Oliver Holt - Why Manchester City has lost its soul...

r.soleofsalford said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
no offence mate, but after seeing you compare Khaldoon to Swales your opinion on this means less to me than Holts

this with knobs on. prestwich mate, the team were struggling against everybody and the nobodies with the exception of chelsea which was a great result. pray tell prestwich, if Les is such a great manager and did such a great job having spent 240 mil. what does that make mcleish and the job hes done at birmingham

You would have been saying the same thing about Phil Brown this time last season........

Rafa was a managerial genius for steering Liverpool to a Champions league victory, does this season make him clueless?

Managers should be judged over a full season, it's the only true benchmark of progression.

I genuinely want Mancini to succeed but I liked the fact we had a young British manager who understood the demands of the premier league, I liked all his signings they all made sense and whatever you make of some of the draws you cannot say we haven't been entertaining. I would far sooner see us score 4 and concede 3 than a boring but effective 1-0 win.

However, I'm sick of all the infighting - I think what this episode has made the Hughes outers recognise is that the media 'love' to make out our club is in crisis. I do believe that a lot of blues under the Hughes era were too influenced by what the media had to say about our players - look at the assasination of Bridge against Burnley - in the same way the Hughes inners are lapping up what is coming out of the media following his sacking.

Now we are seeing that after slagging Hughes team for the last 16 games the media are now saying that our board were wrong to sack him ? Where's the consistency ?

From a PR perspective the sacking was handled very poorly - announcing it on the DAY of the game - who dreamed that one up ???

Look, its us against the rest - we're the only one's who want to see the club to be successful so we NEED to stick together inspite of our opinions one way or the other. Slagging off our owners is certainly not teh way to go, whether we agree with the decision or not they want the same thing we do and have the financila muscle to make it happen.

I'm still disappointed by the decision, I want to be excited but I'm honestly struggling to find much joy out of the decision ADUG have taken.

But you know what - these are still exciting times - as ADUG will see success come to fruition however it is reached and sometimes difficult and unpopular decisions have to be taken. I think Hughes could have achieved success but then again with the financial muscle so can another manager and let's hope that is Mancini.
Manchester City has not lost it's soul, the fans give a club it's soul and last time I looked we still had the same fans turning up to the games. I'm tired of hacks attacking City knowing that even some City fans will jump on the bandwagon and the only thing those fans are acheiving is damage to our club. Where's the seige mentality, where's the fight. We are turning a new chapter and our man needs all the support we can give him. We are touching distance from being there we just need that little bit of extra fight and Manchini will bring that or at least we can give him the benafit of the doubt until he proves otherwise. Our owner's are not stupid and have set up an aweful lot of community projects and are giving the local community around coms many more jobs, especially when the land finally gets developed around the stadium. Those that want to jump on the media bandwagon can count themselves as ungreatful because if our owners hadn't have come in the club would have more than likely been through an administration process and we would be somewhere near league 1 by now. Lets get behind our team and give the big middle finger to those hack and pundits who have been waiting in the grass ready to pounce on our new owners when they slip up. Get a grip
There is no "right way" to sack a manager. That doesnt mean the club should go out of its way to find the worst way imagineable.

I dont share the " nobody likes us we dont care" attitude that seems to be developing around the club. I thought that was for other clubs. I want City to be succesful but not at any cost to its reputation. I dont have particularly strong views on whether Mark Hughes should have been sacked but I stongly believe that the events of saturday were a complete disgrace.
Pearce_out said:
Manchester City has not lost it's soul, the fans give a club it's soul and last time I looked we still had the same fans turning up to the games. I'm tired of hacks attacking City knowing that even some City fans will jump on the bandwagon and the only thing those fans are acheiving is damage to our club. Where's the seige mentality, where's the fight. We are turning a new chapter and our man needs all the support we can give him. We are touching distance from being there we just need that little bit of extra fight and Manchini will bring that or at least we can give him the benafit of the doubt until he proves otherwise. Our owner's are not stupid and have set up an aweful lot of community projects and are giving the local community around coms many more jobs, especially when the land finally gets developed around the stadium. Those that want to jump on the media bandwagon can count themselves as ungreatful because if our owners hadn't have come in the club would have more than likely been through an administration process and we would be somewhere near league 1 by now. Lets get behind our team and give the big middle finger to those hack and pundits who have been waiting in the grass ready to pounce on our new owners when they slip up. Get a grip

This - perfectly put - City fans will never become like Chelskis and that´s why the soul will remain - our fans have one of the lowest incomes per capita in the league whilst the prawn sandwich brigade has totally taken over at the Bridge
Pearce_out said:
Manchester City has not lost it's soul, the fans give a club it's soul and last time I looked we still had the same fans turning up to the games. I'm tired of hacks attacking City knowing that even some City fans will jump on the bandwagon and the only thing those fans are acheiving is damage to our club. Where's the seige mentality, where's the fight. We are turning a new chapter and our man needs all the support we can give him. We are touching distance from being there we just need that little bit of extra fight and Manchini will bring that or at least we can give him the benafit of the doubt until he proves otherwise. Our owner's are not stupid and have set up an aweful lot of community projects and are giving the local community around coms many more jobs, especially when the land finally gets developed around the stadium. Those that want to jump on the media bandwagon can count themselves as ungreatful because if our owners hadn't have come in the club would have more than likely been through an administration process and we would be somewhere near league 1 by now. Lets get behind our team and give the big middle finger to those hack and pundits who have been waiting in the grass ready to pounce on our new owners when they slip up. Get a grip
spot on mate!!
stockportblue said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Maybe we don't. But they are right this time.

Sadly on this occassion the press are correct.This journalist has been very positive about City until this point.
bollocks,the press have just been waiting for ANYTHING to slag us off,GET IN THE REAL WORLD AND BEHIND OUR TEAM!!
mike channon´s windmill said:
Pearce_out said:
Manchester City has not lost it's soul, the fans give a club it's soul and last time I looked we still had the same fans turning up to the games. I'm tired of hacks attacking City knowing that even some City fans will jump on the bandwagon and the only thing those fans are acheiving is damage to our club. Where's the seige mentality, where's the fight. We are turning a new chapter and our man needs all the support we can give him. We are touching distance from being there we just need that little bit of extra fight and Manchini will bring that or at least we can give him the benafit of the doubt until he proves otherwise. Our owner's are not stupid and have set up an aweful lot of community projects and are giving the local community around coms many more jobs, especially when the land finally gets developed around the stadium. Those that want to jump on the media bandwagon can count themselves as ungreatful because if our owners hadn't have come in the club would have more than likely been through an administration process and we would be somewhere near league 1 by now. Lets get behind our team and give the big middle finger to those hack and pundits who have been waiting in the grass ready to pounce on our new owners when they slip up. Get a grip

This - perfectly put - City fans will never become like Chelskis and that´s why the soul will remain - our fans have one of the lowest incomes per capita in the league whilst the prawn sandwich brigade has totally taken over at the Bridge

exactly City are a fundamentally working class club and that's something I can't ever really see changing, and it gives our club a very different character to the Chelseas and Uniteds of this world, to compare us or our fans with them is like comparing apples with oranges, and anyone who's the least bit insightful into football or British society should know that.

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