Notts County Away 85.

Was in the designated away end, although City had the vast majority of the attendance.
Think they didn't open the gates quickly at the end of the match, which was odd considering the packed terrace.
Got caught up at the bottom of the terrace trying to get out, but with hundreds surging from behind and on the side.
Crowd control then was utter bollocks...
I was there, in the paddock at the side, and my abiding memory of the game is the gnome-like figure of Jimmy Sirrell standing in front of the seething mass of City fans in the away end appealing for calm. Whose bright idea was that ?
I don’t recall it personally but some of the lads I went with remember Jimmy telling City fans to “put that fence down!”
Had a nightmare journey over as car broke down as clutch had gone but some kind blue who was passing took me and my mates to the game and then drove us back after at which point he hitched my car to his and drove us back to hazel grove which is where I think he must have lived. Think I must have called the AA out to take me home. Game was shit but pretty much just like many away days of that era. It must have been one of the biggest away followings for a league game we ever had. Only the infamous game at Oldham springs to mind for a bigger following and the league title decider at Newcastle but that was before my time.
Great day out had a lovely evening in a Derbyshire pub on the way home.

My wife thought there had been a riot and when I staggered in at a very late hour she was convinced I was involved.

At the actual game it was a non-event with City fans just trying to change stands.

Typical of our team in those days to lose with such a great following behind them hoping to celebrate promotion.
Me, my brother, my mum and dad and the family dog drove to Nottingham. Left the parents and the dog with relatives in Eastwood while me and our kid went to the match.

Obviously late getting back to pick them up for the drive home but seems everyone was frantically worried that me and our kid were in some sort of mortal danger and they were all relieved to see we'd 'survived'. Talk about an overreaction.

Similar thing with the trouble at Oldham that time. My dad was with me and my brother that day. His health wasn't great but really enjoyed all the aggro. First time he'd ever been involved in a 'riot'. At least he was able to reassure my mum that it was mostly the media sensationalising.

It always seemed like a storm in a teacup to me at the time, but I guess Heysel and Hillsborough put that theory to bed.
“We’ll be up at five o’clock.”
Me and my dad were there right behind the goal in the away end.
I remember Sirrel standing on a platform in the roof of the main stand like an emperor watching the game.
At half time the announcement came and me and dad as well as a few round us were baffled because it all seemed well behaved banter round us.
I was there, in the paddock at the side, and my abiding memory of the game is the gnome-like figure of Jimmy Sirrell standing in front of the seething mass of City fans in the away end appealing for calm. Whose bright idea was that ?
Both managers came over to the City end to ask for a bit of calm. Billy McNeill got a rousing reception and when Sirrell turned up,he got a rousing rendition of "who the fkn hell are you"
Great away day
Started in the away end, was on the dugout roof at one stage and ended up behind the opposite goal to where I started

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