Not from Manchester, Not from the Uk, and I am a City Fan

Phate said:
oakiecokie said:
Phate said:
Interest will increase, support will not. How are people not getting the point here.

Support for most clubs remains at a pretty constant number regardless of success. It is only the interest that waivers.

So you are insisting that City will never need to increase the capacity at The Etihad ??

To accommodate for increased interest we will do. We won't have to increase capacity to accommodate increased support since that number is always going to be at a rough constant.

Lifelong blue but only found Bluemoon last month and trolling other blues... Hmm

How has this obvious rag not been banned yet?
I think it's more of an old vs new fan thing rather than local vs foreign.

I'm not from the UK and my join date kind of reflects how long I've been a fan. The number of new City fans are growing around here and I actually don't mind school kids picking City because the team is on the rise. It is quite expected.

Adults changing teams and becoming "hardcore/die-hard" City fans out of nowhere, on the other hand. And they are aplenty.

By the way I kinda sense a WUM somewhere.
I was born in St Marys Hospital and i Lived in Miles Platting all my Childhood on Hulme Hall Lane which is now pretty much where Eastlands is. I've been a Blue every day of my life as have my Father and Grandfather before me... Truer local City fans you will never meet.

But a local like me or a Morrocon like the OP and anywhere inbetween. Whatever your reason. If you're a Blue then you'll do!
I have been following city quite closely since about 2006... I watch all but maybe 2-3 matches a season.... Went and sang my brains out when they toured relatively close to my home.... I have a ton of respect for all City fans, especially the life long ones I see on here.... With City getting close to achieving ultimate glory I am most happy for all the older fans, the ones that have been following City their entire lives... The ones who were at those rainy nights at Maine Road, or maybe York away, or some random lower club, those are the people I am most happy for right now... I will be watching on my tv sunday morning and loving seeing all you life long Blues in the crowd singing and enjoying it.

I hope when I make my first trip to Eastlands (yes thats what i like to call it) next season you welcome me with open arms as I have the utmost respect for you all.

Enjoy it folks.
Oh god I did not realize how long this post ended up being. I apologize.

Not from Manchester or the UK either. Born in St. Louis, MO. Lived in Jacksonville, FL a bit. Back in STL now. Still love Manchester City.

I can easily understand why some of the more long-term fans could get upset at a fan like me who wasn't there for the bad times. I support my fair share of shit teams and understand(Jacksonville Jaguars say hello). I also give absolutely zero fucks! Here is my story, for those who are interested...

I used to hate football/soccer. I thought it was for homosexuals. This is ironic because most of my best friends in middle/high school were soccer players. I would always send them to I now see the error in my ways (slightly related, this is why I laugh when I read the majority of you on here talk shit on American football. It's ok not to like it, but most of what is said is stupid, like

I chose Manchester City as my team before I even liked football for a very simple reason. Oasis. I love the Gallaghers and always heard them talk about City. I remember telling my soccer friends in class one day that I liked City now. This was around March/April 2010. I remember one of them telling me how they were getting ready to play a big game against Tottenham to get in the Champions League. I didn't even know what the fuck the Champions League was at the time.

I have since gone to Chicago to see Beady Eye June 2011, and Noel G's HFB's in April 2012. It is funny how much City gear you see at those shows. Plenty of other people that the Gallaghers have turned onto City. Now it is the success, top players, and beautiful football, but don't underestimate their influence. Of course, if they supported Bolton, would my mutual support be as enthusiastic? Of fucking course not! But you also have to understand that you almost have to support a top 6 team overseas if you want to be able to watch them. No one's going to adopt Wigan to get to watch them on television twice a year losing to United, aside from this years surprise.

Then the World Cup happened. During the summers I usually wake up around 2PM and watch ESPN. This is right when the World Cup games happened to be airing. At first this pissed me off. I like to joke that one of the worst memories of my life is my sister's ex-boyfriend's graduation party in 2006 when the whole time we watched the USA's group game vs Italy. I didn't understand football and hated it. He was captain of our high school soccer team (and also a rag fan). I'd always tell him soccer's gay. I think looking back this contributed to my hate for soccer. You can't like soccer when you have a rag banging your sister! (he's actually a cool guy though and we do talk football through Facebook now).

Anyways I started getting into the 2010 World Cup. It was interesting. I mainly liked the passion and vuvuzelas. I didn't understand why the USA kept getting goals disallowed though.
I then played my friend in FIFA 2010 at Best Buy while dicking around there. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, but this guy is crap at sports video games and life in general. I beat the shit out of him and that got me liking soccer because it was fun and showed me how the sport worked (before I didn't really understand throw-ins or corners for example). I went out and bought Fifa 09 used on the cheap. Fifa 11 and 12 have since been some of my most played games (only 2 achievements to go in 12!)

I kept watching some of the tournament, and remember actually being excited for the final. And what a shit final it was! But I still kept enjoying football more and more. The first City game I actually watched was the home opener 3-0 vs. Liverpool. I remember my Liverpool friends telling me City were going to get raped. LOL.

And from there it has been a very fun ride. I don't wake up to watch all the early games live. The 6 AMers can piss off, but I'll watch most of the others, at least half#2. Always DVR 'em though. I really like the 2PM weekday kick-offs however because I'm home from school by then and gives me something to do. I'll watch every Champions League/MNF and any other weeknight game from any team generally. I missed one day because I went golfing and probably missed a few others but not many.

I know the old guard here have had tough times. Sorry if you don't like me but I'm a City fan now. I've learned the history. I watch the games. Have spent over $250 at the online City store. I won't switch teams if City start playing like Liverpool.

One day I will go to England and the Etihad Stadium, wearing my City gear, and you can listen to my basic, far from Manc, midwestern accent and see my white, probably similar to Manc, hairy ass in the bathroom taking a shit after the FT whistle!

God bless you all and come on City!

tl;dr: Used to hate soccer. Oasis got me into City. Am now a good fan. Respect the long term sufferers but could care less if they don't want me liking City.
Chadwick5000 said:
Oh god I did not realize how long this post ended up being. I apologize.

Not from Manchester or the UK either. Born in St. Louis, MO. Lived in Jacksonville, FL a bit. Back in STL now. Still love Manchester City.

I can easily understand why some of the more long-term fans could get upset at a fan like me who wasn't there for the bad times. I support my fair share of shit teams and understand(Jacksonville Jaguars say hello). I also give absolutely zero fucks! Here is my story, for those who are interested...

I used to hate football/soccer. I thought it was for homosexuals. This is ironic because most of my best friends in middle/high school were soccer players. I would always send them to I now see the error in my ways (slightly related, this is why I laugh when I read the majority of you on here talk shit on American football. It's ok not to like it, but most of what is said is stupid, like

I chose Manchester City as my team before I even liked football for a very simple reason. Oasis. I love the Gallaghers and always heard them talk about City. I remember telling my soccer friends in class one day that I liked City now. This was around March/April 2010. I remember one of them telling me how they were getting ready to play a big game against Tottenham to get in the Champions League. I didn't even know what the fuck the Champions League was at the time.

I have since gone to Chicago to see Beady Eye June 2011, and Noel G's HFB's in April 2012. It is funny how much City gear you see at those shows. Plenty of other people that the Gallaghers have turned onto City. Now it is the success, top players, and beautiful football, but don't underestimate their influence. Of course, if they supported Bolton, would my mutual support be as enthusiastic? Of fucking course not! But you also have to understand that you almost have to support a top 6 team overseas if you want to be able to watch them. No one's going to adopt Wigan to get to watch them on television twice a year losing to United, aside from this years surprise.

Then the World Cup happened. During the summers I usually wake up around 2PM and watch ESPN. This is right when the World Cup games happened to be airing. At first this pissed me off. I like to joke that one of the worst memories of my life is my sister's ex-boyfriend's graduation party in 2006 when the whole time we watched the USA's group game vs Italy. I didn't understand football and hated it. He was captain of our high school soccer team (and also a rag fan). I'd always tell him soccer's gay. I think looking back this contributed to my hate for soccer. You can't like soccer when you have a rag banging your sister! (he's actually a cool guy though and we do talk football through Facebook now).

Anyways I started getting into the 2010 World Cup. It was interesting. I mainly liked the passion and vuvuzelas. I didn't understand why the USA kept getting goals disallowed though.
I then played my friend in FIFA 2010 at Best Buy while dicking around there. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, but this guy is crap at sports video games and life in general. I beat the shit out of him and that got me liking soccer because it was fun and showed me how the sport worked (before I didn't really understand throw-ins or corners for example). I went out and bought Fifa 09 used on the cheap. Fifa 11 and 12 have since been some of my most played games (only 2 achievements to go in 12!)

I kept watching some of the tournament, and remember actually being excited for the final. And what a shit final it was! But I still kept enjoying football more and more. The first City game I actually watched was the home opener 3-0 vs. Liverpool. I remember my Liverpool friends telling me City were going to get raped. LOL.

And from there it has been a very fun ride. I don't wake up to watch all the early games live. The 6 AMers can piss off, but I'll watch most of the others, at least half#2. Always DVR 'em though. I really like the 2PM weekday kick-offs however because I'm home from school by then and gives me something to do. I'll watch every Champions League/MNF and any other weeknight game from any team generally. I missed one day because I went golfing and probably missed a few others but not many.

I know the old guard here have had tough times. Sorry if you don't like me but I'm a City fan now. I've learned the history. I watch the games. Have spent over $250 at the online City store. I won't switch teams if City start playing like Liverpool.

One day I will go to England and the Etihad Stadium, wearing my City gear, and you can listen to my basic, far from Manc, midwestern accent and see my white, probably similar to Manc, hairy ass in the bathroom taking a shit after the FT whistle!

God bless you all and come on City!

tl;dr: Used to hate soccer. Oasis got me into City. Am now a good fan. Respect the long term sufferers but could care less if they don't want me liking City.

welcome to city and welcome to bluemoon fella.
BlueSam said:
It's just the same as say sky randomly show some american football team play you might support the underdogs and get into it a bit.. next game you follow em. and so on

I know a friend of mine who stays up till early hours a few nights a week watching boston bruins and will not shut up about them, hes supporter enough for me and I love the idea that there are fans out there doing the same with us.

Well, I am in the same state. I support Toronto Maple Leafs since I was a kid and try to stay up every night to watch them. Don't call me a gloryhunter, the last time they have won the cup was back in '67 - nearly in the same year as we won our last league trophy. Since the lockout in 2004 they are the only team that never reached the playoffs in the NHL...just as with City, everyobody is making a joke (deservedly) of them most of the time but what should I do I'm in love with these teams. :)

Few years after, I started to support City and yes, thanks to Oasis (and the CM 01/02 game so I knew our full squad from these times though I have never ever seen them even on the telly - the first full match I saw was actually in the Pearce era 'cause I never had the chance to see us before that). I really did not like the rags even before I heard that Oasis support City so it always seemed like a good choice for me...and I just love our colours, know it's childish. (Though I admit that I loved to watch the Madrid with Redondo and co. when I was like 8-10 but it was just something that others do with Brazil so it was never a true supporting. :D)
Chevelle said:
Phate said:
Chevelle said:
I am amazed by the attitude of some blues.. yeah I only started supporting the club 3-4 years ago when I actually got sky in new Zealand and could actually watch games in the epl and wanted to pick a team. I didn't want to be a united, liverfail, arseanal, or Chelsea fan because they had already won practically everything the last 4-5 years.. so I watched some games and loved the way city played.. the atmosphere at COMS was amazing and I can not wait for the day to be Able to travel to Manchester and actually watch a game.. and besides I buy shirts etc.. my brother has a Silva shirt.. fans around the world is what is gonna help the club meet FFP rules and also keep the EPL making. Fortune in TV rights each year for the future.. don't consider it a bad thing.. honestly.

Lol, buying a shirt and watching us on sky does not make you a fan. Watching our club jump from one calamity to another, being there for the heartbreak of everything bad and still turning up on cold, wet nights whilst your friends around you have pledged their allegiance to a 'big' club and mock City at every opportunity yet still proudly displaying the badge wherever you go is what being a fan is all about. You have absolutely no idea what most of us have been through. If this particular trend carries on we'll start to resemble the rags more and more as seasons elapse. The soul will be removed from our club and we will lose our identity. The amount or arrogance that the new fans will bring to our club will grow and we will no longer be the team that most neutrals want to beat United, we will become just another arrogant club in their eyes. One thing I've always made sure I do is not to mock others for their support of lower league clubs. One thing I really admire about them is their feeling of belonging in their club. I certainly admire them a hell of a lot more than some converted rag scum like you that has decided to leach on to the new found success of our club.

Converted rag scum?? Wow you have lost touch with reality.. people like you and your attitude is what the hell is wrong with football today... I have never supported a them in the epl before city and will not change yes I adopted a team because I am not from England.. but don't half the people in England do this as well.. I have a mate in NZ who is from Plymouth who also supports Liverpool to make watching the epl a little more exciting... is there Anything really wrong with that? Man.. you seriously need some sedatives with all this built up rage.

Take no notice, blue, i am surprised the knob was not banned or at least warned for that.

I reckon it is about as much of a City fan as Cuntanoid or Belfast rag girl from Sadcafe.
pominoz said:
Chevelle said:
Phate said:
Lol, buying a shirt and watching us on sky does not make you a fan. Watching our club jump from one calamity to another, being there for the heartbreak of everything bad and still turning up on cold, wet nights whilst your friends around you have pledged their allegiance to a 'big' club and mock City at every opportunity yet still proudly displaying the badge wherever you go is what being a fan is all about. You have absolutely no idea what most of us have been through. If this particular trend carries on we'll start to resemble the rags more and more as seasons elapse. The soul will be removed from our club and we will lose our identity. The amount or arrogance that the new fans will bring to our club will grow and we will no longer be the team that most neutrals want to beat United, we will become just another arrogant club in their eyes. One thing I've always made sure I do is not to mock others for their support of lower league clubs. One thing I really admire about them is their feeling of belonging in their club. I certainly admire them a hell of a lot more than some converted rag scum like you that has decided to leach on to the new found success of our club.

Converted rag scum?? Wow you have lost touch with reality.. people like you and your attitude is what the hell is wrong with football today... I have never supported a them in the epl before city and will not change yes I adopted a team because I am not from England.. but don't half the people in England do this as well.. I have a mate in NZ who is from Plymouth who also supports Liverpool to make watching the epl a little more exciting... is there Anything really wrong with that? Man.. you seriously need some sedatives with all this built up rage.

Take no notice, blue, i am surprised the knob was not banned or at least warned for that.

I reckon it is about as much of a City fan as Cuntanoid or Belfast rag girl from Sadcafe.

Hahaha true hopefully since we win the title he will calm down :P

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