Official "Changes To Seasoncards" Thread

It must have concerned Garry Cook that a number of our brand new affluent supporter demographic missed out on Wembley tickets because of us pesky working class fans getting in the way.

This "platinum" scheme is a great helping hand for the new middle class fans the club wants. A year or two and they can leapfrog the proles in the loyalty point system.

Or more likely Mr Cook brings us one season closer to the day you can buy loyalty points in bulk. What's the point in filling the COMS stadium with mutes in suits, women and kids if we can't get them down to Wembley every season?
Platinum for me too, £555 in Colin Bell Level 1.

Am I right in thinking if you join everything the Platinum Membership has to offer, you'll get 1080 loyalty points (inc 380 for League renewal) before a ball has been kicked?

Madness! lol
Fantastic new system.

Majority of seats haven't gone up in price (espeicially as VAT rate has rose!)

Cup games being heavily incentiveised to ensure we no longer look like a laughing stock at only £15 a game (Before QF) which no one can moan about!

Seems like they have covered all basis, if you don't want to spend more than this season then you don't have to - but if you want a few extra perks, and some extra loyalty points or cheap cup tickets then you can get them and not pay through the teeth for the privaledge - which should ensure City get more money in the long run and no one feels ripped off.

Well done City.
100 loyalty points for each cup scheme...Carling cup/FA Cup/Europe.

If I pay £360 for my season ticket, I get 100 loyalty points each and if I pay an extra £50 and go up to £410, I get 200 points per scheme.

This is crazy, this is not rewarding loyalty, it's rewarding bank accounts...a complete fucking farce.

I could gain 1080 loyalty points just for joining platinum and subscribing to these magazine/programme things.

Since when is loyalty subscribing to the monthly MCFC magazine?

They're giving loyalty points for subscribing to fucking City magazine?!?!?!?!

I'm getting horrified by this the more I see of it.

City are taking huge advantage of the club's 2 Wembley appearances. One might say they are holding the fans to ransom here a bit. I need to take this in a bit more.
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Jesus wept, they've introduced a class sytem amongst the fans.

About time the plebs were put in their place. It's bad enough that I have to sit amongst them on a match day but at least now I can show, by the colour of my season card, that I am not one of them. ;)
I thourght it could have been alot worse to be honest.

If that £15 cap on home cup games includes any potential Champions League games, then that is well worth it in my book.
Official "Changes To Seasoncards" Thread

benbeer said:
have to say the cup scheme fixed £15 price is amazing ... surely that doesn't include the CL group games??

Where does it say that?

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