Oslo Bombing.

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Damocles said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Whilst having the deepest sympathy with you and your countrymen,I would take issue with you on the 'intelligent' comment.
Intelligent folk do not indiscriminately kill innocent young people.
Intelligent folk are not neo-nazi nutters.
And intelligent people don't massacre others in God's name.

He successfully blew up a government building to divert all possible police attention away from the island where he committed his killing spree. That isn't the action of a thick person.

I never said that the perpetrator was thick.
I merely stated that his actions are not exactly tantamount to the hallmarks of an intelligent person.
And I expected better of a supposedly intelligent person like yourself who should be capable of discerning the difference without resorting to deliberate misquoting.

-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:00 pm --

A message to you balti,

Just when and where I decide to exit a thread is down to my own choosing,and not subject to the whim of some right wing nutter who was advocating torture earlier in the day,such is the level of his intelligence.
I will 'let it lie' when I deem fit.
You are not a moderator on this forum.
You are,in fact, an ignorant bigot who occasionally acts like one.
You made a twat of yourself on this thread,and no amount of backtracking can hide that fact.
I don't use dead folk to make my case,and that was precisely what you resorted to here.
Oh,and it really isn't hard to take the moral high ground against someone who considers torture and murder acceptable options.

don't continue to advertise your stupidity when you claim to be only interested in respecting the dead
im norwegian and i can understand why this tragedy happend. it was just a matter of time that somebody from oslo couldnt take it anymore. the rasicsm in norway comes from muslims, praticularry in oslo. they own that city. and you have to live there to see how bad things are. norwegians are very proud of their country, but not oslo, cause oslo has proven to fail in their way of immigration. the politicians have brought this to themselfs, and are to blame for much what happend.

there comes a point of every man when enough is enough. im not shocked at all, it was bound to happen.
population of 600 000. its estimated to be around 100 000 muslims in the capital. its a small city. they own it. believe me.
Frank the Yank said:
Thoughts with all the people from Norway. Whoever is responsible should be eradicated from the earth. Scum and evil pure and simple......
should just be deleteed frome life mate 100 percent
gangerolv said:
population of 600 000. its estimated to be around 100 000 muslims in the capital. its a small city. they own it. believe me.
Really? From all my visits to Oslo, plus the short time I lived in the city, I saw only people. I haven't a clue what religious beliefs they held, if any. I couldn't tell from a person's appearance if they were born in Norway or another country. Yes, there are areas of the city that have higher non-ethnic Scandinavian populations than other areas, but so what? People like to stick together, especially when they arrive in a new city, and diversity can be a rich asset. I've never heard a Norwegian condemn their own 'Little Norway' on the Canary Islands. I think Oslo has a bigger image problem with the amount of prostitution and drug dealing that takes place in broad daylight, right in the heart of the tourist area.

There will always be people in any country who object to their government's stance on immigration. Likewise, there will always be people who object to something or other, people who like to have a moan and a gripe. But when the moaners and gripers start to let things get to them, when negative thoughts start to dominate their thinking, when they seek out groups that share their same negative thoughts, when things start to get corrupted and extreme, then there is a real problem.

Most people manage to live and let live, regardless of how things may not be quite perfect for them. Unfortunately, there is a tiny proportion of the world's population that allow things to go to extremes, whether that be a matter of religion, ethnicity, politics, or just a sheer quest for power. Tragically for Norway, one of those extremists happened to be Anders Behring Breivik.
another generation said:
gangerolv said:
population of 600 000. its estimated to be around 100 000 muslims in the capital. its a small city. they own it. believe me.
Really? From all my visits to Oslo, plus the short time I lived in the city, I saw only people. I haven't a clue what religious beliefs they held, if any. I couldn't tell from a person's appearance if they were born in Norway or another country. Yes, there are areas of the city that have higher non-ethnic Scandinavian populations than other areas, but so what? People like to stick together, especially when they arrive in a new city, and diversity can be a rich asset. I've never heard a Norwegian condemn their own 'Little Norway' on the Canary Islands. I think Oslo has a bigger image problem with the amount of prostitution and drug dealing that takes place in broad daylight, right in the heart of the tourist area.

There will always be people in any country who object to their government's stance on immigration. Likewise, there will always be people who object to something or other, people who like to have a moan and a gripe. But when the moaners and gripers start to let things get to them, when negative thoughts start to dominate their thinking, when they seek out groups that share their same negative thoughts, when things start to get corrupted and extreme, then there is a real problem.

Most people manage to live and let live, regardless of how things may not be quite perfect for them. Unfortunately, there is a tiny proportion of the world's population that allow things to go to extremes, whether that be a matter of religion, ethnicity, politics, or just a sheer quest for power. Tragically for Norway, one of those extremists happened to be Anders Behring Breivik.

TheMightyQuinn said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
High five!

high five in a mass murder thread?

brownie points scoring never ends.

Us humans have to stick together for evolutions sake, if that means me and NF high fiving at inappropriate times then so be it.

Besides, the man had just served a knock out blow to his opponent which made me do a little smile inside my heart.

I suppose high fiving is better than your usual diatribe, i'll expand on my previous response.

I agree the death penalty / capital punishment is not a deterrent , it's a weak arguement used by people against it , prison in general is not a deterrent , that's why they are full of re - offenders , it should be used as the ultimate penalty/ punishment for the most heinous crimes , which I would suggest murdering a hundred people is.

What prison sentence do you feel is appropriate for this crime?

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