old badge or current badge?

I always liked the old badge personally would have it back, but in the scheme of things at City it wouldn't be top of my priorities.

1) Beat the scum
2) Finish 7th
3) Do we get a new manager or not
4)New players in
5) Dross out.
johnny crossan said:
east2 said:
At the fans forum on Thursday the question of bringing back the old badge was again raised , to which the response was that the club are looking into buying back the rights of the old badge.
Am I the only one who thinks that we should let bygones be bygones? Sure the badge is part of our glorious past and for me is instantly recognized as the halcyon days of Bell, Lee & Sumerbee, “terrorising Europe” with Mercer & Alison, getting my first football kit from Alexandra sports with the badge sitting proud on my chest, I was the bees knees and the’ envy of my street’.

But that was then and this is now, times have changed the current badge is an instant reminder of ‘May 99’ a modern twist on a ‘phoenix rising from the ashes’ of our darkest days. We are constantly berated for holding on to our past, but for me that’s where it should remain ‘in the past’
The current badge has far more of a modern day ‘here and now look’ and is becoming instantly recognizable throughout Europe and beyond and to many modern day football fans it is the only badge they recognize as being MCFC.
So for me the current badge should remain and be part of our current regime and all that is bestowed upon us, and that my boy will wear the badge as proud as I do.

‘The futures bright the futures Blue’


My vote emphatically goes for this one - forget the ubermensch/heavy metal current version

Spot on mate, as a compromise I wouldn't mind if the club modernised the old badge a bit the way Villa etc have donebut getting rid of the eagle and stars would be a good start. Regardless of the historical significance the Eagle has with Manchester as has been posted before it looks awful and the stars just make us an easy target for cheap jokes.
starski said:
Old badge definately, even though I have superbia in proelio on my arm

I do like that quote, I would rather the old badge and that quote wouldn't really fit in with it but they should keep 'superbia in proelio' as the official Club motto
Current badge, it's modern unlike that retro 70's thing I wouldn't exactly be pleased to see again.

Current badge ALWAYS current badge.

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