
Banned Tosspot said:
I was ill and wouldn't have spoke to you after your comments about my family.

Banned Tosspot said:
Like I have said before, never believe everything I say or most say. It's only a forum. I once said the same to a Smiths fan on here and he did take the bait but I think him and I have turned the corner now. Some people however have to stop being clones of clones and remember it's 2009 and not 2007.

I have however forwarded your abusive PM to Ric and Damocles.


The woman bully.

Ah I see...one of those who can dish but doesn't like being served some of his own medicine. Well, l don't hold grudges as it's the internet and not real life. So the offer of a beer before a match stands...

In the meantime, please continue to make insulting comments about friends of mine. You may find yourself at a game with them one day, and I will see if you have the courage of your convictions when the person you are calling a "fat useless twat" is standing right next to you...
Banned Tosspot said:
Dubai Blue said:
It's a stupid argument. You don't know those songs are crap, you think they are crap. And you're perfectly entitled to that opinion. As is everyone who thinks they're great.

And your second assumption is just ridiculous. Music is completely subjective. You don't have to be a classical composer, Grade 8 pianist, or memeber of a local pub band to have an opinion on whether a song is good or not. If you like it, you think it's good. If you don't like it, you think it's bad. It's not rocket science.

You're suggesting that someone's tastes can be directly linked to their knowledge of the subject, which is rubbish. If you don't like quail eggs, it doesn't mean you don't know anything about food, it just means you don't like quail eggs. And vice versa.

People don't actually give a shit about the composition behind a song. They just care about whether it makes them feel good or not. I'm sure most of Mozart's stuff is fascinating from a composition point of view and self-proclaimed music experts probably wank off over it, but I'd much rather listen to Cigarettes & Alcohol whilst jumping around in a pub like an idiot.
T-Rex rip off.
I couldn't give a shit, to be honest. I don't claim that they are the greatest musicians and composers that ever lived, and I don't particularly care either because I'm not a pathetic music snob who sits around sneering at how little everyone else knows.

They wrote some good tunes that a hell of a lot of people like to listen to because it makes them feel good. That really is all that matters at the end of the day; everything else is irrelevant.
BillyShears said:
Banned Tosspot said:
I was ill and wouldn't have spoke to you after your comments about my family.

Banned Tosspot said:
Like I have said before, never believe everything I say or most say. It's only a forum. I once said the same to a Smiths fan on here and he did take the bait but I think him and I have turned the corner now. Some people however have to stop being clones of clones and remember it's 2009 and not 2007.

I have however forwarded your abusive PM to Ric and Damocles.


The woman bully.

Ah I see...one of those who can dish but doesn't like being served some of his own medicine. Well, l don't hold grudges as it's the internet and not real life. So the offer of a beer before a match stands...

In the meantime, please continue to make insulting comments about friends of mine. You may find yourself at a game with them one day, and I will see if you have the courage of your convictions when the person you are calling a "fat useless twat" is standing right next to you...
I've told Noel he's a twat before. You can remind him about Manchester airport around six years ago if you like.
Dubai Blue said:
Banned Tosspot said:
T-Rex rip off.
I couldn't give a shit, to be honest. I don't claim that they are the greatest musicians and composers that ever lived, and I don't particularly care either because I'm not a pathetic music snob who sits around sneering at how little everyone else knows.

They wrote some good tunes that a hell of a lot of people like to listen to because it makes them feel good. That really is all that matters at the end of the day; everything else is irrelevant.
If you don't care then why you getting so worked up?

Put their 5th album on, whatever it was called.
Banned Tosspot said:
I've told Noel he's a twat before. You can remind him about Manchester airport around six years ago if you like.

You walked up to someone you have only ever read about in magazines, and called him a twat. And this is something to be proud of...oh dear.
Banned Tosspot said:
Dubai Blue said:
I couldn't give a shit, to be honest. I don't claim that they are the greatest musicians and composers that ever lived, and I don't particularly care either because I'm not a pathetic music snob who sits around sneering at how little everyone else knows.

They wrote some good tunes that a hell of a lot of people like to listen to because it makes them feel good. That really is all that matters at the end of the day; everything else is irrelevant.
If you don't care then why you getting so worked up?

Put their 5th album on, whatever it was called.
I'm not getting worked up; I'm trying to have a discussion. You responded to a perfectly sensible post with "T-Rex rip off" as if that makes everything I said irrelevant. I don't care if it's a T-Rex rip off. It's not important to the vast majority of people. Can you not see that?
BillyShears said:
Banned Tosspot said:
I've told Noel he's a twat before. You can remind him about Manchester airport around six years ago if you like.

You walked up to someone you have only ever read about in magazines, and called him a twat. And this is something to be proud of...oh dear.
Same goes for you about me but in a forum situation rather than a erm... magazine.
Banned Tosspot said:
I've told Noel he's a twat before. You can remind him about Manchester airport around six years ago if you like.
I'd imagine that the millions and millions of pounds he's earned from millions and millions of people buying his albums and paying to watch him play live have long since diluted the memory of some bitter no-mark abusing him in a crowded airport.
Dubai Blue said:
Banned Tosspot said:
I've told Noel he's a twat before. You can remind him about Manchester airport around six years ago if you like.
I'd imagine that the millions and millions of pounds he's earned from millions and millions of people buying his albums and paying to watch him play live have long since diluted the memory of some bitter no-mark abusing him in a crowded airport.
I'm not impressed by material things, obviously you are.

It was a man to man thing.

You can also stop with the abusive remarks towards me as it's no way for a mod to act.
Banned Tosspot said:
BillyShears said:
You walked up to someone you have only ever read about in magazines, and called him a twat. And this is something to be proud of...oh dear.
Same goes for you about me but in a forum situation rather than a erm... magazine.

Terrible analogy. But I imagine needs must for you...

You continue to sound bitter, angry, and jealous of Oasis. Very strange.

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