Obama - The Big Issue........

mat said:
I think it's simply because Obama is black.

For a so called tolerant nation twats like trump, beck and Palin always allude to it. I thought the Americans had got rid of this shit, obviously not.

I think there's more to it than that, but it may well be a major factor in the republican south.
Danamy said:
Bigga said:
Was going to post about it yesterday, but released Glenn Beck would get more credit from me than the clown that is Donald Trump!

On a side note I thought this was a gem from Two Jags before he got told off for the finishing word:

*wigger denotes White people trying to be Black.

Am i right in thinking that Black people trying to be White are called "Bonky" then?

No, they're called Bounties or Coconuts.
There's no discernible difference between Bush and Obama on foreign policy. Too many people look to his vacuous election rhetoric and superimpose it over reality. I think this is in part a measure of self deceit. No-one likes to think that they've been duped.
Oh look at us everybody, we are not these horrible people that want complete control of the world, we have a Black President, wooooooooooooo look at us everyone, are'nt we lovely happy people.

Barry Soetoro(obama) is a complete Charlatan, it's a complete cover up putting him in there, this lovely guy that likes all things American ie Basketball, Football, Music(see blair), he is just ANOTHER placement puppet and has absolutely zero control over what happens in the world, just a horrible tw*t like the rest of 'em and lining his own pockets and being a peoples person(hahaha), just forwarding an ever increasing Agenda.
It's funny how they now move into Libya is'nt it, it just so happens that they have there own laws ie Banking, Innoculations(jabs) and are basically not dictated to by the disgraceful West, soon to change.

Wake up peeps as the end game is being played out right in front of your eyes, what next? A FALSE FLAG UFO LANDING/INVASION. THAT IS WHAT.<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:33 pm --<br /><br />
ElanJo said:
There's no discernible difference between Bush and Obama on foreign policy. Too many people look to his vacuous election rhetoric and superimpose it over reality. I think this is in part a measure of self deceit. No-one likes to think that they've been duped.

Come on mate, we are all being duped, it does not matter who they put in, the end result will ALWAYS be determined by the Agenda, the Rothschilds, the dark suits etc, WE ARE ALL BEING AS YOU SAY, "DUPED".
mat said:
I think it's simply because Obama is black.

For a so called tolerant nation twats like trump, beck and Palin always allude to it. I thought the Americans had got rid of this shit, obviously not.
This shit is starting already!! If whites didnt vote for Obama, he would not have been elected FFS!!!! If he loses in 2012, it will be because we are a bunch of racist, hayseed, backward, knuckle dragging, war mongering, imperialistic goobers. So we were smart in 2008 when Obama got elected but we all got stoopid in 2012 if he loses?? How does THAT make sense??

Oh BTW the next black/asian elected/appointed to a very important office/cabinet post will be the FIRST one!!

Call me when you lot have a black PM.......

-- Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:32 pm --

ElanJo said:
There's no discernible difference between Bush and Obama on foreign policy. Too many people look to his vacuous election rhetoric and superimpose it over reality. I think this is in part a measure of self deceit. No-one likes to think that they've been duped.
This is very true and it has the left fringe of the Democratic Party nuts!! Lets have a looksee shall we:

Rendition: A Bush policy hated by the left that Obama has continued.

Gitmo: Obama "promised" to close it down. The left loved it during the election. Its still open, innit?

Afghanistan: Peace loving Barry O has ESCALTED this war. He is Barry O is "Patron Saint of The Drone".

Iraq: Troops still there....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Barry O promised to hold the "terror trials" of Kaild Sheik Mohammed (KSM) and his merry band of zealots in civlian courts only blocks form Groud Zero. Well, he turned tail on THAT one, didnt he??

The above brings me to one of the BIGGEST aberrations of Barry O's administration-Eric Holder.........

There also another mantra from the left that I dont hear anymore-another "war for Oil" in Libya. I guess Haliburton/Dick Cheney made this administration do it.....
mat said:
I think it's simply because Obama is black.

For a so called tolerant nation twats like trump, beck and Palin always allude to it. I thought the Americans had got rid of this shit, obviously not.

These 'birthers' are quite frankly laughable.

-- Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:16 pm --

Frank the Yank said:
mat said:
I think it's simply because Obama is black.

For a so called tolerant nation twats like trump, beck and Palin always allude to it. I thought the Americans had got rid of this shit, obviously not.
This shit is starting already!! If whites didnt vote for Obama, he would not have been elected FFS!!!! If he loses in 2012, it will be because we are a bunch of racist, hayseed, backward, knuckle dragging, war mongering, imperialistic goobers. So we were smart in 2008 when Obama got elected but we all got stoopid in 2012 if he loses?? How does THAT make sense??

Oh BTW the next black/asian elected/appointed to a very important office/cabinet post will be the FIRST one!!

Call me when you lot have a black PM.......
Nobody's saying that all Americans are racist. It's just that a vocal minority are quite racist. No President should have to do something like this in the modern developed world.
Obama has destroyed the US economy, he probably had good intentions when he ran for office but has become nothing more than a puppet for the financial elite and the crooks that are now running the Federal Reserve. Trump is a fraudster that should never be allowed to run for office given he has been bankrupt 5 times already. The US is completely F__cked.

It is now pretty much mathematically impossible for the US to ever repay its debt (mostly owed to China) without destroying the currency. People should be worried about this because everything is about to get a whole lot more expensive in a short period of time.The dollar, Euro and Pound are headed towards becoming toilet paper thanks to Obama, Bernanke and the crooks that run the European Central Banks.

Sun Jihai's ghost said:
Obama has destroyed the US economy, he probably had good intentions when he ran for office but has become nothing more than a puppet for the financial elite and the crooks that are now running the Federal Reserve. Trump is a fraudster that should never be allowed to run for office given he has been bankrupt 5 times already. The US is completely F__cked.

It is now pretty much mathematically impossible for the US to ever repay its debt (mostly owed to China) without destroying the currency. People should be worried about this because everything is about to get a whole lot more expensive in a short period of time.The dollar, Euro and Pound are headed towards becoming toilet paper thanks to Obama, Bernanke and the crooks that run the European Central Banks.


The world will be Chinas woman,and just very probably getting geared up to put troops inside the already existant military bases they have assembled, in the States and Europe. They will lead the NWO and will take no shit, already China is a Blueprint for the way the world will probably end up, like one kid per family, a huge robotical peoples, and a totalitarian approach to life.
You will have troops controlling curphew orders, infact you will have American troops on their own soil enforcing the like of Marshal Law. Sorry for the thread deviate, back to whatsisname?

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