Not from Manchester, Not from the Uk, and I am a City Fan

Most new fans simply never heard of us before, that is not anyones fault really.
Added to that some cultures see sport as just another nice piece of their social life, not as some who may have been born blue may see it.

As i have said before i now spend a fair few quid at the city store buying mates stuff to send to the usa. I have just sent a city baby grow and other stuff to a mate who just had a kid.
This lad lives in Austin and had never heard of us until we became friends, he saw how nuts i went watching the matches online and it got his interest.
He is now a die hard blue mainly due to Yaya (thinks he is a beast of a man), painted his kids room city blue and all sorts.
People here just don't do that really as most like nascar and the local uni american footy team.

I have only one type of fan i hate, that is those who have directly jumped on utd's success and are now moving to us, they can sod off :D

Anyone else has their own life dynamics which guide how they live and it is not for me to question anyone on that, especially having 0% idea what happens in their life.

If you are blue and true then im happy to have a beer with you.
This is not bluemoon at its best nor fans at its best. Old guard ask yourself this..if city were still shit would you still accept new fans no matter where they were from. Thing is city are now on the map. Who's going to support a team they've never heard of if they know nothing about football. Why are people so ratty?! Ffs we could win the prem tomo. Be happy and try find out more about new fans before judging. Although op does sound like a wum.

has been banned for a number of reasons, but being a rag troll is the most obvious

Instead of putting up with this shit in the forum why can't one of you just press the report button so we can then deal with them?

Fans from other clubs are welcome on this site so I can mightily assure you that City fans from other shores are more than welcome.
Chingon said:
citijin said:
glen quagmire said:
hahaha! No mate, i welcome you, i welcome all new fans. Wether you are here because of the media coverage we get globally, or because you were born in the parkside bogs.

Enjoy. A lot of us on here have suffered dark times recently, i'm glad there are 'blues' who know only of cup success and challenging for titles....

i don't quite agree with your statement. i started supporting city long before winning anything. i was supporting city when all YOUR british media was treating city as trying to "buy" titles and glory. so i am not a glory hunter like you seem to allude to ;)

I'm same as you mate. Born in California, live in Atlanta, GA. Never been to the UK. First match I saw was the 4-3 Fergie time derby, Setanta was giving a free trial in the states. Fell in love with City that day and haven't missed a match since.

Top man..To see City lose and then carry on watching us is the City way.
CTID1 said:
This is not bluemoon at its best nor fans at its best. Old guard ask yourself this..if city were still shit would you still accept new fans no matter where they were from. Thing is city are now on the map. Who's going to support a team they've never heard of if they know nothing about football. Why are people so ratty?! Ffs we could win the prem tomo. Be happy and try find out more about new fans before judging. Although op does sound like a wum.
Listen mate, cut this 'old guard' shit out!

Where's your evidence to say its the 'old guard' making these comments? I'd wager it's more likely to be the younger element, although I couldn't back that up.

However since my time on the board I've gotten tickets for fans from abroad or out of town and then even met up with them if they have wanted so they can join in with other blues, I've even offered to put fans up!

So let's cut out the critising blues, or I may consider you to be trolling
squirtyflower said:

has been banned for a number of reasons, but being a rag troll is the most obvious

Instead of putting up with this shit in the forum why can't one of you just press the report button so we can then deal with them?

Fans from other clubs are welcome on this site so I can mightily assure you that City fans from other shores are more than welcome.

Only read the thread in the last hour or i would have reported it for the post re Chevelle.

Well maybe not reported it but pulled the rag prick up for it.
de niro said:
Chadwick5000 said:
Oh god I did not realize how long this post ended up being. I apologize.

Not from Manchester or the UK either. Born in St. Louis, MO. Lived in Jacksonville, FL a bit. Back in STL now. Still love Manchester City.

I can easily understand why some of the more long-term fans could get upset at a fan like me who wasn't there for the bad times. I support my fair share of shit teams and understand(Jacksonville Jaguars say hello). I also give absolutely zero fucks! Here is my story, for those who are interested...

I used to hate football/soccer. I thought it was for homosexuals. This is ironic because most of my best friends in middle/high school were soccer players. I would always send them to I now see the error in my ways (slightly related, this is why I laugh when I read the majority of you on here talk shit on American football. It's ok not to like it, but most of what is said is stupid, like

I chose Manchester City as my team before I even liked football for a very simple reason. Oasis. I love the Gallaghers and always heard them talk about City. I remember telling my soccer friends in class one day that I liked City now. This was around March/April 2010. I remember one of them telling me how they were getting ready to play a big game against Tottenham to get in the Champions League. I didn't even know what the fuck the Champions League was at the time.

I have since gone to Chicago to see Beady Eye June 2011, and Noel G's HFB's in April 2012. It is funny how much City gear you see at those shows. Plenty of other people that the Gallaghers have turned onto City. Now it is the success, top players, and beautiful football, but don't underestimate their influence. Of course, if they supported Bolton, would my mutual support be as enthusiastic? Of fucking course not! But you also have to understand that you almost have to support a top 6 team overseas if you want to be able to watch them. No one's going to adopt Wigan to get to watch them on television twice a year losing to United, aside from this years surprise.

Then the World Cup happened. During the summers I usually wake up around 2PM and watch ESPN. This is right when the World Cup games happened to be airing. At first this pissed me off. I like to joke that one of the worst memories of my life is my sister's ex-boyfriend's graduation party in 2006 when the whole time we watched the USA's group game vs Italy. I didn't understand football and hated it. He was captain of our high school soccer team (and also a rag fan). I'd always tell him soccer's gay. I think looking back this contributed to my hate for soccer. You can't like soccer when you have a rag banging your sister! (he's actually a cool guy though and we do talk football through Facebook now).

Anyways I started getting into the 2010 World Cup. It was interesting. I mainly liked the passion and vuvuzelas. I didn't understand why the USA kept getting goals disallowed though.
I then played my friend in FIFA 2010 at Best Buy while dicking around there. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, but this guy is crap at sports video games and life in general. I beat the shit out of him and that got me liking soccer because it was fun and showed me how the sport worked (before I didn't really understand throw-ins or corners for example). I went out and bought Fifa 09 used on the cheap. Fifa 11 and 12 have since been some of my most played games (only 2 achievements to go in 12!)

I kept watching some of the tournament, and remember actually being excited for the final. And what a shit final it was! But I still kept enjoying football more and more. The first City game I actually watched was the home opener 3-0 vs. Liverpool. I remember my Liverpool friends telling me City were going to get raped. LOL.

And from there it has been a very fun ride. I don't wake up to watch all the early games live. The 6 AMers can piss off, but I'll watch most of the others, at least half#2. Always DVR 'em though. I really like the 2PM weekday kick-offs however because I'm home from school by then and gives me something to do. I'll watch every Champions League/MNF and any other weeknight game from any team generally. I missed one day because I went golfing and probably missed a few others but not many.

I know the old guard here have had tough times. Sorry if you don't like me but I'm a City fan now. I've learned the history. I watch the games. Have spent over $250 at the online City store. I won't switch teams if City start playing like Liverpool.

One day I will go to England and the Etihad Stadium, wearing my City gear, and you can listen to my basic, far from Manc, midwestern accent and see my white, probably similar to Manc, hairy ass in the bathroom taking a shit after the FT whistle!

God bless you all and come on City!

tl;dr: Used to hate soccer. Oasis got me into City. Am now a good fan. Respect the long term sufferers but could care less if they don't want me liking City.

welcome to city and welcome to bluemoon fella.

Yea welcome pal....but just a couple of things

it`s toilet or bogs,not bathroom,and it`s the first
home game of the season,not the home opener
I've been a long suffering City fan all my life since 1976 when Tony Book was manager with exciting players like Tueart, Hartford, Royle, Corrigan. I' m from Singapore where the Blues based id very small as most of them are glory hunting rags. I followed City's roller coaster ride from playing Gillingham in that play-off final to Div 1 tangles with Charlton, Ipswich, Derby. And that Typical City tag when the next easy gamewould bring them to 4th or top spot in Div 2 seems eternity. That is until Royle came along. Always likes to go to forums to challenge those arrogant scums but ended up with nought adthey were always winning. A weekend liss always ended with a bad week after that especily when your colleague is a rag. With Blue Moon Rising, I hope City will contonue to play out exciting soccer on the pitches and one day in my lifetime wins the Champs League. CTID, this one I got fom City forum.

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