Olivia’s killer guilty - Minimum of 42 years

Scouse rats.

It's frightening that there are large swathes of the population there and in other places, that are so lawless and devoid of morals and empathy, that even the murder of a nine year old girl doesn't touch or change them. These "People" should be removed from the society they hold in such contempt and placed into one they do like. The freedom to live amongst normal people trying to make a decent life for their families should be removed from feral scum. The revolving door of prison isn't the answer. The French had Devils Island, we need a similar place for these people. Don't want to live by society's standards of decency? No problem, we'll fly you to Hellsville, we hope you'll be happier there.
It's frightening that there are large swathes of the population there and in other places, that are so lawless and devoid of morals and empathy, that even the murder of a nine year old girl doesn't touch or change them. These "People" should be removed from the society they hold in such contempt and placed into one they do like. The freedom to live amongst normal people trying to make a decent life for their families should be removed from feral scum. The revolving door of prison isn't the answer. The French had Devils Island, we need a similar place for these people. Don't want to live by society's standards of decency? No problem, we'll fly you to Hellsville, we hope you'll be happier there.
I think it was "High Plains Drifter" where Clint had the citizens paint all the buildings red,and a big sign on the approach road painted in big red letters -
I think it was "High Plains Drifter" where Clint had the citizens paint all the buildings red,and a big sign on the approach road painted in big red letters -

Ha ha yes. It would be a kind of parallel society. An island somewhere with facilities, housing of sorts and the basics. It would be built and funded by money seized from the POC act. Persistent anti sociable toerags, drug dealers, robbers etcetera go there. Murderers are imprisoned here as normal but if they live to be released also go there. Fuck them off and leave them to it and let those of us trying to live decent lives get on with ours in peace.

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