shield stamps.
Proper apprenticeships, with "closed shop" unionisation.
Petrol pump attendants, "four four star please mate"
Squirt of two stroke oil in your fizzys tank, at the pump.
Breaking your thermos.
Army and navy shops.
Electric car aerials.
Cheap, awful smelling cigars sold as being somehow sophisticated, hamlet, castella.
Brut 33, and old spice, designed to cover up the above.
Airfix kits.
Storage of nails and screws in jam jars, smaller items in tobacco tins.
Tennis ball hanging from garage rafters, early parking sensor.
Push me pull you qualcast.
I've got (good) news for you. Airfix is alive and well, albeit now owned by Hornby.

Clackers, 2 hard lumps of plastic on strings about the size of a conker which if you got wrong could break your knuckles or if you let go could smash a window or put someone in hospital for a few days.
For years, streets in every town up and down the country had pairs of clackers hanging from the telephone wires. How they got there, I haven't a clue.
Schools tracing paper like toilet roll

Izal and it even had a hospital sign on it too :)


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