Official Rangers v City Thread

Well going to get a roasting off the rags at work tomorrow. Sick of feeding them with ammunition! We still seem to be as average as last season. Defense still needs sorting & to push on properly we need another instrumental midfielder!
Didn't watch the match and from what little I have read about the match the only things I have to say are:

1) Fucking well done Ireland, credit to the lad who continues to prove our homegrown talent can rise above our £multi-million buys

2) People on this website need to chill their beans and start slagging the team off if we play poorly or get poor results WHEN IT MATTERS! This is still considered time for the team to gel and we appear to be getting better and better.

3) I am desperate for Ade, Tevez and Santa to get their first goals for us so they get a feel for it and carry it into the PL season.

4) Defence still seems shaky, Ned was doing alright and appears to be head and shoulders above Dunnie now, fair play to the lad. Hope Toure is starting to settle in now, we can't afford to have an unfamiliar defence a week on saturday.

5) Etuhu doesn't seem to be developing as we need him to and obviously Weiss should be given more game time since he has been 10 x more effective when on the pitch.

Relax everyone, with the players we have at our disposal and with the possible addition of Lescott we are looing good for the new season. Everton lost to Blackpool yesterday FFS!

(BTW, why does the match report on say 1-1 and the match report says we scored 2 goals each?!)
jhg1989 said:
Well going to get a roasting off the rags at work tomorrow. Sick of feeding them with ammunition! We still seem to be as average as last season. Defense still needs sorting & to push on properly we need another instrumental midfielder!

jhg1989 said:
Well going to get a roasting off the rags at work tomorrow. Sick of feeding them with ammunition! We still seem to be as average as last season. Defense still needs sorting & to push on properly we need another instrumental midfielder!

Grow a backbone - its a freindly - and secretly keep it in your heart that we will beat them twice next season
everyone seems to have forgott weve still got santa to come into the equasion yet too
morleyswife said:
Brucie Bonus said:
Friendlies are meaningless. So we learnt nothing. Nothing to see, move along. We didn't learn that the usual suspects play as badly during friendlies as they do in league / cup games. We didn't learn that. Another meaningless game, filled with meaningless performances, that tell us nothing. Obviously, as all our pre-season games are meaningless (the games in SA were also meaningless), Hughes has learnt nothing about his players, in any way, shape, or form - except they play in meaningless games in front of fans that pay meaningless money and waste their meaningless time. Naturally, as this game (and all others pre-season are meaningless) was without meaning, Hughes cannot take them into consideration when it comes to tactics and so on.

Shame for all those Blues that made the trip. I think the club should be honest and let fans know that games like this are meaningless.

Meaningless post - thats why people go to competetive matches which are not called friendlies

I see. So you don't think the game was meaningless?
Brucie Bonus said:
morleyswife said:
Meaningless post - thats why people go to competetive matches which are not called friendlies

I see. So you don't think the game was meaningless?

i think it was full off posatives personally
I'm just trying to understand how deeply "Clarkism" runs through the forum. I believe I've found one sufferer, perhaps two now.
Still got a few issues to sort out but there was certainly lots of positive things about the game tonight especially the first half

I've noticed a few people having a bit of a pop at De Jong which i can't understand. In the first half we controlled the game and kept possession without Rangers getting forward much and De Jong was crucial in that, when he went of along with Barry we couldn't keep the ball and we were completely overrun at times
Ducado said:
It's great to see the BM drama Queen Club are back in buisiness!

A sense of perspective is needed, it's Pre Season friendly, nothing to play for, it's about fitness and testing players out, the results are meaningless, think about it as engineering, it's about getting it right before the big launch day

Ok, only a friendly but can't agree with 'results are meaningless'..... results build confidence, the more you win the more you build momentum, the more you build momentum the more you feel unbeatable, we need to start building a cosistant winning mentality and that include pre-season, we know have 1 more game before the start and if we lose that do we really think the blackburn game will suddenly flick a switch to a us becoming a top 6 team...........for me the poor thing from tonight was yet again our inability to hold on to a lead, something that was a major concern last year, going forward i can see some good things, defence.........!! better teams will rip us to pieces.

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