Offical Election thread

r.soleofsalford said:
Ducado said:
You seem to have this romantic view of the heavy manufacturing industry in this country, the fact is most of it went down the pan when it could not compete with countries such as Japan and Korea (at the time) and West Germany, fast forward to today and those countries can not compete with China, and have suffered much higher unemployment.

The Tories made an environment were business could flourish, lower tax, less regulation, reform of the employment legislation, raining in the unions etc, and many businesses did flourish.

Yes at the time it did seem very brutal and unemployment was terrible, however it laid the foundations for a better economic base.

The world is run on a free market basis (on the whole) it would be nice to have ourselves insulated from it, but we would suffer much more. In the end it is the private sector that creates the wealth that governments need to spend on vital services

we all know industry`s come and go, nothing lasts for ever. but as i stated it was the general feeling toward any manufacturing that it was 2nd class and was there to be tolerated. unlike germany before re-unification where engineering industry was revered
You are right about Germany but the decline of UK manufacturing had been going on for many years, certainly well before Thatcher. I'd recommend a book called "The Audit of War" by Correlli Barnett, Link which tells how our industrial capacity strated its decline in 1945.

Thatcher stopped pouring money in to these industries and it was actually under Labour when the mass closures of the steel industry started due to EU regulations about subsidies.
i`ve not got a lot of sympathy for gordon. like thatcher he sold of our nation assets to subsidise government spending.

but this result tell volumns about the tory party which could not get a majority against a government which sold of large parts of our gold reserves on the cheap, and ransack our pensions. to add to this all the newspaper tory bias.

perhaps people are worried they will only look after the super rich as usual
Cheeses of Nazareth said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
More peoplw want him than the previously unelected Gordon Brown, so, yeah, why should Gordon be PM just because the Labour party was unjustly undemocratic when Blair left?

I fully support Nick Clegg not wanting Brown involved, and I don't even particularly like the Lib Dems, but I completely agree with him on that.

To Legend of Berti:
1. When you vote in a General Election, you vote for a party not a leader.
2. Labour Party leaders are not elected by the public, they are selected by the party - y'know like getting a job.
3. Cameron is a twat.

1) true, but you still for the person in charge to implement that party's policies.
2) he wasn't even challenged in the party election, probably not surprising with the stories of how he treats people, I mean, he handles himself appallingly for one thing.
3) your unfounded opinion of someone you don't know, easy to slag off someone who is better educated, better mannered and more successful than you isn't it?
TheLegendOfBerti said:
Cheeses of Nazareth said:
To Legend of Berti:
1. When you vote in a General Election, you vote for a party not a leader.
2. Labour Party leaders are not elected by the public, they are selected by the party - y'know like getting a job.
3. Cameron is a twat.

1) true, but you still for the person in charge to implement that party's policies.
2) he wasn't even challenged in the party election, probably not surprising with the stories of how he treats people, I mean, he handles himself appallingly for one thing.
3) your unfounded opinion of someone you don't know, easy to slag off someone who is better educated, better mannered and more successful than you isn't it?

Yes it's easy to slag off a snakey twat like Posh Dave, and as for better educated and successful, well he has a slight advantage there, being the heir to tens of millions from generations of landed gentry and slavers. I could match him for manners, though I may not know the etiquette at Henley Regatta.

One major advantage over him which I hold though is, if he ever met me face to face I could quite easily smash his shiny little face in. He would need some serious airbrushing after that.
I'd give him a punishment bumming too.
Cheeses of Nazareth said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
1) true, but you still for the person in charge to implement that party's policies.
2) he wasn't even challenged in the party election, probably not surprising with the stories of how he treats people, I mean, he handles himself appallingly for one thing.
3) your unfounded opinion of someone you don't know, easy to slag off someone who is better educated, better mannered and more successful than you isn't it?

Yes it's easy to slag off a snakey twat like Posh Dave, and as for better educated and successful, well he has a slight advantage there, being the heir to tens of millions from generations of landed gentry and slavers. I could match him for manners, though I may not know the etiquette at Henley Regatta.

One major advantage over him which I hold though is, if he ever met me face to face I could quite easily smash his shiny little face in. He would need some serious airbrushing after that.
I'd give him a punishment bumming too.

I've met & talked to Cameron a few times (he was my MP). Comes across as a decent bloke. Certainly not 'posh' or condescending. Having said that, even if anyone came across like that, I haven't got a chip on my shoulder that would prevent me from voting for them if I thought they were the best man for the job.
can i recommend you don't read any book that free market nutters like prestwich blue recommend

stick to believing in investment and nationalised industry
It really is an education reading some of the bile been posted about the "Tories" on here, it speaks volumes.

A few facts Mrs Thatcher (or rather the Tories) won 3 general elections with over 40% of the vote, many Tory constituencies at the time were in the North and North West of the UK, and Scotland, so they were quite popular by and large.

Labour only got back in power when Blair decided to bacillary turned the Labour party into the Tory party lite! Knowing that on the UK is a Conservative country with a small "C", Brown took the party leftwards and was soundly beaten, people forget that it is very rare to be able to overturn a majority of that size in one go, how long did it take Labour?

If it was an English election, Labour would never get in power, in parts of the south and south east they have been wiped out as a political force
The unionists can't complain about other parts of the UK voting when it is in the name of their party.

They want to kill nothern England, anyone who votes for them is a plastic City fan.

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