Oliver Holt - Why Manchester City has lost its soul...

Paulmcfc2703 said:
judleberry said:
Perhaps, I just don't like the idea of Hughes sitting with his dad upset, with his wife sitting beside Brian Kidd who was plotting to have her husband sacked behind his back whilst pretending to be his friend, and that 44000 people at the ground effectively knew he had lost his job before he did.

I don't buy the bit about Hughes sway over the media. I really do think that Hughes gave his all whilst he was hear. Our owner didn't think that was quite good enough. But they should have rewarded him some respect. It is Christmas after all!
poor guy, how much is his payoff was it only £3 million?

When you have earned the amount of money Hughes has over his, what 35 year proffessional career? It is not money that drives you. He is a football man, he transformed Carrington into a state of the art place as he wanted the players to be able to focus completely on training, he made a huge effort and a huge personal commitment, especially coming to City with his Red background.

To say that he won't care because he has been paid loads of money is ridiculous.

If I was doing something I loved and was passionate about, and something I really believed in, every single day, and then someone said I couldn't do it anymore, but here you can have another pair of shoes to add to your collection of 100 pairs, I would not be very happy, even though I love shoes!

It would be a drop in the ocean, which I imagine a couple of million is to Hughes. It would not soften the blow. It's not like he can now go on that Caribbean cruise that he couldn't afford last week!!!
judleberry said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
poor guy, how much is his payoff was it only £3 million?

When you have earned the amount of money Hughes has over his, what 35 year proffessional career? It is not money that drives you. He is a football man, he transformed Carrington into a state of the art place as he wanted the players to be able to focus completely on training, he made a huge effort and a huge personal commitment, especially coming to City with his Red background.

To say that he won't care because he has been paid loads of money is ridiculous.

If I was doing something I loved and was passionate about, and something I really believed in, every single day, and then someone said I couldn't do it anymore, but here you can have another pair of shoes to add to your collection of 100 pairs, I would not be very happy, even though I love shoes!
where did i say that??

And Hughes didnt transform carrington he may of wanted to but the owners did the transformation. He wanted the players to focus on training, that is what they are paid to do. If you are in a job you love but are not good enough you would be moved on, this is what happened to Hughes.
Paulmcfc2703 said:
judleberry said:
When you have earned the amount of money Hughes has over his, what 35 year proffessional career? It is not money that drives you. He is a football man, he transformed Carrington into a state of the art place as he wanted the players to be able to focus completely on training, he made a huge effort and a huge personal commitment, especially coming to City with his Red background.

To say that he won't care because he has been paid loads of money is ridiculous.

If I was doing something I loved and was passionate about, and something I really believed in, every single day, and then someone said I couldn't do it anymore, but here you can have another pair of shoes to add to your collection of 100 pairs, I would not be very happy, even though I love shoes!

It would be a drop in the ocean, which I imagine a couple of million is to Hughes. It would not soften the blow. It's not like he can now go on that Caribbean cruise that he couldn't afford last week!!!
where did i say that??

And Hughes didnt transform carrington he may of wanted to but the owners did the transformation. He wanted the players to focus on training, that is what they are paid to do. If you are in a job you love but are not good enough you would be moved on, this is what happened to Hughes.

Yes but all I'm saying is that i have sympathy for the guy, most people just work for enough money to get by on, some people have loads of money and don't need to work, others have loads of money and work anyway as it is something they are very passionate about. Hughes is obviously in this category or he would not bother. I for no other reason than he seems a very nice, honest and decent chap, I sympathise with the situation he found himself in yesterday, and don't think 3 million would have softened the blow.
judleberry said:
Perhaps, I just don't like the idea of Hughes sitting with his dad upset, with his wife sitting beside Brian Kidd who was plotting to have her husband sacked behind his back whilst pretending to be his friend, and that 44000 people at the ground effectively knew he had lost his job before he did.

I don't buy the bit about Hughes sway over the media. I really do think that Hughes gave his all whilst he was hear. Our owner didn't think that was quite good enough. But they should have rewarded him some respect. It is Christmas after all!

it's always ugly... I don't believe it happened this way by design. I think things were in danger of getting out of hand very quickly and someone made a decision to flood the press and cut his lifeline.

i really admired him and his family yesterday. I'm probably not a decent person in some peoples eyes, but I actually think it's worse when it's done behind closed doors and people are ushered out of the back exit. we all saw what he and his family were made of yesterday. I'm sure it hurt, but humiliation is temporary, class lingers....in my eyes they were anything but humiliated by it. it was an moving display of character...as the story shows, it's cook, khaldoun, marwood, kidd who's character is being called into question afterwards... but that will fade as well if they've got this right.
judleberry said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
where did i say that??

And Hughes didnt transform carrington he may of wanted to but the owners did the transformation. He wanted the players to focus on training, that is what they are paid to do. If you are in a job you love but are not good enough you would be moved on, this is what happened to Hughes.

Yes but all I'm saying is that i have sympathy for the guy, most people just work for enough money to get by on, some people have loads of money and don't need to work, others have loads of money and work anyway as it is something they are very passionate about. Hughes is obviously in this category or he would not bother. I for no other reason than he seems a very nice, honest and decent chap, I sympathise with the situation he found himself in yesterday, and don't think 3 million would have softened the blow.

I think the vast, vast majority of the fanbase of this club sympathises with Mark Hughes for what happened to him yesterday. He seems like a decent guy, who tried his best for the club & most people, I'm sure, will wish him well for the future.

Although I understand your point about the money not necessarily being an important factor to him, modern football managers know that they live in a precarious world & nobody forces them to take on the jobs they do (especially seeing as though, as you point out, they don't NEED to work)!

At the end of the day, he was judged to have failed & his family being in the stand, or the fact that its christmas is utterly irrelevant. This is a cut throat business & its not as if he'll be struggling to put a turkey on the table come Friday tea-time!

I wish him good luck & thank him for his efforts, but some of the over the top sentimentality on here over his dismissal is quite possibly a major part of what the problem has been at this club for far too long!
bizzbo said:
judleberry said:
Perhaps, I just don't like the idea of Hughes sitting with his dad upset, with his wife sitting beside Brian Kidd who was plotting to have her husband sacked behind his back whilst pretending to be his friend, and that 44000 people at the ground effectively knew he had lost his job before he did.

I don't buy the bit about Hughes sway over the media. I really do think that Hughes gave his all whilst he was hear. Our owner didn't think that was quite good enough. But they should have rewarded him some respect. It is Christmas after all!

it's always ugly... I don't believe it happened this way by design. I think things were in danger of getting out of hand very quickly and someone made a decision to flood the press and cut his lifeline.

i really admired him and his family yesterday. I'm probably not a decent person in some peoples eyes, but I actually think it's worse when it's done behind closed doors and people are ushered out of the back exit. we all saw what he and his family were made of yesterday. I'm sure it hurt, but humiliation is temporary, class lingers....in my eyes they were anything but humiliated by it. it was an moving display of character...as the story shows, it's cook, khaldoun, marwood, kidd who's character is being called into question afterwards... but that will fade as well if they've got this right.

Well put :) Oddly this post has cheered me up somewhat :) :) :)
bizzbo said:
judleberry said:
Perhaps, I just don't like the idea of Hughes sitting with his dad upset, with his wife sitting beside Brian Kidd who was plotting to have her husband sacked behind his back whilst pretending to be his friend, and that 44000 people at the ground effectively knew he had lost his job before he did.

I don't buy the bit about Hughes sway over the media. I really do think that Hughes gave his all whilst he was hear. Our owner didn't think that was quite good enough. But they should have rewarded him some respect. It is Christmas after all!

it's always ugly... I don't believe it happened this way by design. I think things were in danger of getting out of hand very quickly and someone made a decision to flood the press and cut his lifeline.

i really admired him and his family yesterday. I'm probably not a decent person in some peoples eyes, but I actually think it's worse when it's done behind closed doors and people are ushered out of the back exit. we all saw what he and his family were made of yesterday. I'm sure it hurt, but humiliation is temporary, class lingers....in my eyes they were anything but humiliated by it. it was an moving display of character...as the story shows, it's cook, khaldoun, marwood, kidd who's character is being called into question afterwards... but that will fade as well if they've got this right.

Spot on Bizzbo! The man has managed to enhance his reputation if anything!

Now the hard work begins for the perpetrators of yesterdays actions - proving that they were right! Thats what life at the sharp end is all about - lets hope they're up to it!
Do we want our club to be successful and fly high above and pissing down on the scum or do we wanna languish in mid table mediocrity?
If the galactico players we now have that we need to propel us to said success won't play for hughes then what do we do get rid of the players and buy shite who get on with him and sit mid-table?
Recipe for european domination=Big club-Big players-big manager-loads of dough
Mansour has spent in excess of half a billion pounds on us in a very short time
Would your company owners bring in a new manager to deliver increased targets and then wait 16mths for him to deliver? No.
If you take on a big time position in any walk of life with big rewards for success,you have to have the nouse to hit the ground running and deliver what your gaffers want,obviously mark hughes coulden't!!!
kingmonkey said:
Do we want our club to be successful and fly high above and pissing down on the scum or do we wanna languish in mid table mediocrity?
If the galactico players we now have that we need to propel us to said success won't play for hughes then what do we do get rid of the players and buy shite who get on with him and sit mid-table?
Recipe for european domination=Big club-Big players-big manager-loads of dough
Mansour has spent in excess of half a billion pounds on us in a very short time
Would your company owners bring in a new manager to deliver increased targets and then wait 16mths for him to deliver? No.
If you take on a big time position in any walk of life with big rewards for success,you have to have the nouse to hit the ground running and deliver what your gaffers want,obviously mark hughes coulden't!!!

May be old fashioned of me but I want players who play for the club and play for the fans, not ones who spectate the game from the wing in order to get the manager sacked because he asked them to make a god damn effort!
judleberry said:
kingmonkey said:
Do we want our club to be successful and fly high above and pissing down on the scum or do we wanna languish in mid table mediocrity?
If the galactico players we now have that we need to propel us to said success won't play for hughes then what do we do get rid of the players and buy shite who get on with him and sit mid-table?
Recipe for european domination=Big club-Big players-big manager-loads of dough
Mansour has spent in excess of half a billion pounds on us in a very short time
Would your company owners bring in a new manager to deliver increased targets and then wait 16mths for him to deliver? No.
If you take on a big time position in any walk of life with big rewards for success,you have to have the nouse to hit the ground running and deliver what your gaffers want,obviously mark hughes coulden't!!!

May be old fashioned of me but I want players who play for the club and play for the fans, not ones who spectate the game from the wing in order to get the manager sacked because he asked them to make a god damn effort!
understand what your saying,but the way of the game as it is now,if u want to dine at the top table you have to achieve it any way you can,mark hughes could not man manage these players so i'm sorry if it seems ruthless but get someone who can,because if our team performs to their best abilities we could beat any team in the world,i just hope Manc ini is that man!!

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