Official - City end interest in Eto'o [merged]

Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

did someone on shitesports (this is what i'm calling them from now on!) just say city didn't put a bid in for eto'o?(just caught a snippet might be wrong) if this is the case its all down
to eto'o's agent trying squeese barcelona for a new and improved contract using us as a leverage.
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

The Sun

SAMUEL ETO'O could still sign for Manchester City this summer - but his future remains uncertain.

The Barcelona hitman's agent Jose Maria Mesalles called a press conference today to clear up speculation on his future.

But Mesalles caused confusion by first claiming Eto'o wanted to remain at the Nou Camp.

He then insisted Eto'o would be open to a move to City, if a deal could be agreed.

Mesalles said: "The player wants to stay and complete the last year of his contract.

"If Barca don't want him they should say so, so we can pursue the player's future in a professional manner.

"The club said coach Pep Guardiola did not want him. Guardiola has not told the player he is not required.

"If they have a serious offer from Man City and if they want to continue with this negotiation we could be interested.

"We haven't spoken to City but if Barca have reached an agreement it shouldn't be that difficult to reach a deal."
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

rochdalefan said:
I think the bigger picture here looks good for us, whatever the outcome.

If you sit back and look at this situation from the outside, it's all about the Eto'o and Barcelona fighting over the loyalty payment whilst City remain quiet. The fact remains, everyone agrees we are the only realistic bidders for one of the best forwards in the world. Whatever the outcome of this, we are now consistently associated with the best players and this will only bode well for us in the future. Think about Torres' comments in this mornings papers. I expect he is not the only world class player looking at City's project with more than a passing interest. Whether or not this deal comes off, the message is out there that we are in competing for the best players in the world and those players who ignore us or reject us risk missing the boat.

I think we'll probably sign Eto'o. But if we don't, there will be others. Remember the market only officially opens tomorrow and goes on 'til the end of August. Plenty of time, plenty more fish in the sea.

Don't know of the credentials of spursmad, but remember what he said yesterday. 'there will be a few days of posturing, then he'll sign'.

What did he say mate? I must've missed that
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

Daz_Blue said:
Wexford Blue said:
Last night going to bed i'd convinced myself it was 100% off. Now i'm 75% certain it's going through... ffs.. I swore to myself after Ronaldinho, Kaka etc that i wouldn't go through this again, and wait for the OS announcement. It's just addictive.. roll on Sept 1st.. shut the bastard window..

Why ? ..... is it cold and windy in England ?
no were in the middle of a heatwave at the moment
Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

whalley ranger said:
This is now all about who 'chucked' who first. It's difficult to see how Barca can save face now, other than give him what he wants? Would kike to know more Barca fans opinions.

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Re: Samuel Eto'o [merged]

ReVoRolla said:
i dont think this is happening at all, cos there has been any confirmation or denial from City that i've seen or heard. All of it has come from Barca.

Either City are thinking, keep quiet and dont get dragged into the farce officially or a secret deal has already been done.

Its all a big circus we can do without.

Signing Tevez will be nice, quiet and no fuss, how it should be.

That could be done by midday 2moro

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