Not from Manchester, Not from the Uk, and I am a City Fan

squirtyflower said:
bluebannana said:
dont mind who supports us but not gonna lie when I here a southern cockney accent I think that they must be glory hunters or rags, Instant reaction and cant be helped. I dont like the way new fans who only supported us when were good could take the place of a loyal supporter who was there through the bad times.

my question for all of these new fans why didnt you support us when we were shit
You need to grow up

There are plenty of southern blues who have been supporting us since the 60s, have you

When we're in Schalke in 08 I may three German blues at the bar, I thought they had latched on to the money only to find they had all been supporting us since we won the league in 68

So can we stop the 'they are taking seats off loyal fans shit' because if they were 'loyal fans' they would be fucking there

I dont need to grow up, plenty of people think the same ie cockney rags, just one of those things, doesnt mean I believe theirs no city fans down south. Just so youst to hearing mancunian/northern accents sat around me

theirs plenty of loyal fans who simply cant afford to go to every game it doesnt make you more loyal or anyone else btw
bluebannana said:
squirtyflower said:
bluebannana said:
dont mind who supports us but not gonna lie when I here a southern cockney accent I think that they must be glory hunters or rags, Instant reaction and cant be helped. I dont like the way new fans who only supported us when were good could take the place of a loyal supporter who was there through the bad times.

my question for all of these new fans why didnt you support us when we were shit
You need to grow up

There are plenty of southern blues who have been supporting us since the 60s, have you

When we're in Schalke in 08 I may three German blues at the bar, I thought they had latched on to the money only to find they had all been supporting us since we won the league in 68

So can we stop the 'they are taking seats off loyal fans shit' because if they were 'loyal fans' they would be fucking there

I dont need to grow up, plenty of people think the same ie cockney rags, just one of those things, doesnt mean I believe theirs no city fans down south. Just so youst to hearing mancunian/northern accents sat around me
Still spouting the shit eh

My dad wanted two seats near the centre line in the Maine Stand in the late 80s and we managed to do a swap with two Belfast blues who had been sat there since the 60s

So accents other than Manc ones have been in the ground long before yours

The guy who sits in front of me is from Worcester, he never misses a game and has over 7000 points, the woman at the side of me is originally from Norway but has been going to City since the 80s

Should I have them shot so I only hear Manc accents you muppet?

Some kind of Manc ethnic cleansing? Even though they have been going long before you?
squirtyflower said:
bluebannana said:
squirtyflower said:
You need to grow up

There are plenty of southern blues who have been supporting us since the 60s, have you

When we're in Schalke in 08 I may three German blues at the bar, I thought they had latched on to the money only to find they had all been supporting us since we won the league in 68

So can we stop the 'they are taking seats off loyal fans shit' because if they were 'loyal fans' they would be fucking there

I dont need to grow up, plenty of people think the same ie cockney rags, just one of those things, doesnt mean I believe theirs no city fans down south. Just so youst to hearing mancunian/northern accents sat around me
Still spouting the shit eh

My dad wanted two seats near the centre line in the Maine Stand in the late 80s and we managed to do a swap with two Belfast blues who had been sat there since the 60s

So accents other than Manc ones have been in the ground long before yours

The guy who sits in front of me is from Worcester, he never misses a game and has over 7000 points, the woman at the side of me is originally from Norway but has been going to City since the 80s

Should I have them shot so I only hear Manc accents you muppet?

Some kind of Manc ethnic cleansing? Even though they have been going long before you?

wtf are you talking about I say I dont mind who supports us and I dont beleive that theres no southern city fans- theres plenty, but that there is a general jibe ie all city fans are from stockport, that when you hear a southern accent that there a glory hunter- IT DOESNT MEAN ITS TRUE OR I believe it, read my post properly.
bluebannana said:
squirtyflower said:
bluebannana said:
I dont need to grow up, plenty of people think the same ie cockney rags, just one of those things, doesnt mean I believe theirs no city fans down south. Just so youst to hearing mancunian/northern accents sat around me
Still spouting the shit eh

My dad wanted two seats near the centre line in the Maine Stand in the late 80s and we managed to do a swap with two Belfast blues who had been sat there since the 60s

So accents other than Manc ones have been in the ground long before yours

The guy who sits in front of me is from Worcester, he never misses a game and has over 7000 points, the woman at the side of me is originally from Norway but has been going to City since the 80s

Should I have them shot so I only hear Manc accents you muppet?

Some kind of Manc ethnic cleansing? Even though they have been going long before you?

wtf are you talking about I say I dont mind who supports us and I dont beleive that theres no southern city fans- theres plenty, but that there is a general jibe ie all city fans are from stockport, that when you hear a southern accent that there a glory hunter- IT DOESNT MEAN ITS TRUE OR I believe it, read my post properly.
I have read your post

And your previous ones critising the attendance to home games, the atmosphere at both away and at home, and the prices city charge

You stated that you didn't want out of towners taking the place of loyal blues
Well I have news for you, the out of towners are loyal blues too

I'm still waiting for you to post something positive about our fan base, but I won't be holding my breath
squirtyflower said:
bluebannana said:
squirtyflower said:
Still spouting the shit eh

My dad wanted two seats near the centre line in the Maine Stand in the late 80s and we managed to do a swap with two Belfast blues who had been sat there since the 60s

So accents other than Manc ones have been in the ground long before yours

The guy who sits in front of me is from Worcester, he never misses a game and has over 7000 points, the woman at the side of me is originally from Norway but has been going to City since the 80s

Should I have them shot so I only hear Manc accents you muppet?

Some kind of Manc ethnic cleansing? Even though they have been going long before you?

wtf are you talking about I say I dont mind who supports us and I dont beleive that theres no southern city fans- theres plenty, but that there is a general jibe ie all city fans are from stockport, that when you hear a southern accent that there a glory hunter- IT DOESNT MEAN ITS TRUE OR I believe it, read my post properly.
I have read your post

And your previous ones critising the attendance to home games, the atmosphere at both away and at home, and the prices city charge

You stated that you didn't want out of towners taking the place of loyal blues
Well I have news for you, the out of towners are loyal blues too

I'm still waiting for you to post something positive about our fan base, but I won't be holding my breath

yes I may post some negative stuff just like most people on this forum do, but I have posted pleny of positive stuff for example the thread last week on "THE BEST ATMOSPHERE EVER AT THE ETIHAD" look it up if you dont beleive me :), you choose to look at my negative posts rather than the postive ones I post.

stop bickering with me all the time and lets just support city ok
Do people really believe our owner bought our club to make a relatively small number of local people happy? The project is to make City a global brand, the biggest club on the planet. For this project to succeed we NEED fans from overseas, and plenty of them. Without them, there is no project, and those bemoaning their existence remind me a bit of King Canute as the tide comes in.
Well I'm British but to be honest mate there's probably historically been a bigger stigma about people from a very different part of this country supporting a team, than a foreigner. Everyone expects the latter in the modern football era, but the former can still raise eyebrows.

Born in west London, grew up in Oxfordshire, supported City since around 93-94 season. Was a 'local' for a while between 2007 and 2010, and yet still clearly not. Only got snidy comments from rags though (the irony) - from fellow City fans it was just pleasant surprise once or twice but mostly no reaction or questions at all to my southern accent.
So is this thread about "new fans" or Out of town - foreign fans?

Do I have to bring my old citycards with me from the Maine Road days tomorrow, or my old season cards from the early Eastlands days, or will i just be ostracised and stopped from celebrating if - when we do it tomorrow, as I am not from Manchester I dont deserve to celebrate?
law74 said:
So is this thread about "new fans" or Out of town - foreign fans?

Do I have to bring my old citycards with me from the Maine Road days tomorrow, or my old season cards from the early Eastlands days, or will i just be ostracised and stopped from celebrating if - when we do it tomorrow, as I am not from Manchester I dont deserve to celebrate?
I think you'll find it's only one or two, and they have been put back in their box

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