Not just a Lescott thread. More a transfer request thread.

transfer request by midnight tonight Joleon or move on City - everton are publically clear they do not wish to sell for less than 30M so put if you want to come put in a request JL, season only 2 weeks away
Pam said:
The following issue needs a thread of it's own. I think it is an important point but every time I raise it in the main thread, it sinks without trace because of all the other aspects of this proposed deal that e people are discussing. So I dedicate this thread to one question and one question only ... and here it is.

Why has Lescott not handed in a transfer request? Is he insane? He stands to earn £25 mill more than he would otherwise have had over the course of the next five years and his chances of winning silverware will be outrageously better than it would be if he stayed where he was, and speaking of trophy winning, God only knows what bonus payments the players will be on for winning things. The pay structure across the board in fact has to be seen to be believed and what is better still, it is utterly inflation proof.

Even the fringe benefits are second to none. We have a lear jet for the first team; we have state of the art training facilities that are endlessly being improved and developed and will, the owners promise, soon be the best in the world by a country mile ; we have an insane amount of money that not even an accountant could really get their head round, such is the unspeakable, mind-blowing enormity of it. Just as importantly, and unlike the pseudo millionaires of the Lerners and Glazers and Gillete's of this world, we're not afraid to spend it. It is also plain to see that the club is innovative and clever beyond the dreams of the likes of Abrom and the Kenyonites, which makes our prospects of success over the first decade of the project even more feasbile that it would if be if we had the fur coat, no knickers mentality of the Chavski's of this world. Christ, even our shirt is the nicest in the land.

I hear Everton have now said they wouldn't sell JL for even £30 mill, which means the ball is in Lescott's court and if he doesn't put a request in within the next 24 hours, then sack it. We are making history and Joleyn Lescott hasn't put a transfer request in??? I don't want him if he is really this gutless. Do you?

THERE IS A THREAD ON LESCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST HAVE A LOOK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
IMHO he will sign very soon. The plans for the spaceport in Abdab are already finalised. Construction of the enterprise will begin shortly, and, had we had the same same shirt design as the scum he would already be onboard. ;-)
Sorry Pam, I can see your POV but it is sooooo man city slanted it's unreal, let me explain....

Yes, the jet, the money the facilities are all valid points, but they are peripheral IMO, if we look beyond ourselves and to Everton where he currently plays, they are Englands established 5th best team no qualms about that is there? the league doesn't lie! They are in europe, he is settled, likes the club, fans, manager etc and they are by all media accounts a tight knit bunch, he not unhappy there, and as all teams do at the start of the season they will feel they have made improvements and this is the season that they go one better and can break the top four, I think that would be a fair, unbiased assessment.

Now look at us, we have issues away from home.. BIG issues away from home, yes we have made lots of signings and some very good players have arrived, BUT are an unknown for next season and although we all hope we will do well nothing is guaranteed! Your talk seems to be assuming (to say the least) that all will go swell, again another BUT... If we lose against blackburn, which knowing city is a definite possibility (have my ticket though!), and struggle against Portsmouth and/or Wolves we then play 2 of the big four low on confidence, could be P5 W0 D1 L4 and the media (and some fans) will be all over MH calling for his head, the bookies already have him as favourite for the sack!

In this not sky blue tinted scenario (perhaps a bit masochistic but not impossible) the move, for Lescott, would be a DISASTER in a world cup year especially if everton do break the top 4 (which I can't see personally) so IMO it's not as cut and dried as 'heres us and we are gonna be great" and the posters saying "I think he wants to come etc. etc." ffs do you know the guy? he has intimated NOTHING either way it's just speculation and bullshit at the moment what the guy himself wants!

Not a personal attack on you Pam i enjoy your posts, just think we all as fans need to take a deep breath and realize that although we can see great things in the future for our great club, not everyone outside is buying into it and there is a definite possibility that it could go wrong if we don't get a good start, IMO the 5 games I mentioned earlier could decide our season (I know the season is 38 games/ things get decided in april etc) BUT (I like BUTS- no pun intended :-)) Teams will be up for playing us at the start and if we get found out as we did last season things will get VERY tense for us and MH will be under immense pressure!

Anyway not all doom and gloom, we will probably win the first 3 IMO and go into the big 2 with loads of confidence, win those and city are back :-)
The Cyber Goat said:
Sorry Pam, I can see your POV but it is sooooo man city slanted it's unreal, let me explain....

Yes, the jet, the money the facilities are all valid points, but they are peripheral IMO, if we look beyond ourselves and to Everton where he currently plays, they are Englands established 5th best team no qualms about that is there? the league doesn't lie! They are in europe, he is settled, likes the club, fans, manager etc and they are by all media accounts a tight knit bunch, he not unhappy there, and as all teams do at the start of the season they will feel they have made improvements and this is the season that they go one better and can break the top four, I think that would be a fair, unbiased assessment.

Now look at us, we have issues away from home.. BIG issues away from home, yes we have made lots of signings and some very good players have arrived, BUT are an unknown for next season and although we all hope we will do well nothing is guaranteed! Your talk seems to be assuming (to say the least) that all will go swell, again another BUT... If we lose against blackburn, which knowing city is a definite possibility (have my ticket though!), and struggle against Portsmouth and/or Wolves we then play 2 of the big four low on confidence, could be P5 W0 D1 L4 and the media (and some fans) will be all over MH calling for his head, the bookies already have him as favourite for the sack!

In this not sky blue tinted scenario (perhaps a bit masochistic but not impossible) the move, for Lescott, would be a DISASTER in a world cup year especially if everton do break the top 4 (which I can't see personally) so IMO it's not as cut and dried as 'heres us and we are gonna be great" and the posters saying "I think he wants to come etc. etc." ffs do you know the guy? he has intimated NOTHING either way it's just speculation and bullshit at the moment what the guy himself wants!

Not a personal attack on you Pam i enjoy your posts, just think we all as fans need to take a deep breath and realize that although we can see great things in the future for our great club, not everyone outside is buying into it and there is a definite possibility that it could go wrong if we don't get a good start, IMO the 5 games I mentioned earlier could decide our season (I know the season is 38 games/ things get decided in april etc) BUT (I like BUTS- no pun intended :-)) Teams will be up for playing us at the start and if we get found out as we did last season things will get VERY tense for us and MH will be under immense pressure!

Anyway not all doom and gloom, we will probably win the first 3 IMO and go into the big 2 with loads of confidence, win those and city are back :-)
good post mate.
The Cyber Goat said:
Sorry Pam, I can see your POV but it is sooooo man city slanted it's unreal, let me explain....

Yes, the jet, the money the facilities are all valid points, but they are peripheral IMO, if we look beyond ourselves and to Everton where he currently plays, they are Englands established 5th best team no qualms about that is there? the league doesn't lie! They are in europe, he is settled, likes the club, fans, manager etc and they are by all media accounts a tight knit bunch, he not unhappy there, and as all teams do at the start of the season they will feel they have made improvements and this is the season that they go one better and can break the top four, I think that would be a fair, unbiased assessment.

Now look at us, we have issues away from home.. BIG issues away from home, yes we have made lots of signings and some very good players have arrived, BUT are an unknown for next season and although we all hope we will do well nothing is guaranteed! Your talk seems to be assuming (to say the least) that all will go swell, again another BUT... If we lose against blackburn, which knowing city is a definite possibility (have my ticket though!), and struggle against Portsmouth and/or Wolves we then play 2 of the big four low on confidence, could be P5 W0 D1 L4 and the media (and some fans) will be all over MH calling for his head, the bookies already have him as favourite for the sack!

In this not sky blue tinted scenario (perhaps a bit masochistic but not impossible) the move, for Lescott, would be a DISASTER in a world cup year especially if everton do break the top 4 (which I can't see personally) so IMO it's not as cut and dried as 'heres us and we are gonna be great" and the posters saying "I think he wants to come etc. etc." ffs do you know the guy? he has intimated NOTHING either way it's just speculation and bullshit at the moment what the guy himself wants!

Not a personal attack on you Pam i enjoy your posts, just think we all as fans need to take a deep breath and realize that although we can see great things in the future for our great club, not everyone outside is buying into it and there is a definite possibility that it could go wrong if we don't get a good start, IMO the 5 games I mentioned earlier could decide our season (I know the season is 38 games/ things get decided in april etc) BUT (I like BUTS- no pun intended :-)) Teams will be up for playing us at the start and if we get found out as we did last season things will get VERY tense for us and MH will be under immense pressure!

Anyway not all doom and gloom, we will probably win the first 3 IMO and go into the big 2 with loads of confidence, win those and city are back :-)

FFS mate. Your can't post all this. Too much talking sense for bluemoon. I'm afraid a ban is in order.
The decision on whether or not Lescott joins City isn't City's (we're obviously interested hence the bids) and it isn't Everton's (they obviously don't want to sell, hence the rejections of the bids), it's Lescotts. All this "he's under contract" crap Evertonians are spouting is just that, crap. If Lescott wants to join City then he will do. He'll put in his request, he'll force Everton's hand.

So, what's stopping him? There are a few reasons why he has, thus far, remained tight lipped and left the clubs to fight it out.

1 - He really doesn't want to join City.

2 - He wants to join City but also wants his loyalty bonus.

3 - He wants to join City but doesn't want to alienate Everton fans or the club.

4 - He wants to join City and is waiting for the ideal opportunity to put in his request.

Ok, each of those reasons should come with a related response.

1 - If he doesn't want to join City then I'd see this as a lack of ambition. You can argue that money isn't the most important thing, and I'd agree, however City can offer him so much more than Everton, from a professional and financial perspective. Yes he'd be far better off financially, but we've got a state of the art stadium, state of the art training facilities (which are only going to get better and better) and we are quite obviously heading to a level that Everton won't reach without their own huge amount of investment. To turn that down in oder to stay at Everton would demonstrate a player that, for whatever reason, doesn't want to be playing at the highest level possible.

2 - This would indicate a player that IS interested mainly in the money, it should, if true, turn Evertonians against him and also put doubts in City's mind as to whether he's the man for us.

3 - I can respect Lescott for this one, he owes Everton a debt and he doesn't want to do anything to hurt them or their fans. However, should Everton continue to refuse our advances he'll inevitably be left with a straight choice between unfortunately having to hurt the fans/club by requesting a move, or chosing option 1 which leads us down the road of lacking ambition.

4 - This one makes Lescott a shrewd fellow, but also a risky one. He'd be playing a game, trying to maximise his own situation potentially to the detrement of his career if he messes it up. How long will City stay in the hunt before they move on to another target? If Lescott is doing this one then he's playing with fire.

I'm sure that our (seemingly) resident Evertonians will tell me the above (especially option 1) smacks of arrogance, well they're entitled to their opinions, but I'd suggest that those opinions are somewhat blinkered and unrealistic. From a career and ambition perspective Lescott moving to City has nothing but positives to it. To deny that his chances of silverware would do anything but improve at City is naive.

In the end it comes down to a straight choice, come to City and have a shot at winning any number of trophies before he retires, or stay at Everton and finish in the upper reaches of the Premiership without ever having a realistic chance of trophies. If Lescott choses the later then he wasn't really the right player for City in the first place.
Matty, it is still Evertons decision whether or not they accept the transfer request. They could turn it down in the knowledge that even if they have an unhappy player on their hands he will still have to give 100% if he wants to go to the World cup - his place is not guaranteed. Also I think he would be professional enough to play at 100% if they turned it down because if he didnt future potential suitors could be put off by a lack of professionalism

Fair enough Moyes will most probably let him go if he did hand in a request as he doesnt want anyone who doesnt want to play for the club being there but the decision is Everton's really.

I'm thinking Lescott doesnt want to rock any boats, if Everton accept an offer he will come to us happily, if they don't he will stay and be happy with that as well
johnmc said:
Matty, it is still Evertons decision whether or not they accept the transfer request. They could turn it down in the knowledge that even if they have an unhappy player on their hands he will still have to give 100% if he wants to go to the World cup - his place is not guaranteed. Also I think he would be professional enough to play at 100% if they turned it down because if he didnt future potential suitors could be put off by a lack of professionalism

Fair enough Moyes will most probably let him go if he did hand in a request as he doesnt want anyone who doesnt want to play for the club being there but the decision is Everton's really.

I'm thinking Lescott doesnt want to rock any boats, if Everton accept an offer he will come to us happily, if they don't he will stay and be happy with that as well

you talk to much sense johnmc and pam talks shite
The Cyber Goat said:
Sorry Pam, I can see your POV but it is sooooo man city slanted it's unreal, let me explain....

Yes, the jet, the money the facilities are all valid points, but they are peripheral IMO, if we look beyond ourselves and to Everton where he currently plays, they are Englands established 5th best team no qualms about that is there? the league doesn't lie! They are in europe, he is settled, likes the club, fans, manager etc and they are by all media accounts a tight knit bunch, he not unhappy there, and as all teams do at the start of the season they will feel they have made improvements and this is the season that they go one better and can break the top four, I think that would be a fair, unbiased assessment.

Now look at us, we have issues away from home.. BIG issues away from home, yes we have made lots of signings and some very good players have arrived, BUT are an unknown for next season and although we all hope we will do well nothing is guaranteed! Your talk seems to be assuming (to say the least) that all will go swell, again another BUT... If we lose against blackburn, which knowing city is a definite possibility (have my ticket though!), and struggle against Portsmouth and/or Wolves we then play 2 of the big four low on confidence, could be P5 W0 D1 L4 and the media (and some fans) will be all over MH calling for his head, the bookies already have him as favourite for the sack!

In this not sky blue tinted scenario (perhaps a bit masochistic but not impossible) the move, for Lescott, would be a DISASTER in a world cup year especially if everton do break the top 4 (which I can't see personally) so IMO it's not as cut and dried as 'heres us and we are gonna be great" and the posters saying "I think he wants to come etc. etc." ffs do you know the guy? he has intimated NOTHING either way it's just speculation and bullshit at the moment what the guy himself wants!

Not a personal attack on you Pam i enjoy your posts, just think we all as fans need to take a deep breath and realize that although we can see great things in the future for our great club, not everyone outside is buying into it and there is a definite possibility that it could go wrong if we don't get a good start, IMO the 5 games I mentioned earlier could decide our season (I know the season is 38 games/ things get decided in april etc) BUT (I like BUTS- no pun intended :-)) Teams will be up for playing us at the start and if we get found out as we did last season things will get VERY tense for us and MH will be under immense pressure!

Anyway not all doom and gloom, we will probably win the first 3 IMO and go into the big 2 with loads of confidence, win those and city are back :-)

I cannot disagree with anything you say, but IF the rumours are true then Lescott does want to come to us and therefore IF he does then he needs to put in a T/R (within 24/48 hours) and IF he does not then it really is time for us to move on

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