Opposition view: Hull City

All 8 of them on that forum seem very bitter, Allam should change the name to the Hull Tw(i)ts, they can't complain that name doesn't fit, the FA would wave it through without problem IMHO.
Interestingly enough Hull Tigers haven't yet even managed to sell out their reduced allocation for tomorrow.
Proper club? Don't make me laugh.
Half of them will be back to being united fans starting next season you'd imagine.
forevermancity said:
what a bunch mardarses, got to the prem by spending more than anyone in the championship

cya hull...you wont be missed!

I'm afraid this is factually incorrect. We did not spend more than everyone else, far from it.

We had a fairly cheaply assembled team, only made one £1million+ signing in the summer before we got promoted.

The likes of Cardiff, Blackburn, Bolton, Forest, Ipswich and Leicester had all spent more, whilst Watford had just loaned half of Udinese's team.
citykev28 said:
Ric said:
Normally I get a blogger to do it, but there are a lack of Hull bloggers out there so a forum owner gave me permission to post the questions on their board.

Was surprised by the level of vitriol aimed at us to be honest. Never thought there was any particular bad blood between the clubs. One of them took particular exception to me calling us City, rather than them.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.hullcityindependent.net/?page=forum&forum_id=8&thread_id=20536&selpage=0&&limit=15&obf=post_number&obad=ASC" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.hullcityindependent.net/?pag ... r&obad=ASC</a>

I signed up to that forum a while ago due to living here and bluemoon being disrupted during a change of server or something.

They really are an odd bunch on that forum and racism seems to be actively encouraged never mind tolerated. I work with and know loads of their supporters who are decent and genuine top blokes but there's a strange small team mentality about them. For years, they were knocking around the bottom divisions and had a shit time of it. This seems to convince quite a lot of them that it's alright to "support" a second team. These are blokes that are decent members of society and have good careers. They occasionally seem to get football but it's taken me a couple of years to even break the surface of what FFP is all about and why it's a bad thing for their team.

Like most supporters around the country, they see City as the big bad wolf but are oblivious to the fact that Spurs, Liverpool, Everton, Arsenal and United cut them adrift for many years and without major investment, would have seen them languishing down with c**t, Grimsby or even Scarborough.

Since they moved into the new stadium and got to the Premier League, their attendances have grown by about 500% but you can bet your life that they'll sing "Where were you when you were shit?" tomorrow. If you get talking to any in the pubs tomorrow and they start on about our fanbase, ask them about the time back in 99/2000 when they ran a front page of the Hull Daily Mail asking people just to join the membership scheme to give them money as they knew full well that they wouldn't get more than 5,000 through the turnstiles unless United or Liverpool were in town.

I hope they stay up though. It's the only time I'm ever able to get a taxi home from an away game.

We had an average attendance of around 17,000 in Division Three (now League 2) so it's not strictly true to say our attendances have grown 500% in the Premier League.
Wilf Wild 1937 said:
Interestingly enough Hull Tigers haven't yet even managed to sell out their reduced allocation for tomorrow.
Proper club? Don't make me laugh.

Tickets are £46 and we've been shite recently. It's not surprising that our allocation hasn't sold out in minutes, is it?

As for everything else that has been said on this forum, I've nothing against Man City fans. At least, nothing against the one's who've been following you for years. The one's who've hopped along since Arab money came in are wankers. In the same way the glory hunters at Man Utd are wankers and the same as the Hull City fans who have a 'second club' and only watch us when we're in the Premier League are wankers.

It's not your fault you have them, it's part and parcel of success. As for those of you who said you hope we become Hull Tigers on the grounds that a few fans said some not very nice things about your club, grow up you petty bastards. If Allam gets his way it will set a precedent. If you have any integrity or care for the history of the English game then you'd oppose a name change of any historical English football team.

You will win tomorrow. We're so shit we may be the one team bad enough for you to beat without Toure right now. Chelsea will win the league though, as they are better than you. Anyone who's planning on informing me that we're going to go down, don't waste your breath. I enjoy elements of the Premier League but relegation wouldn't bother me in the slightest. More games, more unpredictable, more wins, better atmosphere, cheaper tickets and less prawn sandwich munchers.
In all honesty do we care what Hull City fans think?

They come across as a right set of childish idiots on the replies given.

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