Omar Berrada to the rags | TLDR: They want to be us

Of course it’s PR to a point. But at least he’s reaching out to the Rags. And let’s be honest, United have a good track record with engaging and talking to their different fan groups. It looks as if he is carrying that on as CEO. It’s easy
to dislike him because he moved to the Rags, which I fully understand.
@jrb I haven't taken a dislike to him. (I never knew him in the first place) My point is, it means zilch. If MUST and the rest want to remain at the current stadium but Scruffy wants to move, guess who wins. If he wants to put ticket prices up it's the same. If I'm going to be shit on by my club I would prefer it if they didn't pretend they cared. A bit like City treat us really.
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@jrb I haven't taken a dislike to him. (I never knew him in the first place) My point is, it means zilch. If MUST and the rest want to remain at the current stadium but Scruffy wants to move, guess who wins. If he wants to put ticket prices up it's the same. If I'm going to be shit on by my club I would prefer it if they didn't pretend they cared. A bit like City treat us really.
I didn’t say you did.

A lot of City fans did because he went to the Rags. To me that was a career move. A once in lifetime opportunity to be a CEO, and a CEO of United. I can’t blame him or dislike him for taking that opportunity.

That’s a lot of speculation. Let’s see what plays out at the Rags off the pitch in the next few years. One thing is certain, United will be a better run club with some City blueprint running through it. They want to be us!
I thought manure were the original shit on the fans club, first to introduce the expensive cup scheme over ten years ago, I'm sure I remember people complaining and or people on here taking the piss out of them for it.

Apparently Villa have upset their fans this week with the CL ticket scheme
I didn’t say you did.

A lot of City fans did because he went to the Rags. To me that was a career move. A once in lifetime opportunity to be a CEO, and a CEO of United. I can’t blame him or dislike him for taking that opportunity.

That’s a lot of speculation. Let’s see what plays out at the Rags off the pitch in the next few years. One thing is certain, United will be a better run club with some City blueprint running through it. They want to be us!
Makes sense that they go after every ex city employee, the guy running the show and tasked with copying city has never been in that position of power before, he isn't used to it and will be out of his depth at least to start with. He will want every person he can lay his hands on that have any experience at city to help him copy us. This is something to savour, never let them live down the time they desperately tried to be us.
Objectively speaking it had to be worth the risk I reckon. I expect it would have been a massive no if the Glazers were still pulling the strings. I think Ratcliffe is genuinely committed to change and it’s perfectly plausible he could make a success of it. Think in those circumstances it’s got to be worth a punt, career wise.

It’s certainly not guaranteed to work out, but it has a fighting chance I reckon.

And when I say success I mean getting top four regularly. They’ll never dominate like before. Simply not possible.

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