Olivia’s killer guilty - Minimum of 42 years

I despair at the criminal justice system currently. The local paper every week has a story of some feral Tosser being in court for drugs/assault/abuse and almost to a man they get a suspended sentence and a slapped wrist because there is nowhere to put them.
Got it in one!

The dregs of British society have filled the prisons and so it seems like no-one is afraid of being sent down, and if they are, it’s street cred when they get out!

Spend the money. Build top, top new prisons and quit being mard arses in the courts with these ASBO graduates who now think they’re hard.

Without a stick, everyone looks like a carrot to these scum.
I know a retired police inspector and he told me years ago that legalising drugs would end most crimes. I suspect that the politicians know this, but dare not go down that direction. Though a fair few of them are on drugs themselves - allegedly.

The only snags are you would get social problems like people driving about coked up, but they do that anyway, and it would lead to more pressure on the NHS - so does alcohol.

I don't do drugs and never have. I promised my mother and have never had anything but alcohol, which is legal and doesn't count. But we do need to take this bull by the horns because the gangster-related side of it is a monster that needs crushing. Personally, I think police should focus much more on taking down gangsters, especially the top boys, as they are a plague on society.
The getaway driver should never see the light again too. To protect a utter piece of toxic shit like him is unforgivable! Pair of callous vile bastards!
Every single person, and I do mean every one who uses and therefore helps make the drug market as lucrative as it is needs to look themselves in the mirror and admit that they, in one way or another, however minor they may consider their usage helps play a part in generating this lawlessness. Something has to be done to get rid of this scourge on the streets, be it full licenced acceptance of drugs or a zero tolerance on the lot, the former I would think is the most sensible.
Legalise it and it goes away.
This **** is going to get shanked up the arse in jail isn't he - probably at a moment when due to an unfortunate coincidence wasn't caught on cctv or seen by the guards..
His family and missus don't exactky look like pillars of the community, absolute state of them leaving court in those pictures fucking hell
Every single person, and I do mean every one who uses and therefore helps make the drug market as lucrative as it is needs to look themselves in the mirror and admit that they, in one way or another, however minor they may consider their usage helps play a part in generating this lawlessness. Something has to be done to get rid of this scourge on the streets, be it full licenced acceptance of drugs or a zero tolerance on the lot, the former I would think is the most sensible.
The former has not and never will work though
His family and missus don't exactky look like pillars of the community, absolute state of them leaving court in those pictures fucking hell
I haven't seen the photos but I can picture what scouse, murdering drug-dealing scum look like...

Let me guess - the women head to toe in snide Gucci, the men in snide black North Face?

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