Official - City end interest in Eto'o [merged]

podgy_rodge said:
im still clutching at those last few straws after hearing the spanish article and now spursmad

same here but i think its ultimately dead......

Spursmad posted that Eto'o was an extremely complex perso a week or so ago......i think he is just trying to remain positive without actually being any the wiser of the actual state of play at this precise moment. Im not questioning his ITK status...he clearly is....but maybe he hasnt got the full up to date facts yet.....

maybe we will get to hear the whole story off him once it is all over and get to hear why we really pulled out of the deal
lionheart said:
Bazzmand Show said:
Spursmad posted this on another forum before

Taken from Vital Manchester City
@ 09.18 today
Hi All,

As you are probably aware I had some crap to deal with over at Bluemoon a few days ago, so I decided to take a few days away to decided whether it was worth putting up with, so that the good members on Bluemoon can hear my info. I have decided that the idiots will not win, so I will be back on Bluemoon soon.

Regarding the Eto'o situation this had all been agreed with Eto'o from City end, and that Eto'o had agreed to join City. But as I said before Eto'o is a very complex man to deal with and he is now digging his heals in over him getting the maximum pay off from Barcelona, this making the deal drag on.

City have decided to try and force the issue by saying that they have pulled out, this deal isn't dead yet.


Bu what about this statement?
"Khaldoon is not the kind of man to make U-turns once a statement of intent has been made public."
Somebody somewhere will have to eat humble pie if the deal goes through.

If Eto'o comes back to us though, Khaldoon looks like a sick negotiator. If not, then he looks like he's got the integrity to stay consistent. He can't lose.
I hope we are about to find out the measure of Khaldoon al Mubarak...

If he can pull this off and show the football world we will not be messed about then we are on a very good path indeed.

If he has ruined our chance of signing Eto'o when Laporta was still trying to make it happen then he is clearly a fool.

I hope and pray (and believe) it is the former.

Come on Khaldoon! Show us what you are made of!
Read a bit in the daily mirror today saying that barca are desperate to try and get us back in for Eto'o as they want some coin for him. Might be true or it might not (I expect it is) but at the very least it's a bit of positive publicity as opposed to us being desperate to sign Eto'o and him not wanting to come
SalfordCityBlue said:
I hope we are about to find out the measure of Khaldoon al Mubarak...

If he can pull this off and show the football world we will not be messed about then we are on a very good path indeed.

If he has ruined our chance of signing Eto'o when Laporta was still trying to make it happen then he is clearly a fool.

I hope and pray (and believe) it is the former.

Come on Khaldoon! Show us what you are made of!

How dare you even hint that a man of Khaldoon's standing may be a fool? You clown, he's a very accomplished businessman with more nous than anybody you've ever been within a mile of.
Dobsy87 said:
lionheart said:
Bazzmand Show said:
Spursmad posted this on another forum before

Taken from Vital Manchester City
@ 09.18 today
Hi All,

As you are probably aware I had some crap to deal with over at Bluemoon a few days ago, so I decided to take a few days away to decided whether it was worth putting up with, so that the good members on Bluemoon can hear my info. I have decided that the idiots will not win, so I will be back on Bluemoon soon.

Regarding the Eto'o situation this had all been agreed with Eto'o from City end, and that Eto'o had agreed to join City. But as I said before Eto'o is a very complex man to deal with and he is now digging his heals in over him getting the maximum pay off from Barcelona, this making the deal drag on.

City have decided to try and force the issue by saying that they have pulled out, this deal isn't dead yet.


Bu what about this statement?
"Khaldoon is not the kind of man to make U-turns once a statement of intent has been made public."
Somebody somewhere will have to eat humble pie if the deal goes through.

If Eto'o comes back to us though, Khaldoon looks like a sick negotiator. If not, then he looks like he's got the integrity to stay consistent. He can't lose.

When did Khaldoon comment ? As far as I am aware it was a Daily Mirror source..
This was posted on the MEN article about Eto'o .. by someone who actually lives in Spain I think .. so its what the media are saying there ..

Bludarnsarf here is my Spanish Press review:

Can’t say I am happy with this outcome as some of you say you are. I would have loved it if we had signed him. I never really seen this coming right now and neither did the Spanish Press, as they made up the 48hr deadline which would have ended today. The fact we pulled out while Cook was in Brazil indicates it was the decision of our owner. So can’t really argue as it is his money. I know no more than anyone else on here what was or wasn’t going on in the negotiations apart from what was in the Spanish Press. So here goes;

No media outlet in Spain is stating that Eto’o turned us down, so we can at least be assured that he did not (unless he says otherwise and I assure you he would have done so by now).

So it might help if some of you didn't repeat that he has bec you are spreading negativity about the club that has not been confirmed anywhere.

I will start with the worst and then tell you of the majority view. The most negative view was in elmundodeportivo last night who did change their viewpoint this morning, I can only assume after speaking to FC Barcelona. Late last night there was a bit of, who does this club think it is? As an immediate reaction there was a lot of shock with the timing. They then dragged out the usual for them, Eto’o deserves better than to be rushed by a mid-table team that couldn’t make Europe with a win nothing manager but, their stance has softened today. They are now saying City are going for Tevez instead and Eto’o’s options for a so called great CL club are running out as Milan are close to signing Luis Fabiano and his chance of Utd putting in a bid is uncertain.

It sounds from what they are writing that Eto’o is more interested in getting grievances publically off his chest with the FCB management than an immediate transfer anywhere. There is talk of him giving a press conference but I am not expecting him to mention us particularly (though I will let you know). There are no quotes from him, his lawyer or Barcelona anywhere. So it is very difficult to confirm all that is written.

The rest of the press are talking about the severance payment that Eto’o and FCB could not agree on and are equally surprised we withdrew so soon with everything else allegedly agreed. They have copied quotes from the MUEN article on Cooks call for patience yesterday and saying how can withdrawing so quickly from negotiations be in line with that. They have repeated the Hughes quote on not wanting to wait all summer too.

Some believe this is just a change of our negotiating position and that he will sign for us eventually. FC Barcelona has yet to mention it on their website or comment, so we can read from that they hope all is not over yet too.

After reading everything my view is this, we have been trying to buy a player from a club where the two parties are at war with each other. The fight has been brewing for two years. He didn’t have any problem with us which is why he agreed to our terms (that has been assumed for a while). The severance payment is just an aside to the general animosity between FCB and Eto’o as they don’t even communicate anymore without throwing insults. Eto’o feels he has been demonised, lied to and disrespected by Laporta. He needs to get a lot off his chest with the injustice he feels, to even remotely consider a move right now and yet he has told Barcelona to stick the 2yr extension. This scenario seems to be perfectly in line with the statement on our website.

The Press (apart from elmundo up to today) agreed we were the best option for both Eto’o and Barcelona. It is never over until the fat lady sings (and the phrasing on our website wasn't exactly an aria) so who knows how this might end. Hopefully, not with a transfer to Utd.

I for one would not object to negotiations being reopened at some point, if Barcelona and Eto'o request it.

Ah well, lets reinforce the point with Barcelona now by going for their defensive target Bruno Alves. So full of optimism that we are at least attempting to get the best. Some will come and some won't.

Please try not to allow your insecurities to downplay how close we came to getting Kaka and Eto'o. The first editions were being printed in Italy announcing Kaka had signed for us when news of the deal collapsing flashed across the tv. Who knows what would have happened if we had turned up with a contract with numbers to be signed rather than chat about marketing and image issues for hours or, had we just decided to bypass the fight and agree to psy a signing fee to Eto'o. We've come closer than Chelsea or Utd have ever come to bringing a true world class star to the EPL, that is for sure. Onwards and upwards which is inevitable for us now.

Barcelona debt 468M euro, Real Madrid 800M+ euro now, Utd £700M Reasone to be cheerful.

KiteSurfer Gal, Cheshire/Barcelona
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as i said last night though, there are other teams that can afford him.....namely utd (theyhave the ronaldo money buring a hole in their back pocket), chelski, madrid (thought they wont go for him)

the other scenario is that he will see his contract out and then go on a free...when there will be a lot more powerful suitors than us in the mix for him if that happens
SalfordCityBlue said:
I hope we are about to find out the measure of Khaldoon al Mubarak...

If he can pull this off and show the football world we will not be messed about then we are on a very good path indeed.

If he has ruined our chance of signing Eto'o when Laporta was still trying to make it happen then he is clearly a fool.

I hope and pray (and believe) it is the former.

Come on Khaldoon! Show us what you are made of!

Either way he will not be a fool, the deal was 'believed' to be done on both sides, city with barca and city with eto'o, but eto'o wanted the payment, laporta couldnt push that through so we've walked. Laporta either sorts it now quick time and the deal is done, or he doesnt and we hold our dignity! good move and no lose situation! we have billions but we wont be messed about by ANYBODY no matter there stature!

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