Not from Manchester, Not from the Uk, and I am a City Fan

Manchestercitychorlton said:
I don't care where a fan comes from but if you start supporting city because they are becoming a 'big' club then that's something I don't like.
I'm not saying you can't be a city fan or you are a lesser fan but in all honesty I think you should choose a club for reasons other than success.

I Support city because the first football match i've ever been to involved city went with my uncle and his son (my cousin) to the play off final in 99 against gillingham i was 7 at the time since my uncle is a huge city fan he bought me a city scarf that day and taught me about the club and the history just like his he taught his son and ive followed the blues ever since been a blue for 13 years now

it would've been easy to for me to go support the rags in 200-2001 when city got relegated and the rags just won their 3rd title in a row and i was getting mocked by every other kid in school i stood my corner and i stuck by city and don't regret it one bit and never will

ive been to Maine road and the City of Manchester Stadium ( Fuck sponsorship by Etihad Airways i still call it by its original name when the stadium opened in 2003 ) quite a lot even though i live in east London and i can bet you any money someone here will think am a less of a fan because i live in east London .

As for this guy the real test will be when we have a barren year or 2 i knew from the day Mansour took over that we would have more glory hunters i saw it happen when roman took over Chelsea so am not surprised now .

also its very easy to attach yourself to a brand thats successful at the end of the day its about dedication regardless of what part of the world you support the team from because we all somehow end up in different parts of the globe due to circumstances in our lives
I guess this applies to me as well. I became a City fan in the year 2000, and my fav player was SWP. I'm 23 and Turkish as well, but born and raised in Los Angeles. I chose to root for City, because it was opposite of Manchester UTD. I hated them even growing up and I'll never forget the 1-0 defeat Fenerbahce handed them and snapped their 40 yr unbeaten home-record in European games and how I joyfully jumped up and down after the goal and witness history.
Hopefully this weekend, I'll be able to witness history once more and can say I was a fan when City won the title once more

Fenerbahce/City fan for life
Phate said:
Chevelle said:
I am amazed by the attitude of some blues.. yeah I only started supporting the club 3-4 years ago when I actually got sky in new Zealand and could actually watch games in the epl and wanted to pick a team. I didn't want to be a united, liverfail, arseanal, or Chelsea fan because they had already won practically everything the last 4-5 years.. so I watched some games and loved the way city played.. the atmosphere at COMS was amazing and I can not wait for the day to be Able to travel to Manchester and actually watch a game.. and besides I buy shirts etc.. my brother has a Silva shirt.. fans around the world is what is gonna help the club meet FFP rules and also keep the EPL making. Fortune in TV rights each year for the future.. don't consider it a bad thing.. honestly.

Lol, buying a shirt and watching us on sky does not make you a fan. Watching our club jump from one calamity to another, being there for the heartbreak of everything bad and still turning up on cold, wet nights whilst your friends around you have pledged their allegiance to a 'big' club and mock City at every opportunity yet still proudly displaying the badge wherever you go is what being a fan is all about. You have absolutely no idea what most of us have been through. If this particular trend carries on we'll start to resemble the rags more and more as seasons elapse. The soul will be removed from our club and we will lose our identity. The amount or arrogance that the new fans will bring to our club will grow and we will no longer be the team that most neutrals want to beat United, we will become just another arrogant club in their eyes. One thing I've always made sure I do is not to mock others for their support of lower league clubs. One thing I really admire about them is their feeling of belonging in their club. I certainly admire them a hell of a lot more than some converted rag scum like you that has decided to leach on to the new found success of our club.

Converted rag scum?? Wow you have lost touch with reality.. people like you and your attitude is what the hell is wrong with football today... I have never supported a them in the epl before city and will not change yes I adopted a team because I am not from England.. but don't half the people in England do this as well.. I have a mate in NZ who is from Plymouth who also supports Liverpool to make watching the epl a little more exciting... is there Anything really wrong with that? Man.. you seriously need some sedatives with all this built up rage.
SingBlueSilva said:
blink922 said:
He's arguing over the semantics of the term supporter. A very pointless argument.
Someone needs to look in the mirror and wonder why so much anger on the eve "his" (or her) team may win it all.
I am just glad that pov is a minority view, that most City fans welcome growth and diversity, a goal that the Sheikh named when he bought City. What's more diverse than bringing in world class players and world wide recognition?

For the record, when City wins (this Sunday or in 1-2 years), I will celebrate and be happy for the Sheikh, Khaldoon, Mancini, and all the players. But I will be most happiest for long time fans, for everything they've gone through with this wonderful team.

But not Phate, lol

Maybe phate should tell the sheik to sell the club because he isn't from Manchester and is only loading the club with money to be a glory hunter... this is the logic behind Sir Angry phate.
turkmcfc said:
I guess this applies to me as well. I became a City fan in the year 2000, and my fav player was SWP. I'm 23 and Turkish as well, but born and raised in Los Angeles. I chose to root for City, because it was opposite of Manchester UTD. I hated them even growing up and I'll never forget the 1-0 defeat Fenerbahce handed them and snapped their 40 yr unbeaten home-record in European games and how I joyfully jumped up and down after the goal and witness history.
Hopefully this weekend, I'll be able to witness history once more and can say I was a fan when City won the title once more

Fenerbahce/City fan for life

haha, my fellow Bosnian Baljic scored that one

The most expensive mistake Real Madrid have ever made :)
MSP said:
turkmcfc said:
I guess this applies to me as well. I became a City fan in the year 2000, and my fav player was SWP. I'm 23 and Turkish as well, but born and raised in Los Angeles. I chose to root for City, because it was opposite of Manchester UTD. I hated them even growing up and I'll never forget the 1-0 defeat Fenerbahce handed them and snapped their 40 yr unbeaten home-record in European games and how I joyfully jumped up and down after the goal and witness history.
Hopefully this weekend, I'll be able to witness history once more and can say I was a fan when City won the title once more

Fenerbahce/City fan for life

haha, my fellow Bosnian Baljic scored that one

The most expensive mistake Real Madrid have ever made :)

correction, Elvir Bolic! but close :)

and that was the best moveFenerbahce ever made, cashing in $$$
glen quagmire said:
I think that there should be a questionaire to fill out just like the citizenship test.

Q1. What was your first match attended?
Q2. Who is your favourite player before the takeover?
Q3. When did you last wear some merchandise?
Q4. Would you stay till the end if you got a match ticket?
Q5. If we went through lean times again, who would you support then?
Q6. Barm or muffin?

I agree!
A1: Last summer, la galaxy v city
A2: Stephen Ireland
A3: today at work, the last thomas cook shirt
A4: I would stay longer than the end
A5: it would be weird to support any other team. Id stay with city as long as I could actually get views of their games.
turkmcfc said:
MSP said:
turkmcfc said:
I guess this applies to me as well. I became a City fan in the year 2000, and my fav player was SWP. I'm 23 and Turkish as well, but born and raised in Los Angeles. I chose to root for City, because it was opposite of Manchester UTD. I hated them even growing up and I'll never forget the 1-0 defeat Fenerbahce handed them and snapped their 40 yr unbeaten home-record in European games and how I joyfully jumped up and down after the goal and witness history.
Hopefully this weekend, I'll be able to witness history once more and can say I was a fan when City won the title once more

Fenerbahce/City fan for life

haha, my fellow Bosnian Baljic scored that one

The most expensive mistake Real Madrid have ever made :)

correction, Elvir Bolic! but close :)

and that was the best moveFenerbahce ever made, cashing in $$$

Bolic yeah, it's very late :)

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